Why does green feces appear?

In adults, normal feces are usually colored brown, which is given to the bile pigments. Depending on the amount of pigments, stool color can vary widely from almost discolored, white to black.

The color of the stool can vary with the use of various products that are intensively colored. Changes in the color of feces is of great diagnostic importance, as it often occurs as a result of various pathological changes in the body.

In general, the appearance of green stools is an important reason for concern. After all, feces are in many ways a kind of indicator of the work of the organism, especially in children.

Why green feces: causes in adults

What does this mean, and for what reasons does it appear? Most often green feces appear in a perfectly healthy person for the simple reason that it has many products in which there are dyes of green color. Such dyes are not digested in the stomach, and gradually they begin to color the feces in a dark green color. And the more the dye was eaten, the more intense the stain will be.

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Such stain color can cause :

  • green leaf cultures: salads, dill, onions, broccoli, savoy cabbage, spinach;
  • caramel with dye;
  • cereals and muesli;
  • sea fish and red meat;
  • red beans;
  • black licorice;
  • fruit juices;
  • vegetable purees from a range of baby food.

However, this stool color also indicates gastrointestinal diseases. Green feces can cause diseases of the small intestine, dysbacteriosis, the use of antibiotics for a long period of time. This disease is accompanied by an unpleasant putrefactive odor.

A green shade of feces is attached to dead leukocytes, which accumulate in the intestine during an acute inflammatory process. If the patient has dysbacteriosis, food in the small intestine is difficult to digest, which leads to putrefactive and fermenting processes in it and the formation of substances that color the adults in green.

Why the chair is green: the pathological causes of

If you exclude the alimentary factor, then there are a number of other reasons, because of which appears the green color of the feces in adults. These factors can be associated with violations of the intestine and other related organs and systems.

The most common ailments, causing the appearance of stool of dark green color , are:

  • food poisoning;
  • rotavirus infection;
  • food allergy;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • infringement of intestinal innervation;
  • is a malabsorption syndrome;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • internal bleeding;
  • intolerance to fructose and lactose;
  • thyrotoxicosis.

Sometimes such color of feces is observed in case of infectious inflammations and diseases, for example, with acute enterocolitis. In this case, the patient may also have vomiting and an increase in temperature.

What should I do?

If the feces have changed color due to the use of certain foods, medications or food additives, then no specific treatment is required. However, in all other cases, you need to see a doctor, especially if the green chair is accompanied by fever, diarrhea or constipation, weight loss and general malaise.

Feces of greenish color can be both a symptom of a beginning illness, and a temporary phenomenon. The main thing is to establish the exact cause of such a change, and if necessary start to take measures to restore it.

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