Paresthesia of the lower extremities: causes, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment

Sensation of loss of normal sensitivity of the toes is considered a frequent occurrence. The feeling of "swelling" of one or both feet, arising from an uncomfortable posture, passes without a trace. This happens with the kids, who "sit out" the legs, forgetting during the game. Children's leg can be warmed, rubbed, and this way to eliminate unpleasant tingling and painful numbness. But the absence of a skin reaction to touch comes as a result of neuralgic disease, less often in children, much more often in adults.

The phenomenon of paresthesia of the lower extremities and its types

Paresthesia of the lower extremities is the so-called symptom, expressed in the unpleasant necrosis of the skin surface, the appearance of "goosebumps" or unnatural, as if suppressed soreness when touching.

Paresthesias are divided into two types - permanent and transient:

  • Constant disturbance of foot sensitivity occurs as a result of severe diseases with irreversible consequences, it can become a complication after surgical intervention in the activity of the spinal cord or brain.
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  • Transient paresthesias occur after some injuries, accompany migraine attacks, are side effects of taking certain medications. Since numbness is symptomatic, the treatment is subject to the underlying disease.

Numbness or skin spikes can be seen on different parts of the legs:

  • in the feet, the symptom is most often manifested,
  • numbness of the calves may be accompanied by convulsions,
  • paresthesia of the hip sections has the largest area and is manifested most when touched by the skin.

Night and morning numbness of feet

This is a separate class of paresthesias. Sleep is given to a person to regain strength. The horizontal position of the body helps to relax the muscles, the same posture is associated with the danger of weakening the blood flow in the vessels of the legs.

In the standing position, blood flows to the small capillaries of the toes in a natural way, but the heart of an elderly or unhealthy person no longer copes with his work so easily, especially during sleep.

Night lack of blood circulation leads to the fact that nutrition of the tissues of the legs worsens, there is a feeling of tingling on the skin, painful numbness or even convulsions. Sensations are the impetus for awakening.

  • If a change in the posture helps to overcome symptoms, then worry is not worth it. Simply a nerve, clamped by an awkwardly located part of the body, does not provide a vascular tone. Waking up, you can stretch your leg and continue to try to sleep in the right posture, on the back, with straight legs or a low pillow under your knees.
  • If the sensations of the necrosis of the skin occur constantly, disturb sleep, accompanied by pain and cramps, then the body has problems requiring medical solutions. The patient is shown an examination of the heart, blood vessels and spine.

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Causes of paresthesia of lower extremities

There are many reasons for the development of pathology. It is very important to find the right one, because the outcome of the whole treatment will depend on it.

  • To the most common causes of numbness in different legs, doctors refer to as osteochondrosis .

    Traumatic and age-related deformations of the cartilaginous and bone tissues of the spine lead to prolonged compression of nerves and vessels, as a result of which metabolic processes slow down, and paresthesia occurs.

    Symptom is a companion of intervertebral hernias of the lumbar region, and without treatment in a neurologist a patient at risk of being partially paralyzed.

  • Paresthesias are found in patients who underwent surgery to remove spinal cord hernia .If the numbness is caused by postoperative paresis( muscle paralysis) of the leg muscles, then the rehabilitation course is oriented towards overcoming the main complication. With the improvement of the patient's symptoms, the symptoms soften or even go away.
  • Heart diseases can cause a deficiency of blood supply to tissues. Legs suffer more often, because they are farther from other parts of the body from the "central pump" - the heart. Peripheral vessels lacking the vital force of blood, reduce clearance, lose tonus and do not provide correct skin reactions.
  • Circulatory disorders of the of any type and volume are fraught with the danger of paresthesia of the legs. Not without reason one of the frequent complications of strokes is paresis, accompanied by complete or partial loss of sensitivity of large areas of the body. Timely rehabilitation measures will help patients overcome complications.
  • Tumor processes in the spine and brain of lead to paresthesia. Special attention is paid to the treatment of decreased sensitivity of the skin of the legs, since the patient's condition usually requires surgical intervention. The patient's health depends on the outcome of the treatment of the underlying illness.
  • Diabetes mellitus in severe forms affects the blood vessels of the lower limbs in a fatal manner, up to the gangrene. Therefore, paresthesias in diabetics are almost inevitable. The treatment of diabetes is carried out in a comprehensive manner and includes measures to help the vessels.
  • Diseases of the arteries of the legs - obliterating endarteritis, Raynaud's disease - cause numbness of the extremities along the vessels. Multiple sclerosis is also associated with disorders of cutaneous reactions of the extremities. These diseases require long and highly professional treatment.

Reasons for reversible paresthesias include:

  • B vitamins deficiency,
  • migraine attacks,
  • repetitive forced postures associated with long limb compression,
  • severe anxiety and anxiety,
  • acute alcohol polyneuropathy.

More about the symptoms of paresthesia

A person does not always notice the numbness of the skin of the lower limbs. Therefore, it is useful to know what symptoms should alarm.

  • During the cutting of nails on the big toes, you can find that the skin on the border with the cuticle does not feel scissors. This site is so small that its paresthesia does not cause trouble. But the symptom is obvious, and he speaks about the need for examination of the lumbar spine.
  • The lower the numbness on the leg, the closer to the coccyx is that part of the spine that is affected by osteochondrosis. The toes lose sensitivity in the lesions of the 4th and 5th disks of the lumbar region and the sacrum( levels L4-L5, L5-S1), and the skin of the thighs signals a poor level of L1-L2, L2-L3.
    The skin of the feet sometimes not only does not distinguish acute or blunt touch, but also does not react to cold and hot water. This is a sign of deep and prolonged compression of the nerves.
  • Since circulatory disturbance is the main trigger, which "includes" paresthesia, the unhealthy color and low temperature of the skin of the legs should cause the person to fear. Cyanosis or excessive chilliness of the feet will inevitably lead to numbness, if not take the necessary measures.
  • Pain sensations, combined with numbness, are a worrying sign of the rapid progress of the disease. The patient needs diagnostics and a well-designed treatment course.

Modern diagnostics of lower limb paresthesias

The complex diagnostic examination of patients with symptoms of loss of sensitivity of the skin of the legs includes traditional and high-tech methods.

As paresthesia itself is not a disease, but only its symptom, the survey tactics are developed by a specialist.

  • Gold standard for examination of the patient with numbness of the legs - ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities, or ultrasonic dopplerography. The degree of vascular lesion with a hardware ultrasound is detected with high accuracy.
  • In case of problems with the spine, a complete picture of the condition will give an MRI.Based on the results of the tomography, the doctor will make the necessary appointments.
  • To establish the involvement of the heart in the paresthesias of the legs, ECGs are prescribed, and echo electrocardiography, if necessary.
  • In case of suspicion of brain problems, encephalography, radiography or computed tomography may be prescribed.

Paresthesias can often be accompanied by pathological synkinesis. In this section there is all the information about this disease.

What drugs are used to treat cardioneurosis can be read in this article.

What is the difference between a concussion from a brain injury, how to help an injured person http: // bolezni-nevrologii / sherepno-mozgovye-travmy / ushib-golovnogo-mozga.html.

Methods for treating lower extremity paresthesia


Successfully applied to treat loss of sensitivity of any leg segments. The condition of the patients is greatly facilitated by:

  • massage - vacuum, underwater or manual,
  • treatment with the Darsonval apparatus,
  • electrophoresis with nicotinic acid,
  • galvanic mud applications,
  • acupuncture,
  • therapeutic exercise.

Combination of physiotherapy with taking medications

Significantly improves the result. The most effective drugs in cases of paresthesias are drugs that reduce blood viscosity and improve peripheral and cerebral circulation.

  • preparations of nicotinic acid,
  • trental,
  • piracetam,
  • Cavinton.
  • nootropil.

A good result is provided by means with antioxidant effect, applied intravenously in struino or in the form of infusions:

  • actovegin,
  • mexidol,
  • berlition.

The newest neurosurgical techniques

They are performed with minimal tissue trauma and give good results when removing hernial deformities of the spine cartilage. Paresthesia of the extremities can be performed immediately after the operation or after a course of rehabilitation.

Folk remedies

Methods of folk treatment also deserve attention in the treatment of numbness of the legs. Often used for ingestion are infusions and decoctions of herbs:

  • sweet clover,
  • horse chestnut,
  • willow bark,
  • birch leaves.

These plants enhance blood circulation and dilate blood vessels. It is necessary to comply with all the rules for the preparation and reception of broths, not exceeding the recommended dosage.

Preventative measures to prevent paresthesias

Cured paresthesias can return if the doctor's recommendations are not observed. Many patients are prescribed lifetime medications to improve blood circulation.

Among them a worthy place is taken by oral means on a plant basis. The most popular among them are preparations with the extract of Gingko Biloba:

  • Tanakan,
  • Bilobil,
  • Memoplant.

For patients at risk, these funds are prescribed prophylactically. Admission of listed drugs is recommended for diabetics, hypertensive patients, patients with vascular problems of different origin.

Active way of life of people at any age has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels and blood.

The most harmonious sport without contraindications is swimming, which combines the massage effect of water with the activity of all muscle groups of the body, especially the legs.

Moderately frequent visits to the swimming pool and swimming in natural water bodies will help maintain healthy and strong legs throughout life.

It should not be forgotten that smoking and excessive drinking are considered the most obvious enemies of human body vessels. If signs of paresthesia of the lower extremities are obvious, then they can not be left without attention and adequate treatment.

An incorrect lifestyle is subject to adjustment in accordance with the requirements of medicine.

On the video, you can see the technique of performing preventative foot massage, which is also used in the treatment of paresthesias:

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