Hypesesia: causes, symptoms, treatment, consequences and prevention

Quite often people feel numbness in the hands or feet. In some cases, the state of hypoesthesia is considered physiological, while in others it can indicate serious malfunctions in the body. If this phenomenon is observed constantly, you need to see a doctor - perhaps, he will identify a pathology that requires immediate treatment.

Hypesesia - a description of the disease

This term refers to all possible disorders of sensitivity. As a result, a person can not perceive external stimuli and adequately respond to the changes that are observed in his body.

The development of hypoesthesia is associated with certain types of disorders that appear in the nerve endings. It can be painful, tactile, temperature, auditory, olfactory sensations.

Quite often, hypoesthesia appears during pregnancy - in this case, women complain of a feeling of numbness in the hands or feet. After childbirth, this condition usually passes.

Hypesesia can also occur in the area of ​​fingers and hands, and it appears, usually after sleep. This indicates the accumulation of fluid in the tissues, which is the result of a metabolic disorder.

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In a late pregnancy, a woman may be tormented by various neurological problems, including hypoesthesia. She occasionally provokes insomnia at the 37th week of pregnancy. Measures for the prevention and control of sleep disorders.

To avoid the development of a dropsy of the brain, you need to know the main causes that provoke or contribute to the appearance of this pathology. Read more. ..

Types of hypoesthesia

Hypesesia can manifest itself in various forms - its types depend on the location of the symptoms:

Face hypophesia

May be a consequence of vascular or neurological pathologies. If loss of sensitivity is observed only on one side, this may indicate trigeminal neuralgia.

If the affected area appears red or a rash appears on it, the cause may be the development of shingles.

Hypesthesia of the hands

If there is a hypoesthesia of the hands for two or more minutes, this may indicate a disease of the nervous system or vascular pathologies.

Also, the condition can be caused by a tumor, a violation of blood circulation in the brain, multiple sclerosis.

Hypesthesia of legs

This pathology can be a consequence of circulatory disorders in the lower limbs, which causes nerve damage. If hypoesthesia of the legs is accompanied by severe pain, it can talk about vascular diseases - obliterating endarteritis, venous insufficiency, atherosclerosis.

If hypoesthesia is accompanied by a shooting pain in the leg or lower back, the probable cause is sciatica.

Causes and provoking factors

Often, hypoesthesia is a sign of various pathologies.

To the loss of sensitivity can lead to such diseases:

  • Disturbance of blood circulation.
  • Malignant formation.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Migraines. Deficiency of vitamins and microelements. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. Transient ischemic attacks.
  • Pinching the nerve.
  • Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Genetic pathology.

Symptoms and manifestations of

The presence of hypoesthesia can be evidenced by various signs:

  • decreased tactile sensitivity during contact with different subjects;
  • reduced pain sensitivity;
  • decrease in temperature sensitivity;
  • complexity with the determination of the temperature difference;
  • reduction of olfactory sensations;
  • hearing impairment.


If hypoesthesia appears quite often and lasts more than two to three minutes, it is necessary to undergo a survey. First you need to see a neurologist.

The specialist will assign such studies:

  • General blood test. With the help of this study it will be possible to determine the presence of iron deficiency or pernicious anemia.
  • Computed tomography, radiology. With the help of these procedures, it is possible to detect fractures of bones that caused damage to nerve fibers. In addition, these techniques provide an opportunity to diagnose arthritis, osteochondrosis and other pathologies.
  • Electroneuromyography. Helps to locate the location of the damaged nerve.
  • Ultrasound Doppler Examination. It provides an opportunity to identify vascular pathologies - atherosclerosis, varicose veins, thromboses, etc.

In the first days of life a newborn child performs spontaneous and awkward movements. Therefore, it is difficult for young parents to make out what is the norm, and what goes beyond it. One such manifestation is the tremor of the extremities in newborns, which delivers a lot of worries to the parents of the newborn baby.

Osteochondrosis affects people over 30 years of age. Especially neglected form of the disease can provoke the development of dizziness and nausea. Why it is very important at the first symptoms to see a doctor, learn from the article.

What predictions for the life of patients are given in the diagnosis of brain meningioma, please see the link http: //gidmed.com/ bolezni-nevrologii /opuholi/ meningioma-golovnogo-mozga.html.

Treatment of

If symptoms of hypoesthesia are observed, it is necessary to determine the cause of their appearance. This will help an experienced specialist.

Treatment is based on the use of various methods, based on the use of medicines.

The choice of this or that drug depends on the cause that led to the development of the disease.

As additional methods of influence apply phonophoresis, ultrasonic waves, electrophoresis, darsonval.

Radon baths and mud have an excellent effect on the human body. Paraffin and ozocerite wraps can be used. Often appointed acupuncture.

There are many folk methods of treating this pathology.

However, before using them, it is necessary to get expert advice.

  • For a third fill the capacity of 0.5 liters of crushed garlic, pour the vodka. Remove for a couple of weeks in a dark place. Periodically, you need to shake the container. Take five drops three times a day, diluting the composition with a teaspoon of water. The course of therapy is a month.
  • Mix 1 liter of water, 50 g of ammonia, 10 g of camphor alcohol. Shake well and apply to massage the affected areas.
  • If hypoesthesia affects the fingers, take 0.5 cups of sugar and the same amount of vegetable fat, mix thoroughly. Performing circular movements, apply the composition to the affected areas. After the procedure, you should add a couple of spoonfuls of salt to a liter of warm water and put fingers into it for 45 minutes.

Forecast and implications of

The possible consequences are entirely dependent on the cause that led to this state. Severe pathologies without proper treatment can lead to disability and even death. Therefore, hypesthesia should be considered as a consequence of another disease, which must be identified and eliminated.


To prevent the development of this pathology, it is recommended to perform such preventive measures:

  • to increase motor activity;
  • correctly organize your work day;
  • to abandon bad habits;
  • timely treat chronic diseases;
  • is right and rational to eat.

Hypesesia rarely acts as an independent disease. Much more often, loss of sensitivity is a consequence of other pathologies, some of which, if untreated, can have serious consequences.

If you notice that some parts of your body have become less sensitive, consult a doctor immediately.

On the video a lecture on perceptual disorders such as hypoesthesia, hyperesthesia and others:

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