Causes and treatment of frequent headaches

1 What are the types of headache

Often the cause of this problem is the lifestyle of a person. However, diseases can also provoke it. Let us consider in more detail what a frequent headache is.

To such pains is a tension headache, which arises as a response of the body to a long stay in one position, nervous tension or stress. Such pain, as it were, squeezes the head and is localized on both sides, with one more strongly. Pain in osteochondrosis. Dull and bursting pain, which is localized in the back of the neck or temples and is strengthened by morning. This may give rise to a sensation of hot flashes, and bags under the eyes appear.

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Migraine is a vascular headache, with a headache most often localized in one part of the head giving off into the eye. A migraine is often preceded by an aura, and it is accompanied by vomiting of nausea and photophobia. Also, headache can provoke hypertension. The pain in this case is most often felt in the form of dull strokes in the head, in severe cases from pulsating turns into a constant pressure. Venous, occurs due to disturbed outflow. A blunt, dull pain that intensifies when you have to work with your head lowered.

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Fluorodinamic cephalalgia. The cause of pain is increased intracranial pressure, due to changes in intracranial structures. The pain that bursts, which is aggravated by coughing, walking or when a person takes an upright position.

Psychogenic headache. The cause of this type of cephalalgia is a depressive condition. Usually it is intense and painful. Strengthens when a person falls into a stressful situation.

In many cases, the headache is of a mixed type, and only the doctor can determine the cause.

2 Doctors need to consult and diagnose

Cases in which you must seek medical help:

  1. You should always seek emergency medical help if you have a headache lasting more than three days or are accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness and loss of consciousness.
  2. When the character of the headache changes, or from the squeezing, it has turned into a bursting, or the localization has changed.
  3. If from an attack of cephalalgia a person wakes up in the middle of the night.
  4. Emergency medical help is required, the head hurts sharply and unbearably, this may indicate a stroke. After trauma, when cephalalgia is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  5. Do not delay the visit to a specialist, if the head hurts in the nose, pain increases during the tilt, such symptoms indicate sinusitis.
  6. If more than three times a week or more than seven days in a row you need to take medications that relieve headaches, then this is also an occasion to contact a specialist.

How the headache is diagnosed:

  • Anamnesis is specified. The doctor determines the frequency with which a headache occurs. Its period and localization, as well as information about what symptoms it accompanies. If a person suffers from several types of cephalalgia, the doctor specifies whether the nature of the pain has changed.
  • Additional methods of investigation are EEG, ophthalmic, and craniography.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging and radiography are performed.

3 Primary manifestations of the disease

Headaches can be primary or secondary. Most of all forms of cephalalgia are precisely primary headaches, in which it is not possible to determine the organic cause, the "core" of the disease is precisely the clinical signs. Secondary headache is caused by damage to the brain or other body systems.

Primary headache is a migraine. This ailment is associated with a malfunction of the nervous system. There are a lot of factors provoking an attack of this disease. These include: malnutrition, changes in the hormonal background, the intake of certain medications, sleep disorders. Most often migraine suffer from a woman.


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Tension headache. It can be caused by any factors, static stress, stress or depression.

Cluster headache. Cefalgia is associated with the expansion of cerebral vessels. Most often, men who abuse alcohol suffer from this type of cephalalgia. Pain occurs in the form of seizures and can torment a person for a long period.

Post-traumatic headache. Appears immediately after the injury or after a certain period. It may be accompanied by dizziness, vomiting, loss of consciousness. It takes place in process of recovery.

Abysusal cephalalgia. This is a chronic headache that appears against the background of uncontrolled medication. Suffer this kind of pain people who take painkillers. In order to get rid of it you need to stop uncontrolled treatment.

Primary headaches are a symptom that arises as a response to external stimuli. They are not related to the presence of pathologies in the body. In order to get rid of cefalgia of this kind, you need to eliminate the reasons for which it arose.

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Unlike the primary headache, you can get rid of secondary headaches only by curing a disease whose symptom is cefalgia.

4 Stress and strain

In today's world, one of the most common causes of cephalalgia is stress and tension. If a person spends a long time sitting at a computer in a stuffy room and working hard, the headache will not take long. It can be caused by a disease such as cervical osteochondrosis, in which blood circulation is disturbed, which is a provocateur of cephalalgia.

If raspiruyuschaya pain locates in the nape, you need to measure blood pressure, as its jumps can provoke cephalgia. With vegetovascular dystonia, the pain covers the entire head.

Headache provocators may be bad habits, abuse of caffeine and energy drinks.

Types of treatment:

  • Medication
  • Phytotherapy
  • Manual therapy
  • Pharmacopuncture
  • Massage.

Useful advices:

  1. People who have to work for a long time in one position need to try to change their pose more often, climb, perform warm-up and rest their eyes.
  2. Also, do not forget about airing the room, lack of oxygen can provoke cephalalgia.
  3. Do not often take painkillers. Taking alcohol can temporarily save a headache, but after a while it will return with a vengeance.
  4. People with hypertension need to measure blood pressure before taking pills for headaches.
  5. In some cases, in order to get rid of a constant headache, you need to start eating properly, eliminating smoked, sodas and fast food from the diet.

Do not let go of the headache, it can signal dangerous diseases.

5 Maintaining the calendar

For those who suffer frequent headaches, it is recommended to have a calendar in which to enter the following information:

  • Time of occurrence of an attack of cephalgia
  • Its duration
  • Symptoms with which it is accompanied by
  • Place of pain localization
  • Features of a diet
  • Number of cigarettes smoked or alcohol consumption
  • Events that may have triggered the
  • attack Women should mark the menstruation period
  • The name and dosage of the druga drug that was taken prior to an attack of cephalalgia or to eliminate it.

6 Women with cephalgia

Women suffer from headaches much more often than men, because the nervous system is more susceptible to them. The weaker sex reacts more acutely to pain, as the activating zones responsible for emotions differ from the male ones.

A big role in how the headache of a woman, the hormonal background, in particular the hormone estrogen, plays. Attacks migraine, which directly depend on the menstrual cycle during pregnancy or after the onset of menopause is significantly reduced.

Sometimes, in order to get rid of cephalalgia, women have to take oral contraceptives that normalize the hormonal background.

7 Symptoms in a child

Today, children often suffer from a headache. In most cases, it is associated with viral infections or overexertion. The nervous system of the child is much more sensitive than that of an adult.

If the child has a headache, you need to ask if there were bruises or falls. Measure the temperature and pay attention to additional symptoms such as a runny nose or cough.

To get rid of a headache caused by stress, a pill of child paracetamol or ibuprofen will help.

Parents should always pay attention to whether the child wakes up at night from a headache, whether such symptoms as disorientation, lethargy or drowsiness appear. In this case, you must always consult a doctor. This should be done if the child's cephalgia occurs more often than once a month.

8 Additional therapies for

Additional therapies for the treatment of cephalgia are:

  • Laser therapy
  • Hirudotherapy
  • Reflexotherapy
  • Ozone therapy

If medications do not help to get rid of cephalalgia, you need to establish proper nutrition, avoid harmful foods, play sports and avoid stressful situations. If headaches occur very often, you need to visit a doctor without fail.

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