Why often does the headache and what to do with it?

1 Primary headache

This refers to pain, which is the main sign of a poor state of the body, and it does not always appear.

  1. Pain of tension. This form arises from the reaction of the body to any negative conditions. In this case, the person has practically all the head and forehead. Pain can also spread to whiskey. It may seem to a person that his head is squeezed in a vice. This sensation can last quite a long time. The causes may be:
    • long stay in a stuffy room;
    • too sharp smells of flowers or, for example, perfume;
    • heat;
    • loud sounds;
    • stress and depression;
    • unusual for the body physical activity;
    • long stay in one position;
    • improper sleep;
    • lack of fluid in the body.

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To get rid of this problem, it is worth taking painkillers. But, unfortunately, the pills will help only if this pain does not appear as a result of depression and stress. Otherwise it's better to turn to psychologists. If a person often has pains of tension, then first of all he should pay attention to what exactly contributes to them, and try to get rid of these factors. It is worth spending more time in the fresh air and drinking a lot of fluids, but to be nervous, on the contrary, you need less.

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  1. Often the headache can be caused by excessive consumption of caffeinated foods, such as coffee, dark chocolate with a high amount of cocoa, strong tea. The fact is that these products contribute to increased pressure in the vessels. As a result of an avid coffeeman, frequent headaches can be pursued, and he will not know the reasons. If a person is excessively addicted to such products, it is worthwhile still slightly limiting himself to them. Perhaps, problems will also recede.
  2. Migraine. If the head often gets sore, then it can be a migraine. In this case, one side of the head whines. In its intensity, the pain can be both average and such that it is very difficult to tolerate. In bright light, loud sounds, physical exertion, it can intensify. Sometimes it causes even nausea or vomiting. Attacks can last up to several days. The causes can be stresses, depression, poor sleep, overheating in the sun and many other unfavorable factors. And what if there is such pain? To get rid of the problem, it is best for a person to be at rest in a darkened and soulless room. Do not forget about analgesics. Currently, many drugs have been created that relieve even very strong headaches, for example, solpadene, migrenol.
  3. Horton headache. These are quite strong headaches that last about 15 minutes to two hours and are localized in the eye area. The period during which a person can be tormented by such a problem is quite large - from 3 weeks to 3 months, seizures occur frequently, sometimes at night, sometimes in the morning. The causes may be vascular disorders, but this disease is still being studied. Analgesics can help relieve this pain, but it's best to see a doctor, because stronger medications may be needed.

2 Predisposing factors

Why often does the headache? What can it be - what can be the cause of this problem? Often the head may ache with neuralgia of the facial nerve. The causes are hypothermia, stress, facial trauma, poor immunity. Even chewing a solid food can lead to such a problem. In addition, this is the main sign of poor-quality treatment or removal of teeth or some kind of nerve disease. To prevent such pain constantly, it is necessary to limit the factors that cause it. If it appeared after dental treatment, then you need to contact the dentist who treated. If the cause was hypothermia, then it is warmer to dress. And it is best to chew hard food very carefully.


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There is another kind of primary variation - this is an atypical headache. It can be similar to migraine, and neuralgia. However, more precise reasons have not yet been clarified.

If a person wears tight caps, then the headache can also be a frequent guest. It is necessary to revise the headgear and pick one that will not exert strong pressure.

Very often my head hurts and when I work at the computer all the time. And the cause will be overexertion of the eyes.

These are the kinds of headaches that are themselves a disease. But there are other reasons.

3 Secondary pain syndrome

Often a person has a headache, but he can not determine the cause of this. Most likely, this is one of the symptoms of any disease. In this case it is necessary to consult the doctor as soon as possible to find out the reasons.

First of all, it is, of course, head injuries and spine diseases. Often, even after a headache, a person does not consult a doctor. And like everything is fine. But it takes a little time, and it starts to torment the headaches. First they can be removed by analgesics, but gradually even they cease to help. What violations occur, only the doctor can say. So do not delay. It is better to see a doctor right away after any injury.

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And as for the spine, it's a bit different here. The fact is that in the cervical spine is a lot of nerve fibers, vessels. When they are squeezed or spasms, pain occurs, which spreads to the head. The same goes for the whole back. Any muscle spasms or nerve endings are causing tension in the body and in the head. Therefore, in this case it is necessary to treat primarily the spine. An experienced doctor will determine the cause of the problem and suggest the necessary treatment.

Often, headaches can occur with diseases of the blood vessels of the brain. These can be atherosclerosis, aneurysm, transient ischemic attack, or a stroke. The fact is that the nerve endings are located in the walls of the vessels. Hence the head stresses. The cause of this is a violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. This leads to such pathologies. If a person, in addition to frequent headaches, is disturbed by signs such as dizziness, numbness of the extremities, increased or decreased pressure, then you should always consult a doctor. Cure such violations of the body can not be independently. Only a doctor is able to prescribe the right treatment that will help to relieve a person's condition.

A frequent headache can be a sign of headaches that do not depend on the condition of the vessels. They primarily include tumors, both malignant and benign. The fact is that, gradually increasing in size, the tumor begins to exert pressure on the brain and nerve endings, which leads to the occurrence of pain in the head. Also, this can be attributed to infectious diseases of the brain and its membranes. This is meningitis, encephalitis, AIDS.The pain is very severe, especially with meningitis. It is almost impossible to endure. No analgesic can fully cope with it.

If the headache is accompanied by high fever, nausea, vomiting, muscle pains, then there is no time to lose. It is urgent to see a doctor. The reasons are different: it can be either a regular flu or a meningococcal infection, which is very dangerous for a person.

By the way, a frequent headache can be a sign and simple infections. After all, each person's disease proceeds in different ways. One can get sick in a couple of days, and another will suffer for weeks. Therefore, if in addition to pain in the head there are signs such as coughing, stuffy nose, then, most likely, it is a sluggish infectious disease. A more accurate diagnosis should be made by the doctor. He will appoint the right treatment. And to ask yourself the question of what to do if you are concerned about pain, it is not worth it, since self-medication does not always help.

4 What else serves as a reason?

Often a similar problem accompanies people who use any chemical substances, or, conversely, those who have stopped taking them. They are alcohol lovers and those who use drugs. And if a person ceases to take such substances, then the headache is also present. This is because the cerebral vessels gradually begin to return to normal, and this may well be accompanied by spasms.

The head also hurts people with impaired metabolism.

So, often such problems accompany those who sit on diets. This happens because during fasting a person often reduces the amount of sugar absorbed. And with its lack of blood in the blood vessels of the brain expand. Hence the headache. If you really want to lose weight, it is better to consult a nutritionist so as not to harm the body. In women, headache often occurs as a premenstrual syndrome. The reason for this is an increase in hormones in the body. Usually this pain passes quickly enough.

Frequent occurrence of such pain can be a sign of diseases of the eyes, nose, teeth. So, with untreated caries, pain can spread to the ears and eyes. Moreover, an experienced dentist can determine which tooth has suffered, according to the area of ​​the head in which the symptom is spread. Even an incorrect bite can act as a cause of frequent spasms. Pathologies of the nose, such as sinusitis or sinusitis, are also accompanied by a headache. It has a noisy, protracted character and is strengthened with inclinations.

Eye problems are often accompanied by eye strain, which causes headaches. This pain is dull, there is a feeling of aches in the head. It starts from the temporal region and gradually passes over the entire head. In pathologies of the ear, for example, otitis, pain occurs in the temporal part of the head and gradually intensifies. Pain in the ear, extending to the entire surface of the head, can occur with tumors and meningitis.

Therefore, with frequent headaches it is worthwhile to think about what other pathologies of the head may be present in the body.

5 Conclusion

A frequent headache is a very unpleasant phenomenon, which can greatly complicate a person's life. If you can handle it with a pill, then it's very good. But if she persecutes constantly, then do not engage in self-medication. It is best to see a doctor. He will prescribe tests, and according to their results - acceptable treatment. This can not be tolerated, because often these problems are accompanied by many diseases. And if they are not treated, then gradually they will become chronic. And then treatment will be much more difficult. So identifying the cause of pain is the paramount task of the doctor.

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