What to do with an open stomach ulcer - symptoms and treatment

Under the influence of stressful situations, malnutrition and lifestyle in general, an open stomach ulcer is formed. In fact, this is a complication of chronic form, which becomes "younger" from year to year, that is, more and more often in middle-aged people. The reason for this - constant snacks in fast food, the use of alcoholic beverages, including alcoholic beverages, smoking and other unfavorable factors. Of course, to open a stomach ulcer is not enough to eat one hamburger and drink it with a bottle of beer. But a systematic and cumulative violation of all the rules of a healthy lifestyle will certainly lead to an aggravation of the situation.

As a rule, opening of a stomach ulcer occurs in the spring-autumn period. But often a dangerous pathology is manifested and without reference to seasonality, when the sluggish course of the disease acquires a sharp and pronounced form. To prevent this, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of the gastroenterologist, and with the slightest deterioration of the state of health, immediately consult a doctor.

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How to recognize the symptoms of opening a stomach ulcer?

When an ulcer occurs, the symptoms are most often expressed in sharp painful sensations. Nociception can occur both in the epigastric region and be given off in various parts of the body. For example, with the perforation of the walls of the muscle sack, the patient feels a sudden daggerache in the stomach. If the pathology is complicated by bleeding, pain may be absent, but the person has pallor, low blood pressure, general weakness and dizziness, down to loss of consciousness.

Often the symptoms of an open stomach ulcer are tortured at night. These are the so-called late pains, which manifest themselves a few hours after eating. Such signs indicate that the localization of peptic ulcer is in the antrum or in the duodenum.

By general signs, such as heartburn, belching, nausea, constipation, etc.it can not be unequivocally said that a stomach ulcer has been opened. But if the symptoms multiply repeatedly, then this is already a very alarming signal. Particularly dangerous is the presence of blood particles in the vomit or stool. Internal bleeding can mean perforation or penetration of the ulcer. In this case, urgent surgical intervention is required.

So, if an ulcer has opened, the symptoms look like this:

  • sharp and severe pains of different locations;
  • headache;
  • pallor;
  • nausea;
  • bloody vomiting of bright red or reddish brown;
  • tarry stool;
  • lowering of blood pressure;
  • temperature increase;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • impaired appetite;
  • constipation;
  • feeling of fullness of the stomach even after eating a small amount of food.

By the way, in elderly people the symptoms are not expressed so clearly, therefore, in order to reveal the opening of an ulcer in time, it is necessary to undergo a constant preventive examination.

What if I have a stomach ulcer?

When asked what to do if an ulcer has been opened, you can give only one answer - to consult a doctor immediately, since delay can threaten a person's life. Also, the effectiveness of various methods of treatment and the period of recovery of the patient depend on the speed with which qualified medical care is rendered.

Currently, the treatment of an open stomach ulcer can be carried out by both pharmacological agents and by surgical removal of pathological formation. The most common medicines are Omega or Omeprazole. Antibacterial drugs such as Metronidazole and Clarithromycin are added to them. Usually therapy is carried out for a week. If such treatment is ineffective, in addition to the above drugs, De-Nol is prescribed, as well as antibiotics Tetracycline or Amoxicillin. This scheme of treatment is designed for two weeks.

An open stomach ulcer with bleeding is treated only permanently. Before the arrival of an ambulance, the patient needs to ensure complete peace and bed rest. Completely stop the bleeding is possible with conservative therapy in combination with endoscopy and electrocoagulation. If these methods are unsuccessful, the doctor decides to conduct the operation. Surgical intervention is usually performed with perforation, stenosis, bleeding and malignancy.

After relieving the exacerbation, a diet with an open stomach ulcer is prescribed, the composition of which depends on the type and severity of the pathology. For example, when a stomach ulcer with a bleeding opens, eating for 2-3 days is completely forbidden. Only to quench your thirst can you dissolve small pieces of ice or drink water on a teaspoon.

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