Devyasil: photo of a plant

Devyasil high or yellow color - a plant with medicinal properties widely used in medicine. In the world there are about 200 species of this plant. We will become acquainted with what is useful for elecampane, see the photos of the plant below.

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Plant description

Devyasil belongsto perennial plants, however, occasionally there are also annual species. The plant begins to bloom from July and ends at the end of September. The fruits of elecampane resemble achenes, oblong with brown tufts. The fruit ripens from August to October.

This is a grassy plant growing in the form of bushes and can reach a height of 2 m. The greatest value of the plant is its thick root. The common devil has a straight stem, branched at the top. The leaves of the plant are large, elliptical, reaching 50 cm in length and 30 cm in width. Edges of the leaves are serrated. The flower is elephant yellow or orange and resembles a sunflower, however, smaller in size.
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grows. Devyasil grows on the territory of Europe, Africa and Asia. In addition, the plant is distributed in Mongolia and China, the Middle East and other territories. Devyasil can be found in the steppes, mountains, as well as in the forest-steppe area near water bodies, streams, meadows. The medicinal plant of elecampane is characterized by a bitter taste and has a fragrant smell.

Therapeutic Description

What is the strength of this medicinal plant? The use of herbs for medical purposes is due to the components of its composition:

  • pectins;
  • starch;
  • alkaloids and flavonoids;
  • vitamins;
  • gum;
  • saponins and polysaccharides;
  • essential oils and mucus;
  • lactones.

In addition to the above components, the plant includes resins, bitterness and other substances that have a positive effect on the body.

Benefits for the body

Useful properties of elecampane are used to cure various diseases.

For the treatment of cough

Effectively fights cough, ARVI, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia. In addition, it is used as an expectorant. Due to the spasmodic effect is effective for the treatment of persistent pertussis cough. In some cases, it is used for asthma.

Important! For the treatment of a cough with viscous hard-to-detachable sputum, flowers, leaves, and the elecampane root are used.

Thanks to the diaphoretic effect, the plant is used at elevated body temperature.

Digestive pathologies

Devyasil is effectively used in disorders of the stomach( constipation or diarrhea), belching, ulcers, colic, hemorrhoids, flatulence, helminthiasis, hepatitis. This herbal plant normalizes the functionality of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and relieves soreness in these organs. In addition, the root of the plant is used to improve digestion and increase appetite.

  1. Endocrine pathology. Long-term eleventh normalizes metabolism, it is prescribed for diabetes mellitus.
  2. Oncology and blood diseases. This plant is effectively used in cancer diseases, anemia.
  3. Diseases of the urinary system. Due to diuretic action this herb is used for diseases of the bladder and kidneys, as well as for ishuria. Usually this medicinal herb is used as an adjuvant, and it consists of diuretic fitosbores.
  4. Rheumatic diseases. Usually rheumatic pathologies occur with pain in the muscles and joints. The rhizome of elecampane is characterized by an analgesic effect. It is used both inside and outside to relieve soreness.
  5. Vessel diseases. Grass is effectively used for the treatment of vascular spasms, headaches, and hypertension.

External use of

The plant is a natural antiseptic, therefore it is actively used for the treatment of pressure sores, boils, trophic ulcers and purulent wounds. The plant cures scabies, eczema, lichen, and atopic dermatitis. Itching, redness, pain sensations are perfectly removed with the help of compresses, lotions and baths, prepared on the basis of elecampane. In addition, the plant is used as a hemostatic. Decoctions are prescribed for stomatitis and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

Important! Devyasil is an excellent tonic. And also it is used in winter for prevention purposes, in order to strengthen the protective functions of the body.

When to collect and harvested

The most useful properties are the roots of a 2-3 year old grass with a straight and wide stem. Young grass has less medicinal value, because it does not contain the necessary amount of nutrients. However, from young shrubs you can use flowers, leaves, and stems. The harvest is held in August, for this the ground part of grass and leaves are cut. They are dried usually in the open air, bound in bundles or spread out in one layer on paper. To avoid degeneration on the glade it is advisable to leave a pair of strong bushes. The roots are harvested from the end of August to the end of September.

Important! You can collect the roots in April, when only the leaves appear on the plant.

For excavation it is recommended to take a shovel. In the radius of more than 20 cm from the stem, the root system of the plant is gently punctured. Dig up the roots at a depth of not less than 30 cm. Pull the root out of the soil behind the stem, carefully so as not to break it.

Warning! To protect the plant, it is recommended to leave 2 untouched stems on each square.

Rhizome cleaned from the ground and washed. Damaged or thin roots break off.
Then the rhizomes must be cut and left in the open air for two days. Afterwards, the roots are dried in a well-ventilated room. If there is dry weather, then the roots should be dried in the sun. When the rhizomes are completely dried( they become very brittle), they are transferred to tissue bags for further storage in a cool dry place.

Warning! Collect the grass away from roads and polluted terrain.

Contraindications to the use of the plant

Despite its useful properties, this herb has a number of contraindications:

  1. Preparations based on elecampane should not be taken to people suffering from kidney and urinary tract diseases in acute forms. If these pathologies occur in chronic form, elecampane is applied moderately.
  2. It is forbidden to take elecampane during pregnancy. In some cases, to prevent premature births, the doctor may prescribe medicines containing powder from the roots of the herb.
  3. Not assigned to people with heart disease, increased blood viscosity.
  4. It is forbidden to take medicines based on herbs with low gastric acidity, chronic constipation and impaired peristalsis.

In case of an overdose, the following symptoms may occur:

  • feeling bitter in the mouth;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • tenderness in the abdomen;
  • breathing problems.

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately stop taking medication and go to the doctor.

Important! With prolonged use or overdose, elecampane may cause poisoning. Therefore it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations and not exceed the prescribed dose.

Devyasil has healing properties, however, before beginning treatment, it is necessary to take into account contraindications of this plant. Medicine actively uses the useful properties of elecampane. Medicines based on plants will help to quickly cope with the ailment, because the fight is directed as much as nine forces!

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