Grass boron: what heals?

There are a lot of medicinal plants in the world, among them one can distinguish grass boron or one-sided orthility. The famous herb is a bovine uterus, but few know what it cures. That is why, today we will try to figure out what is treated by the hog uterus.

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The healing properties andcomposition of the plant

The healing property of the ortilia is due to the natural phytohormones contained in it. Long-term use of it will relieve of problems with the circulatory, immune, and hormonal system. Widespread use of herbs has been received in the treatment of infertility.

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The main medical composition is indicated in the table.

Ingredient name Characteristic properties
Hydroquinone Characterized by an antiseptic property, regulates the functionality of the urinary system.
Coumarin Has a positive effect on blood coagulability.
Vitamin C Helps enhance immunity.
Saponins Have a beneficial effect on mucous membranes, promote sputum smearing, effectively helps to treat infertility.
Microelements Positive effects on immunity, normalize brain activity and reduce the risk of allergies.
Tannins Reduce the processes of fermentation in the intestines, contribute to a decrease in the blood of harmful substances.

Given the healing characteristics of this plant, then read about what it is treating.

What treats the bovine uterus in men

Boric grass is often used together with medication. Today, the plant is prescribed for treatment of common male pathologies. What diseases does Ortilia treat?


Prostatitis is a condition caused by penetration of the infection into the gland. You can identify the following causes of prostatitis:

  • decreased immunity;
  • frequent constipation;
  • subcooling;
  • venereal as well as urological diseases;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • inflammatory pathologies that occur in a chronic form.

It should be noted that preparations based on boron grass are characterized by the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • absorbable;
  • is antimicrobial;
  • diuretic;
  • antitumor;
  • analgesic;
  • restorative.

Thanks to the above properties, they are effectively used to treat a disease such as prostatitis.

Prostate adenoma

Untimely treatment of this disease can lead to problems with the bladder, the emergence of inflammatory, as well as infectious pathologies, such as cystitis or pyelonephritis. In the grass grass contains components that promote the removal of urine and have an antioxidant effect helping in the fight against inflammatory processes.

Male infertility

This disease is caused by changes in spermatozoa after previous chronic or infectious diseases of the genitalia. Thanks to natural pigments, in the composition of the herb, ortilia is effective for treating this condition. With the help of the plant, spermatozoa are activated and their quality improves.


This disease is usually formed as a result of impaired venous outflow of blood. The development of hemorrhoids can trigger the following diseases:

  • thrombosis;
  • is an inflammation;
  • crimp, abnormal enlargement of the hemorrhoidal veins resulting in the formation of nodes.

Boron grass effectively heals from these diseases.

Important! In addition, the ortility regulates the functionality of the liver, eliminates nervous imbalances, reduces the symptoms of the pathology of the genitourinary system, increases the male potency.

What treats the bovine uterus in women

To protect the female body from various diseases, it must regularly undergo examinations, including gynecological examination. Very often a woman wonders if it is possible to cure the ovarian cyst and how to be treated for other common diseases? This herb is widely used for the treatment of many pathologies in combination with medications. We will become acquainted, what kind of woman's illnesses the given plant treats.

Gynecological Disease

This tool is effectively used in the following situations:

  1. Helps treat myoma, can cure interstitial uterine fibroids.
  2. Vaginitis.
  3. Endometriosis.
  4. Helps to effectively treat the polyp uterus.
  5. Effectively cure polycystosis and intestinal adhesions.
  6. Cervical erosions.
  7. Infertility.
  8. Can help relieve postmenopause.

For treatment can be used as a tampon for internal administration, and in the form of infusions of decoctions for oral use.

Urology diseases

The curative composition of the plant will help overcome the following diseases of the urinary system:

  1. Will help cure ureaplasma.
  2. Cystitis.
  3. Pyelonephritis.
  4. Urolithiasis.

In addition, the intake of drugs based on this plant is effective for the treatment of hormonal gland disorders of the thyroid gland, with mastopathy and diabetes mellitus. They are effectively used for the treatment of bronchitis, radiculitis, ulcer and cholecystitis.

In what dosage forms is found

This plant in pharmacy kiosks is sold in different dosage forms.

  1. Herbal collection. Dry grass can be brewed on its own.
  2. Tablets. Capsules and tablets contain a dry extract of the plant and belong to the dietary supplements. There are also with the addition of various herbs. The average course of treatment is 4 months. Are appointed for complex therapy of inflammatory processes of the reproductive system.
  3. Alcohol tincture. Before taking it is recommended to dilute the drops in 100 g of water. One-time administration of the drug should not exceed 35 drops. Drink a maximum of 3 times a day.
  4. Tea. The composition can include either one of the grass, or with green tea or herbal tea. Phytotea is used for both treatment and prevention purposes. Assign once a day, one hour after a meal. How to cook: 1 pint of 200 g of boiling water, insist 5 minutes. Accept warm.
  5. Syrup. The drug is not allowed for diabetics, because the composition includes sugar. The course of treatment is long, 6 months with interruptions. Take three times a day, half an hour before meals for 1 tsp.
  6. Candles. Recommended for the treatment of gynecological pathologies and diseases of the urinary system.

Important! How to heal and what form to choose can only advise the doctor. Do not self-medicate.


The medicinal composition and properties of the herb are not yet fully understood. The main contraindication to the use of boron grass and drugs based on it: liver disease, obstruction of the fallopian tubes and individual intolerance to the components. It is not recommended to take the herb together with hormonal medicines.

Common Issues

Consider the frequently asked questions and the answers to them.

Red brush or boron uterus - which is better

Both plants are effectively used to treat common female diseases. They improve reproductive function, help conception and bearing of the child.

Dufaston or boron uterus - which is better

Dufaston is a drug that helps with various gynecological diseases:

  • with a pronounced deficiency of progesterone;
  • in endometriosis;
  • for lowering premenstrual syndrome;
  • for stopping bleeding;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • amenorrhea;
  • with infertility;
  • for the normalization of menstruation;
  • threat of miscarriage.

Important! This medication should only be prescribed by a doctor, after some laboratory tests. Dose is administered individually.

Dufaston is a hormonal drug. What is better is the Boria uterus or Dufaston can only be determined by a doctor.

Borovaja uterus - that it is better tincture or broth

In what form to accept ortilju the doctor can only prompt, considering a gravity of a status. For example, to cure from endometriosis it is more effective to be treated with alcohol tincture, rather than decoction, since its properties are much stronger.

Calendula plus boron uterus that heals?

Grass bovine uterus and calendula are effectively used to treat small uterine fibroids when surgical treatment is not applied.

Boron uterus - that grass is better, or drops

How to drink the grass, or which drug on its basis will help more effectively, only the doctor will tell. In pharmacies offer to purchase drops based on the plant. This will save time on the preparation of medicinal tinctures.

Borovaja uterus tincture or a grass that is better

In drugstores the spirit tincture on the basis of a boron uterus is on sale. Its properties are no worse than grass. In some cases, it is easier to tolerate.

Boron grass is a universal remedy for many diseases, both female and male.

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