Pronounced gastroduodenitis

The expressed gastroduodenitis clearly shows how far the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract has gone. To develop pathology can for various reasons. Most often it occurs due to the infection of Helicobacter pylori by the bacterium, it can be provoked by food poisoning, abuse of acute, sour, strongly hot food, alcoholic beverages, irregular meals, severe stress, uncontrolled intake of strong medications. Symptoms of the disease cause the patient to seek help from an experienced gastroenterologist.

The expressed gastroduodenitis shows itself very brightly. The patient is concerned about discomfort in the abdomen, which occurs immediately after eating. Ordinary life is poisoned by a constant heartburn, belching sour, flatulence, periodic nausea, provoking vomiting.

If the expressed gastroduodenitis develops, the vomit has the color of coffee. Feces of the patient become black. This is a sure sign of internal bleeding. In the upper part of the abdomen often there is pain, it becomes strong at night and during prolonged hungry pauses, but after eating noticeably subsides. The pain can give in the right hypochondrium or in the chest, so often uninitiated confuse inflammation with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

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All this produces and dystonic changes. The patient begins severe dizziness, there is a strong weakness, a person quickly gets tired, so it's not necessary to talk about full-fledged legal capacity. Another bright symptom, indicating that a pronounced gastroduodenitis develops is the appearance of migraines.

How is pronounced gastroduodenitis diagnosed?

The following activities are carried out:

  1. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy. It helps to visualize the degree of mucosal damage.
  2. Gastro biopsy allows to obtain a piece of material on which it is possible to determine the foci of the migration of the Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
  3. ultrasound determines the increase in the size of the diseased organs.
  4. An X-ray image shows through the gastrointestinal tract and detects its defects.
  5. pH-meter helps to study the concentration of gastric juice.
  6. Respiratory test confirms or denies the presence of infection with the Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
  7. Coprogram assesses the performance of motor-evacuation functions of the stomach.
  8. Biochemistry of blood reveals the presence of an inflammatory process.

If the patient is confronted with symptoms accompanying a pronounced gastroduodenitis, he should immediately make an appointment with a gastroenterologist.

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