Diseases( diseases) of the pancreas in cats and cats

The pancreas in cats is an organ with a V-shaped form, the main purpose of which is the cleavage of enzymes, which greatly simplifies the process of digesting food. What are the specific features of this organ in cats, and what are its most common diseases?

Pancreas in cats: features, functions

The pancreas is located directly under the stomach and consists of two main parts: the right and left, respectively. The right part is located along the duodenum, the left side is located near the stomach. The basis of this organ is exocrine tissue.

To regulate the operation of the pancreas - secretion, help the smell and taste of food. As soon as the cat felt a familiar aroma, the production of gastric acid begins, and accordingly the enzymes responsible for digestion. What is important, the body of both humans and animals is protected from the possibility of digesting oneself. However, in case of violations of the gastrointestinal tract, the situation is complicated by the fact that the necessary enzymes are produced either in insufficient or excessive amounts, as a result of which pancreatic diseases arise.

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Pancreas in cats: diseases of

The most common disease affecting the pancreas in cats is pancreatitis, which can be in both acute and chronic form. Very often in this disease, cats experience severe pain in the chest and lower back, as the condition of the gland is determined by parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves. This explains the "pose of prayer", which, as a rule, animals become at the moment of exacerbation of the disease - the front paws are stretched forward, the back bent at the knees, and the chest is almost entirely on the floor.

As a rule, this disease develops very quickly, and therefore it is so important even with the first symptoms of malaise in cats: rapid weight loss, depression, refusal to eat, take urgent measures. Otherwise, if time is lost, the consequences can be practically irreversible, and the inflammation of this organ, in acute form, will lead to the death of the animal.

Diseases of the pancreas - an ailment that often affects pets, in particular, cats. And it is important to understand that the sooner the work of this body is restored, the less the suffering will have to endure to the pet, and his life will be safe.

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