Smoking with pancreatitis, can I smoke, what is the effect on the pancreas?

A healthy human body is a system in which well-coordinated work creates integrity, unity, continuity. Any serious disease for a person is dangerous, because of its destructive ability to disable the entire body. This also applies to pancreatitis( inflammation of the pancreas).

Doctors repeat tirelessly about the harm of abuse of nicotine and alcohol. Along with taking medications and observing a therapeutic diet, quitting can be a serious and significant step towards recovery.

What happens to an organism of a patient with pancreatitis when smoking?

First of all, this pernicious habit generally burdens the disease, promotes the progression of pancreatitis, can translate it into a chronic form. Medical scientists have proved the fact that the effect of nicotine on the diseased pancreas often leads to the onset and development of cancer of this internal organ. The dependence of smoking and the frequency of diagnosing chronic pancreatitis was also proved.

Patients after the examination are often diagnosed, changing completely both the way of life and its quality. Pancreatitis is a disease that can bring serious physical suffering and which requires immediate treatment. Smoking also leads to intoxication of the pancreas. Particularly dangerous is nicotine in combination with alcohol. These destroyers maintain and intensify the inflammation of the pancreas, violate its blood supply.

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Treatment of chronic pancreatitis in patients who smoke requires extensive medication. Compliance with diet and establishment of a regime of fractional nutrition may in such cases be insufficient. Smoking also leads often to a relapse of the disease. Nicotine promotes the deposition of salts in the pancreas. And calcifications( calcium salts) violate its proper functioning.

If you have a desire to quit smoking yourself, patients with pancreatitis should not use electronic cigarettes, nicotine patches, use special candies and chewing gums. We must once and for all resolutely part with a bad and extremely bad habit. At the same time, in the process it is always possible and necessary to consult with the attending physician in order to avoid exacerbation of the disease.

Refusing the influence of nicotine you, without losing anything, make your body much stronger and more enduring.

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