Blood tests for the diagnosis of pancreatitis, which are taken, symptoms, indicators, results, how to determine?

A patient with suspicion of pancreatitis is sent to hand over saliva, urine, blood and feces for analysis to more clearly understand the patient's condition.

OAK( general clinical analysis) helps the doctor determine the pancreatic antigen and other manifestations of inflammation in a patient with pancreatitis. Overestimated parameters of pancreatic enzymes in the blood fall at the stage of acute inflammation, and in the chronic course of the disease can not differ from the levels characteristic of healthy people.

Based on blood tests, check the contents of leukocytes, glucose, antigen of the gland, globulin, cholesterol, amylase, determine ESR and conduct biochemistry.

Overestimated indices of white blood cells or, as they are called, leukocytes in the blood, indicate that the body is in a raging inflammatory process. If in the received results of analyzes the number of leukocytes is 10 times higher than the norm, this indicates that the patient has acute pancreatitis. But low levels of leukocytes will be signs of immunodeficiency, exhaustion of the body and suppression of hematopoiesis. Healthy leukocyte counts are in the range 4-8,5х10 * 9 / l.

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The main indicator of the course of carbon metabolism in the human body is glucose, the level of which decreases with certain endocrine diseases and rises with diabetes and often with pancreatitis. Normally, its volume in the blood should coincide with the range of 3.5-5.9 mmol / l.

In laboratory diagnosis, a pancreatic antigen is found that occurs in half of all cases of patients suffering from acute pancreatitis, while with a chronic form, the antigen may be absent. Since the content of globulin in a given analysis may indicate a pancreatic disease in the case that α2-globulin values ​​are below 7-13%, or about kidney disease, tumors and inflammation.

Having passed the blood test in the diagnosis and, as a result, having detected amylase not 28-100 U / l, but more than once per ten, it is possible to assert boldly about the acute form of pancreatitis or about exacerbation of the chronic form. In contrast to amylase, cholesterol in pancreatic disorder falls and does not reach a normal value of 3-6 mmol / l.

After the patients donate blood for analysis, it must be checked for ESR.An index above 2-15 mm / h will indicate the presence:

  • of a chronic or acute inflammatory process in the body;
  • of chronic or acute pancreatitis.
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