Chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis after chemotherapy

Oncological standards used to treat patients are designed to systematize medication. Chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer uses protocols of three types. Affected cells of different patients are not equally susceptible to different drugs, therefore, some of them may progress despite the course of treatment. Assign medication after diagnosis, the approach is always individual.

Chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer Gemzar

Gemzar treatment can increase body weight, improve the status of life by 20%, reduce drug use( painkillers) and reduce pain by half. The drug reduces the tumor by 10%, removes a third of the symptoms, leads to clinical improvements. Chemotherapy is carried out with constant monitoring of trobocytes and leukocytes, adjusting the dose. The drug is more effective than fluorouracil( survival is six times higher), but it is very toxic to older people's blood. It is administered intravenously( half an hour) no more than once a week, the course is three injections.

Chemotherapy for the gland Taxotere

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Taxotere used in mono mode, with cancer patients in 60% experiencing a nine-month period. Symptoms are reduced by a third( with the possibility of control), tumor stabilization is twenty percent, the objective effect of pancreatic treatment is within 15%.

Combinations of chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer

Combinations of drugs have been used for a long time and successfully, there are several standard regimens:

  • Folfirnox - four-component method with 30% effect, 50% stabilization, 40% survival( yearly)
  • Gemox - oxaliplatin and GS, twice weekly interval and a two-week break, survival 10 months, improvement of the clinic 60%
  • DG - DTST and MTST, monthly cycle, stabilization in half of patients, reduction in size 20%
  • GM - mitomycin and gemcitabine, cycles in a month, clinicalpancreatic improvement 45%, oncology 25%
  • GP cisplatin and gemcitabine, effect in a third of patients, a clinic in half, forty people out of a hundred live up to the year
  • GF - Gemzar with 5-FR on a complex schedule with the addition of capecitabine, a thirdof patients live a year, the clinic for cancer improves in 60%, the neoplasm decreases in 19%
  • MGF - fluorouracil, cisplatin, mitomycin, tumor decrease by 18%, survival of nine months
  • FP - cisplatin with fluorouracil, survival up to one year, effect of reducing the malignancy 25%

Irradiation of radiowaves are often combined with chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer( GP regimen).Frequent postoperative relapse is the basis for prevention by all methods, without exception, to patients.

The effectiveness of chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer

To date, there is no single standard for medicinal forms of treatment for pancreatic cancer, which is unresectable. Most of the studies indicate a low effectiveness of chemotherapy for tumors of this organ. Scientifically proven that patients who received only this type of treatment, on average, lived no more than 3 months. At the same time, experts note that in the group of patients where additional antitumoral drugs were used, the patients' lives were significantly extended, and their quality of life was much higher.

Until recently, 5-fluorouracil was considered the main drug used for chemistry in pancreatic cancer. To date, one of the most effective means for treating tumors of this species is Gemzar. Leading scientists around the world are conducting research aimed at producing an even stronger drug for chemotherapy.

All such drugs used in pancreatic cancer are directed to:

  • reduction of cancer and its metastases;
  • clinical improvement;
  • body mass dynamics;
  • improved status on the Karnovsky scale.

Unfortunately, at the moment, there is no reliable confirmation as to when the chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer is more effective - before surgery or after. This medical aspect is only now being actively studied. Studies are complicated by the fact that this type of tumors is hormone-dependent. Therefore, it takes place differently in women and men.

Pancreatitis after chemotherapy

As mentioned above, this treatment is performed to influence the cells in the patient's body, in order to influence the tumor. But, at the same time, there is also a general effect on the human body. And not always it is positive. After chemotherapy of the pancreas, a number of side effects are observed: decreased immunity, nausea, pain in the oral cavity, and many others. At least after chemotherapy, pancreatitis also occurs. In order to treat this acquired disease, an additional intake of medications compatible with chemistry is prescribed. In addition, patients with pancreatitis are recommended to follow a certain diet, as well as the regime of the day and nutrition.

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