Symptoms of an attack of pancreatitis( pancreas), first aid, treatment, what to do, how to remove, stop, anesthetize?

In recent years, pancreatitis occupies a leading position among diseases of the digestive tract. The cause of its development is considered to be the presence of peptic ulcer, gastritis, as well as the formation of stones in the gallbladder. Provoke pancreatitis can poisoning, infectious diseases, excessive alcohol consumption and obesity. Sometimes for the development of such a formidable disease it is enough to eat tight once, drinking alcohol with food.

If you consider that almost every person, at least once, abused delicious and fatty foods, while not refusing alcohol, and adding here the fact that most of the population of our country, including children, is constantly overeating, it is not difficult to guess whatPancreatitis threatens almost everyone.

Pancreatitis can be acute. One of his symptoms is a paroxysmal pain, the intensity of which is so great that it can cause pain and even a violation of human consciousness. When it appears, you need to immediately seek medical help, completely abandoning self-treatment. There is no question of taking any medications containing digestive enzymes at this time. The attack of acute pancreatitis should be taken only in the hospital.

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The cause of acute pain in a pancreatitis attack is the specific nature of the pancreas and its special role in digesting food. The fact is that it is this body that produces digestive enzymes that break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates found in the duodenum.

When a pancreas disease occurs, it swells and spasms of the vessels, which usually produce an outflow of produced substances. As a result, digestive enzymes accumulate in the pancreas and affect its tissues. There is a process of digestion of its tissues, accompanied by acute paroxysmal pain. It is this condition that is called an attack of pancreatitis or pancreas. His symptoms are also nausea, vomiting, heart palpitations, falling blood pressure, fever, pallor of the skin and a violation of the outflow of urine.

However, these symptoms are also characteristic for a number of other diseases requiring urgent medical care, for example, acute appendicitis or perforation of the stomach ulcer. For this reason, any acute pain in the abdomen should be the basis for an urgent examination and clarification of the diagnosis. Only after the statement of the exact diagnosis it is possible to think about how to remove an attack of a pancreas and what for this it is necessary to undertake.

Most often, when asked what to do when a pancreatitis attack occurs, they answer that you have to give up food, put ice on your stomach and provide the patient with peace. But all this can be done only in the chronic course of the disease, when there is no doubt that it is the pancreas that hurts. It is important to exclude the intake of any digestive enzymes, because they strengthen secretory activity, causing the sick body to produce even more juices, the disturbed outflow of which is the cause of acute pain.

You can take medications that help to remove spasm and dilate blood vessels, as well as any anesthetic drug. If the condition does not improve and the symptoms of an attack of the pancreas persist, you need to seek medical help, where you know exactly how to remove acute pain.

But also in case if the attack managed to stop, and the pain has passed, it is necessary not to postpone visit to the doctor and visit it in the near future. All pancreatic diseases should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor.

First Aid and Treatment for Attack of Pancreatitis

Certainly, with severe pain it is necessary to call a doctor, but how can you stop and anesthetize an attack of pancreatitis while the ambulance rides?

When treating a patient, 0.8 mg of drotaverine hydrochloride or No-shpa can be given. You can also make an intramuscular injection of a solution of papaverine( 2 ml) or replace it with a No-shpa solution. For anesthesia, you need to take some kind of analgesic. Doctors do not recommend taking other medicines other than antispasmodics and analgesics, so as not to harm the patient.

During this symptom it is possible to give him only water, but not more than 1/4 cup for a single dose. It is desirable that he drank every 30 minutes. The best rule of first aid for an attack of acute pancreatitis is hunger, cold and rest. Doctors recommend adhering to these recommendations. Bubble with ice is better to apply not to the stomach, but on the pancreas from the back. In this case, the effect of the procedure will be more tangible.

How to remove, stop, anesthetize an attack of pancreatitis?

Patients with a pancreatitis attack are usually very difficult to breathe. That is why it is necessary to breathe superficially, and the following method will best help to cope with the pain: it is necessary to hold your breath until the pain subsides, so the patient will be able to cope better with the pain sensations.

If there is a desire for vomiting, then do not hold back them, you need to help the stomach clean by pressing on the root of the tongue with two fingers. As a rule, after a vomiting the patient becomes much easier, but, unfortunately, this is only temporary relief.

In the event that the patient is absolutely sure that he has no stones in the gallbladder, then you can stop the attack with Allochol. It is necessary to give 2 tablets three times a day. But you need to remember that any choleretic remedy should be taken in conjunction with antispasmodics.

If the patient's condition has improved, an attack of pancreatitis has passed and an appetite has appeared, then in no case can one eat for three days. You can only drink: boiled or mineral water without gas and lightly sweetened tea. After first aid to a patient with pancreatitis, it is necessary to undergo examination and treatment in a hospital in order to avoid relapse in the future.

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