The consequences of opisthorchiasis - hepatitis C, allergy, extrasystole, VSD, polyneuropathy and other complications, what is dangerous, the effect on the heart, is death possible?

Opisthorchiasis is a serious parasitic disease caused by flatworms that live in infected fish. If you do not take action, the disease can last for several years. The longer parasites live in the human body, the more they harm health. The consequences of opisthorchiasis can be very serious until the onset of a malignant tumor in the affected organ. What else is dangerous opisthorchiasis, what consequences can it cause?

It is common in the regions of Siberia, but if the local residents have this disease mainly in the chronic stage, that is, there are no pronounced symptoms, then the visitors all begin with an acute stage. Opisthorchiasis can cause various complications, the clinical picture will depend on the individual characteristics of the infected person.

Effect of opisthorchiasis on humans

The disease can affect the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs and other organs. But first of all the liver suffers, jaundice and severe intoxication, as well as other complications can occur. Many patients are affected by the respiratory system, there is bronchitis, as well as attacks of bronchial asthma. The consequences of this disease are always serious and dangerous for life.

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Opisthorchias have a negative effect on the heart, inflammation of this organ can occur. Often in patients there are various violations of the heart rhythm, for example, arrhythmia, extrasystole. Sometimes the symptoms of the disease may resemble viral hepatitis or typhoid fever.

If the disease begins with pronounced symptoms, then the acute phase usually lasts from several months to six months. If the patient is not provided with timely assistance, the disease can go into a chronic phase. Unfortunately, self-healing is impossible, so people can get sick for years. Many people die from complications caused by opisthorchiasis.

If the infected person has a chronic stage, almost asymptomatic, then he may not know about his illness for many years until life-threatening consequences appear. Only after many years a person will begin to notice the following symptoms: pain in the right side, loss of appetite, bitterness in the mouth, allergic reactions. The danger lies in the fact that it is very difficult to guess at presence of helminths at a chronic current. That's why a person can fight for many years not with the disease.

Possible complications of opisthorchiasis

Consequences of the disease for adults and children can be very dangerous. Opisthorhoz negatively affects the entire body, if it does not get rid of it, then the disease can end with the death of the patient. Poisonous substances that produce worms, poison the body and cause allergies. At the infected person the immunity decreases, because of it it becomes subject to various diseases, in due course there are dangerous complications.

Opistorkhs cause serious damage to health and cause dangerous consequences. They live in the gallbladder, in the bile ducts of the liver, and also they can be found in the ducts of the pancreas. Worms injure organs, cause inflammation, leave bleeding ulcers after themselves. With a massive infection, they can interfere with the outflow of bile, as a result of this, the infected person has various problems with the digestive organs.

This parasitic disease has a systemic effect on the entire body, the patient becomes physically weak, work capacity worsens, and susceptibility to infections increases. In children, this disease can cause a backlog in physical and mental development.

Quite often the disease is masked for vegetative vascular dystonia. It is diagnosed in 80% of the infected. Many people for years are unsuccessfully treated for VSD, not knowing that the real cause of such violations are helminths. They often cause various disorders of the nervous system, there may be polyneuropathy, which is accompanied by various vegetovascular disorders, mainly loss of sensitivity. The consequences of opisthorchiasis can be very serious, in advanced cases, there is cancer.

Allergy in opisthorchiasis

This is a very common phenomenon. It can be of varying degrees, mostly there are rashes on the skin and itching. In some cases, the disease can trigger diseases such as psoriasis, bronchial asthma and eczema.

With massive infection, even Quincke's edema may occur, a similar consequence may result in death. But in most cases there is a food allergy and hives, accompanied by itching. Such a symptom caused by a parasitic disease can be seen in the photo. In some cases, even after recovery, some symptoms may remain.

Hepatitis as a consequence of opisthorchiasis

What is dangerous for opisthorchiasis for humans? First of all, the consequences that it causes. Hepatitis often occurs against the background of opisthorchiasis, because helminths affect the liver. It increases in size, becomes painful, jaundice of varying intensity arises. In this case, a rash appears on the skin.

Many people are worried about the question, is it possible to treat opisthorchiasis with hepatitis C?Both diseases disrupt the liver, and the drugs from the opisthorchiasis are quite toxic, they can cause undesirable consequences. In this case, the doctor must decide. Therapy of parasitic disease in hepatitis C should be performed in the hospital.

The consequences of opisthorchiasis are frequent and they are very serious. With this disease it is difficult to fight, without specific therapy, a person can die. Parasites kill slowly, every year the patient becomes worse and worse, the result may be cirrhosis or oncology, such consequences often lead to death.

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