Enuresis in adults: causes and treatment

Enuresis - involuntary urination in a child older than 4-5 years. In rare cases, enuresis occurs in adults, more often it is diagnosed in men. Involuntary urination occurs mainly at night.

Nocturnal enuresis in adults is a complex problem. In fact, a person suffering from urinary incontinence becomes very nervous, irritable and upset. It is very difficult for him to live among the people around him, as he is always afraid.

The reasons for this phenomenon are actually quite a lot. For example, a person can be transferred along with the genetic material of his parents. Sometimes enuresis occurs as a result of a violation of the hormonal background, during which the urine production regime gets knocked out.

Causes of enuresis in adults

In adults, the main reasons for the development of enuresis are diseases or degenerative changes in the genitourinary system, bladder or urethral development anomalies, and stone formation. For women, hormonal imbalance in the climacteric period with degenerative changes in the urethral muscles becomes important.

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Experienced emotional or physical stress also becomes a cause, because of which very often there is enuresis in adults. In the elderly, the first place is played by degenerative changes in the brain that break the control between the spinal cord and the brain.

Separately, recently began to identify neurotic and neurosis-like forms of urinary incontinence.

Causes of enuresis in adult men

In adult men, enuresis can occur for a number of reasons:

  1. In the event that prostate adenoma has been operated, postoperative effects, including night enuresis, requiring immediate treatment in this case, may occur.
  2. The prostate gland undergoes hormonal changes with age, as well as the muscles of the small pelvis. Are susceptible to conservative treatment.
  3. Neurology, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis, also some other diseases.
  4. Problems with the psyche, stress, alcohol and other causes.

Any kind of enuresis in men needs complex therapeutic treatment, at home you will have to try to persistently do a set of exercises and take prescribed means. Without consulting a doctor, self-medication is not recommended.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Cystitis, urethritis and adnexitis - all these infectious diseases combine such a common symptom as a violation of the process of urination. Often nocturnal enuresis in adult men and women is associated with a concomitant disease, which patients do not even guess.

In this situation it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination of specialized specialists for the presence of any genitourinary infections. This will not only cure the concomitant disease, but also get rid of urinary incontinence.

Types of enuresis

There are three types of enuresis in adults.

  1. Nocturnal enuresis - spontaneous urination in a dream, not related to how deep the dream is.
  2. Daytime enuresis of is the inability to restrain acute urge to urinate while awake.
  3. Mixed enuresis is a complex problem combining the first two points. Of course, the main symptom of enuresis in adults is the inability to control urination, but there are secondary symptoms as a consequence of the main.

    How to treat enuresis in adults

    Treatment of nocturnal enuresis is a complex and lengthy process that requires a systematic and integrated approach. Adults, usually, are prescribed medication and behavioral methods. If, for any reason, they are not effective, surgical methods are used.

    1. First of all, you need to completely abandon drinks that contain caffeine( coffee, cola, tea).This component contributes to irritation of the bladder. If a person suffers from enuresis, he needs to minimize fluid intake at night. In addition, you should completely abandon the beer.
    2. Preventive measures can be applied - artificial awakening. But it's worth changing the time of night rise, so that the bladder does not get used to urinating at the same time.
    3. In cases of problems with involuntary urination, bladder training will be useful. This will help strengthen the muscles and the elasticity of its walls. In the filled state, the bladder holds about 0.5 liters. If you feel that this volume you have less, during the day hold back and visit the toilet less often. Divide the immediate process of urination into parts with breaks of 10-15 seconds. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor.
    4. Before going to bed, you need to make sure of the emptiness of the bladder.
    5. You can protect the mattress and pillows from getting wet with special waterproof covers. However, it is best to sleep on a cotton sheet, in linen made from natural fabric. They absorb the smell and moisture.

    To date, a very effective way to get rid of this disease in women are minimally invasive sling operations. For the treatment of enuresis in adults, behavioral therapy, physiotherapy, and the use of medications are used. Do not hesitate to contact a specialist.

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