Sand in the pancreas - symptoms and treatment

If the patient complains of persistent pain in the abdomen, or blunt cutting nature, which are localized in the right or left upper quadrant or in the stomach, it is necessary to clarify the following symptoms of pancreatic disease:

  • Do syndrome accompanied with nausea or vomiting, not bringing simplification;
  • is there an admixture of bile in the vomit;
  • whether there is heartburn, belching or dry mouth;
  • what is the general state of health( temperature, pulse, pressure);
  • whether from time to time sticky perspiration appears, whether there is shortness of breath;
  • should be examined for plaque and skin color( pale, earthy or gray);
  • whether there is a sharpening of facial features.

All these figures are the symptoms of acute pancreatitis, when the pancreas tissue decompose and form sand. The causes of the appearance of the disease can be different: trauma, infectious diseases, organ organ damage, inflammatory processes and much more. More often sand in the pancreas is formed in elderly people with obesity or in women. Acute pains are observed in the event that sand covers the ducts of the body and disturbed the outflow of digestive juices and enzymes. Accumulated substances begin to digest the pancreas itself, which is fraught with peritonitis, bleeding, and shock. A great role is played by the timeliness of diagnosing the disease and its treatment.

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treatment of sand in the pancreas can be administered only after laboratory examinations and hardware. Prescriptions will depend on the form and severity of the disease, the nature of the lesions, their vastness and the presence of complications. If the disease has an easy form, a conservative form of treatment that includes a special diet accompanied by symptomatic or substitution therapy with mandatory consideration of the presence or absence of diabetes mellitus will be sufficient. These are drugs that regulate the secretory function of the organ, antibiotics, antimicrobial and enzyme substances. In case of severe pain - painkillers.

If the appearance of sand in the pancreas is severe: characterized by frequent attacks, exhaustion and increasing pancreatic insufficiency against the background of inflammation, the patient is hospitalized in the surgical department. Often in an emergency. The results of treatment in some cases can not be predicted, but in any case the work capacity of patients is reduced.

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