The pancreas in the human body is an important internal organ

The pancreas is an internal organ of a person whose importance can not be overemphasized. What are the features of its structure, and what are its functions?

Pancreas and its structure

This organ, despite its name, is not located under the stomach, but in the back of the abdominal cavity. The pancreas consists of such basic parts as: head, body and tail. Directly the head has a small appendage remotely resembling a hook in shape. This part of the body is somewhat thickened in relation to the size of the body and tail, and, as a rule, it is she who is affected by all sorts of diseases in the first place. But the body consists of 3 main parts: the front, back and bottom, located appropriately. And, of course, the tail is a small element, made in the form of a cone.

It is worth noting that in size pancreas is one of the largest glands in the body, and inferior in size to only the liver. At the same time, its function - providing a full-fledged digestion process, is one of the most important for the human body, as well as its full-fledged work.

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Pancreas: a function of

It is worth noting that the work of the pancreas directly affects other internal organs of man. So, its main task is to develop the enzymes necessary for digesting food. They are in pancreatic juice, activated by the action of bile and enzymes produced by the intestines, splitting food into fats, proteins and carbohydrates. This allows the body to absorb the food received, and useful substances are absorbed into the blood.

Also, this body is responsible for the production of an insulin hormone, the lack of which in the body is very dangerous. Because as a result, excess or vice versa, excessive amount of glucose can lead to the appearance of such a disease as diabetes, or other, equally serious and dangerous ailments.


functions As with almost any internal organ, pancreatic functions are very numerous. So, its main task is to ensure the digestive process properly. It is important to understand that this is the main task of this gland - to allocate a sufficient amount of pancreatic juice, saturated with enzymes, necessary for the splitting of incoming food into its components, and, consequently, its subsequent digestion.

Pancreas is an amazingly functional organ, which differs in that it adapts to almost any food consumed. For example, if carbohydrates predominate in food, then, respectively, and in pancreatic juice the amount of enzymes necessary for their digestion will be higher. Thanks to this mechanism, this organ is protected from possible self-destruction, and the gastrointestinal tract - from overloads.

As for the exocrine and endocrine functions of this organ, they are responsible for the composition of the pancreatic juice, as well as for the subsequent activation of the enzymes that make up its structure. At the same time, these functions regulate the release of such hormones as: glucagon, as well as insulin.

The pancreas is the internal organ of a person that plays an important role in regulating metabolic processes, as well as providing full digestion. That is why it is so important to maintain it in a healthy state, do not overload it with copious amounts of food, and if possible, get a doctor to prescribe a set of procedures necessary to improve and regulate the gland.

Pancreas in the human body

The pancreas in the human body plays a crucial role. The products of its functioning contribute to the transformation of food into a "fuel" for the human body. At the slightest faults in her work, problems arise in the production of hormones and enzymes. And this, in turn, leads to a violation of metabolic processes, digestion and the functioning of the thyroid gland. A feature of the body is that the malfunctioning of its operation is difficult to cure. Therefore, it is necessary to treat this body carefully and provide it with all the necessary substances.

Despite its small size and weight, this body directly or indirectly affects all other systems. In the endocrine part, hormones are produced, and in exocrine juice. How do substances produced by the pancreas affect the body?

Effects on the body of the pancreas

If there is a violation in the production of the hormone insulin, not only carbohydrate metabolism suffers, but also fat. As a result, vital substances are unable to penetrate blood cells and are transported in sufficient quantities to all organs and tissues. There are various diseases of the internal organs, pathologies and weakened immunity.

If insulin is sufficiently known, then the second hormone of the pancreas - glycogen is less popular, although it also has a big significance in the work of the body. It is in some way a reserve of glucose in the body and replenishes its energy under difficult physical loads.

For a day in the pancreas produces about 0.7 liters of pancreatic juice with the enzymes present in it. Without them, the splitting of nutrients from food and their further assimilation is impossible. Its effect on the body is unique in that it produces such enzymes that are needed at the moment. If a person has consumed carbohydrate food, the enzyme amylase will predominate in the juice, and with the predominance of fats in food, an enzyme of lipase is formed for their processing.

Detection of pancreatic diseases is quite complex and can only be done by a specialist. Abdominal pain, digestive problems and other similar symptoms can only indirectly indicate a malfunction with the organ. Gastrointestinal tract consists of a large number of organs and segments, in case of violation of the work of which there are similar symptoms. Only the gastroenterologist can diagnose the disease. Before consultation with a specialist, it is unacceptable to take any medications, both for treatment and for the prevention of her illnesses.

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