Treatment of duodenal ulcers with honey and propolis

Apitherapy - treatment and prevention of various diseases, including gastrointestinal tract, bee products and bees themselves - is often used in modern classical medicine.

The most popular product on the table is a peeler - honey. With ulcer of the duodenum, this useful sweetness not only replaces sugar and confectionery delicacies in the patient's diet, but is also the basis of many folk recipes. After all, in honey, more than a hundred different substances are perfectly balanced: macro- and microelements, vitamins, enzymes, organic acids, minerals.

In dark honey varieties the concentration of minerals is much higher, therefore it is recommended to use a dark natural product at an increased level of acidity.

Treatment of duodenal ulcers with honey is indicated only for those patients who do not have food allergies to beekeeping products. Treatment with honey can be combined with drug therapy, which will reduce the manifestation of possible side effects from the drugs taken.

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  • Recipe No.1 ( with increased acidity)

30 grams of dark honey is dissolved in 200 ml.warm clean water. You can take a honey solution a couple of hours before a meal or three hours after it, three times a day. The daily portion of the product should not exceed one hundred grams. The course of treatment of duodenal ulcers with honey for at least 60 days.

If with acidity the prepared solution causes heartburn, then the beekeeping product should be added to milk, cottage cheese or porridge.

  • Recipe No.2 ( at low acidity level)

The prepared honey solution( description of preparation in prescription number 1) should be taken a few minutes before the start of the meal( 5-10).

Propolis in duodenal ulcer

With duodenal ulcer, 2/3 of patients receiving propolis tincture three times a day showed positive dynamics. Those patients who were treated according to the traditional scheme, using only medications, only one in ten patients felt improvement. This is the result of research conducted by foreign doctors-scientists.

Propolis is used by insects as a building material and disinfecting honeycombs and cells. Therefore, this resinous product, which has a disinfectant, antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, has a beneficial effect on the damaged intestinal mucosa and promotes its rapid healing.

  • Recipe №1 "Tincture of propolis on alcohol"

Take in equal parts alcohol and propolis, mix, vigorously shaking a third of an hour. We insist not less than three days, we filter. Half a month every day, fifteen drops of medicinal tincture, diluted in a small amount of water, must be taken before the main meal in an hour. Positive dynamics is manifested after the expiry of five days.

  • Recipe No.2

Dilute propolis( 150 g) in a kilo of creamy melted butter. Eat a medicine for an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner on a small spoon, without washing down. Treatment of duodenal ulcer with propolis should be carried out at least a month daily.

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