Plaque on the tongue and its color in pancreatitis, pancreatic disease, photo

Even the child knows that the doctor at the initial examination always examines the language. Why is this happening? The answer is simple - a person's language can tell a lot about the health and general condition of the body.

Pink, with a barely perceptible white thin tongue, testifies to the health of its owner. With various diseases, this organ is able to change its color, shape, mobility, surface structure, humidity. And also the color, thickness, density, severity of the plaque on it. This can indicate to a specialist for a possible disease of the internal organs, for example, inflammation of the pancreas.

Pancreatitis is one of the most common serious and dangerous to human health diseases of modern society, which is fraught with not only serious complications, but also dangerous for life. The acute form of pancreatitis has pronounced signs and obvious symptoms in the form of acute pain, nausea, accompanied by rampant profuse vomiting, flatulence, dry mouth and a brownish white dense coating in dry tongue. If the manifestations of acute inflammation of the pancreas are difficult to ignore, chronic pancreatitis is often ignored for many years, as long as the effects of the chronic inflammatory process become irreversible, causing incurable diseases such as diabetes or pancreatic cancer.

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What the language will tell about pancreatitis

To inspect the organ is best at the window in daylight, having previously cleaned the teeth. Before the inspection for an hour you should not smoke, drink coffee, tea, drinks with dyes. Putting out the tongue in front of the mirror, do not strain it, so as not to change the shape and color. Such measures will make it possible to determine the state of the organ most accurately.

Grayish, dense plaque, which lasts more than three days, indicates problems with the stomach and intestines. It is a well-known fact that if there are problems in the digestive tract, inflammation of the pancreas arises as a concomitant disease. Therefore, it is worth paying careful attention to your health and visit a gastroenterologist's reception, excluding or confirming the diagnosis of pancreatitis.

Yellow, dense, intense plaque in the language signals to you about acute inflammation of the pancreas, hepatitis, violations of the liver, bile duct and gallbladder, which is one of the most common causes of pancreatitis, since iron is functionally associated with these organs. If such a plaque is kept in the language for a long time( 5 days), then this should be the reason for visiting the doctor. After all, a characteristic staining before the other symptoms indicates a possible development of inflammation of the pancreas, which at this stage is easy to cure. If yellowburn is supplemented with heartburn, eructations, flatulence, then, for certain, it is pancreatitis - a disease that should be treated without delay.

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