History of pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. It occurs in everyone in different ways, the disease often changes over time from acute to chronic, and vice versa. The diagnosis of "pancreatitis" is recorded in both women and men, since the history of its origin is often associated with cholelithiasis.

What causes pancreatitis?

Its development contributes to liver and kidney disease: cholecystitis, cholangitis, etc. Also, the disease often appears in people who abuse alcohol, smoke a lot, transmit, in other words, lead an unhealthy lifestyle. The disease can occur against a background of poisoning with poisonous substances, such as mercury, arsenic, lead.

What does pancreatitis look like?

The chronic course of a medical history is characterized by inflammatory, atrophic or necrotic phenomena.

Clinical picture of

Symptoms of the disease are nausea, pain in the abdomen, which gives to the left hypochondrium, back and heart. Unlike the acute form of the disease, the pains are dull and not very pronounced. After eating, sometimes there is a weight. The temperature does not increase in the patient. Acute pancreatitis is characterized by pain, shock, stupor, up to blue skin.

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Complete cure of the disease is impossible. The history of this disease ends with the fact that at best, it goes into a chronic form, and at worst - death occurs. Necrosis of the pancreas aggravates the history of the disease, and can cause death. Relieve seizures will help only a healthy lifestyle. The external secretory activity of the pancreas is disrupted, therefore the patient may have diabetes mellitus. After an acute course of the disease pseudocysts appear that accumulate fluid, cause pain and indigestion. But the history of the development of pancreatitis may not end there, since the violation of the outflow of bile causes mechanical jaundice.

Treatment of

The patient is hospitalized, or treated at home, observing strict bed rest. In the first days of treatment, the patient refrains from eating any food. You can drink only not very strong, slightly sweetened tea. A person who has had pancreatitis should adhere to a special diet of Pevsner. It completely excludes alcohol, flour products, fatty meat, desserts, coffee, chocolate, citrus and even strong tea. Suffering from this disease it is useful to eat seafood, milk, kefir, yogurt, vegetarian dishes.

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