Alveolitis after tooth extraction - symptoms and treatment

Alveolitis of the alveolitis is an inflammatory process that can develop in a hole( alveolus) of a distant tooth( in connection with this it is sometimes also called postextraction alveolitis).In this case, both the tooth socket itself and the gingival tissue surrounding it are affected.

Alveolitis of the hole most often acts as a complication after incorrect removal of the tooth, accounting for 25 to 40% of all complications after tooth extraction.

If this procedure was normal, then the healing process of the alveoli proceeds almost asymptomatically, delivering a minimum of discomfort in the first 2-3 days.

What is the alveolitis?

Why does the alveolitis occur, and what is it? This disease is always associated with the removal of the tooth.

An infection that penetrates into the hole formed on the site of the tooth ruptured, resulting in inflammatory processes. Most often, the alveolitis occurs due to a trauma to the wall of the socket or gum.

Causes of tooth alveolitis

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Infection of the dental hole after removal can be the result of the following main factors:

  1. In most cases, the alveolitis appears due to injury to the walls of the well. They are rather thin, so with careless handling, you can damage or completely break them. In addition, with the destruction of bone tissue debris can get into the wound, which will cause infection. The risk of the alveolitis is significantly increased when the wisdom tooth is removed.
  2. Another most common cause of the alveolitis is the infection of .Disease-causing bacteria that provoke inflammation can be brought into the open wound after tooth extraction from outside - by dental instruments. The risk of infection in the alveolus increases in people with oral problems( the presence of carious teeth, periodontitis, gingivitis, a large amount of plaque on the teeth).That's why dentists do not recommend to remove the teeth in the presence of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, sore throats, etc.

Also alveolitis of the socket can develop when:

  • decreases immunity;
  • inadequate oral hygiene and dental plaque entering the well;
  • if a part of the root of the tooth is left in the hole( for example, the root is broken during the operation);
  • non-observance of the doctor's recommendations - removal of the blood clot by particles of solid food, liquid with frequent rinsing, consumption of hot or spicy food immediately after tooth extraction;
  • if there was a cyst in the apex of the tooth root, which remained in the hole after removal of the tooth;
  • increased bleeding associated with impaired blood coagulation ability or with severe postoperative bleeding after a traumatic operation.

Alveolitis usually occurs when the tooth is removed due to an advanced form of caries, pulpitis, flux. Also of great importance in its development is played by age. More often such a complication after tooth extraction occurs in the elderly.

At the risk of developing the disease include people with a weakened protective function of the body, having a positive HIV status, pathology of the endocrine system and associated with a violation of blood coagulability.

Symptoms of

As a rule, at the initial stage the alveolitis is almost invisible, but it gradually progresses, that is, it spreads in width and depth. The first symptoms of the alveolitis are observed 2-3 days after tooth extraction.

Therefore the main symptoms in the initial stage are :

  • aching pain, which can eventually subside, but intensify with eating;
  • swelling, redness;
  • soreness of the gums in the area of ​​the socket;
  • can develop edema, especially after the removal of the wisdom tooth.

Collapsed alveolitis can cause more serious symptoms, such as weakness, fever to 37.5 - 38 degrees, increased fatigue. Lymph nodes may become inflamed, denseness of the teeth, an unpleasant smell, a bitter taste may be felt, and pain may be irradiated in the ear or, for example, in the temporal region.

Alveolitis is quite a complicated disease, which is very painful for a person. The more it is launched, the more unpleasant the symptoms of the disease and the more difficult it is to cure. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the slightest suspicion of the alveolitis. The sooner medical care is provided, the sooner the recovery will come and the lower the likelihood of developing serious complications.

Alveolitis: photos of

Photos taken by dentists show that the alveolitis looks like an empty hole in which are the remains of food and particles of dead tissue. While in the hole, healing without complications, you can see a dark red blood clot.

How to treat the alveolitis

Treatment of the alveolitis after tooth extraction should begin at a time when the disease has only manifested itself. Otherwise, the duration and price of therapy will be significantly higher. Determine that you have the alveolitis, and not some other disease, can only the dentist. He will give you the appropriate treatment.

Do this yourself at home, using rinses or antiseptic drugs is unacceptable. You can remove some symptoms and at the same time drive the disease inwards, where it will continue to develop, involving more and more tissues in the process and posing a growing threat to your health.

Nevertheless, until you are admitted to the dentist, can be reduced by pain medication :

  1. Ibuprofen( Nurofen);
  2. Sedalgin;
  3. Solpadeine;
  4. Ketonal;
  5. Ketorolac( Ketanov, Ketorol);
  6. Xsefokam Rapid.

Before the start of treatment, the patient is assigned radiography. A snapshot will indicate the presence of foreign elements or fragments of the tooth in the gum cavity. Further, is anesthetized, and the following manipulations of :

  1. Purification of the socket of the extracted tooth and washout of purulent secretions with special solutions.
  2. Local applications with analgesics and antimicrobial agents.
  3. Rinsing the oral cavity with antiseptic solutions.
  4. Physiotherapy procedures for the early healing of the wound( after removal of the inflammation).

If treatment is started on time, then during the week the inflammatory process is stopped, the wound is covered with protective epithelium, which indicates a positive dynamics of treatment. After this, the patient must follow the treatment recommendations and regularly visit a specialist for examination.


Preventive measures that will help prevent the development of alveolitis with successful removal of the tooth should be performed by the patient himself. That is, he must carefully follow the recommendations of the doctor.

In order for the healing of the wells to pass in normal mode, one should not pick the wound, arbitrarily scrape the gum, squeeze out a blood clot, suck it out and damage something. It is especially important not to chew food for a few days at the side of the jaw where the tooth was removed, so that the blood clot is safe.

The dentist, for his part, can prevent the development of complications, following the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, as well as performing the operation in accordance with the rules of removal techniques. The formation of a blood clot by compressing the edges of the socket is also a prerequisite for the successful healing of the wound.

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