Acute interstitial pancreatitis

Subacute or interstitial pancreatitis by the nature of the flow resembles acute pancreatitis, accompanied by edema of the pancreas. At the same time, it is much more difficult to treat, has a more protracted process and has less severe pain symptoms.

When diagnosing subacute pancreatitis, severe pains in the upper abdomen are observed, as well as painful reactions during palpation of the pancreas located in the pancreas associated with its swelling.

Also a characteristic feature of interstitial pancreatitis is a slight increase in blood amylase, a decrease in pancreatic secretion with an increase in the concentration of its enzymes in the secreted juice, which is a consequence of impaired patency of the pancreatic vessels.

When performing angiography, there is a hypervascularization of the pancreas and a significant increase in it.

Among the reasons for the development of subacute pancreatitis, the leading positions are occupied by inaccuracies in diet and alcohol abuse. Untimely initiated treatment can lead to the development of secondary diabetes mellitus, polyhypovitaminosis, exhaustion and disability of the patient.

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With a mild interstitial pancreatitis, it is possible to achieve a stable remission with possible exacerbations in case of errors in the diet. As a rule, intrasecretory insufficiency develops slowly, the process is reversible. The prognosis for a mild course of this type of disease is favorable.

In acute interstitial pancreatitis of moderate severity, symptoms of intrasecretory insufficiency are observed. Exacerbations occur several times( 4-5) per year. During the period of remission, there is no complete stabilization of the health status. There is polypheal and exhaustion of the patient.

Treatment begins with a low-calorie sparing diet with multiple meals. In this case, drugs that relieve pain are prescribed, in combination with anti-spasmic drugs. Therapy is also aimed at reducing the secretory function of the pancreas. Required bed rest and rest. If improvement in the patient's condition is not observed, surgical intervention is possible.

It should be noted that mortality from pancreatic diseases is growing, despite the considerable success and achievements in the treatment of its diseases. Prevention of subacute pancreatitis is a healthy lifestyle in combination with moderate nutrition.

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