Treatment of polyps, how to treat without surgery, how to get rid, how to cure polyposis, medicine and methods, how to treat children, how to fight?

Polyposis of the gastrointestinal tract is a very insidious disease. It is dangerous because benign neoplasms for the time being do not manifest themselves in any way, but they eventually easily transform into malignant tumors. Therefore, it is important to begin treatment of polyps as soon as possible. What does it consist in, how polyps are treated, is it possible to get rid of them without surgery? The answers in this article.

Today, the treatment of polyps in children and adults is to remove them completely. Get rid of them with the help of diet, traditional medicine, medication can not be. The patient should understand once and for all that the treatment of polyps without surgery is impossible. But to be afraid of surgical treatment is not necessary. In modern medicine, endoscopic polypectomy is actively used. This is a minimally invasive operation that allows resection of neoplasms without opening the cavities.

Preparing for the treatment of polyps

When answering the question of how to get rid of polyps without surgery in a child and an adult, it is important to understand that even minimally invasive techniques such as polypectomy are still outside interference with the help of a certain instrumentation. Therefore, the gastrointestinal tract must first be prepared for the upcoming manipulations. What do we have to do?

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  • Immediately before the intervention for two hours, it is necessary to make a cleansing enema.
  • Along with enemas, laxatives are taken.
  • For two weeks before the operation, such drugs as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Endometacin or Naproxen are prescribed. They help to eliminate the risk of bleeding after resection.

Methods of treatment of polyposis

  1. Electroexcision is a technique for removing polyps by means of electro-loops. Such treatment is most often used to remove neoplasms in the thermal departments of the colon. The loop-electrode is inserted through the biopsy hole and is put on the head of the tumor. Then a current flows to it, it heats the captured object and by the capture method cuts it. Simultaneously with resection, electrocoagulation of the vessels is performed, they are literally sealed, so bleeding occurs extremely rarely. The cut polyp is grasped by forceps and extracted through a biopsy channel.
  2. Electrocoagulation is performed by a tool - forceps, with which surgeons perform diathermy. The patient takes the knee-elbow position, through the anus is introduced a sigmoidoscope. The surgeon inserts forceps through it, grasps the leg of the polyp, then a current is applied to the handle of the forceps. In two seconds, it charring the leg of the tumor. On the mucous there remains a burn spot, 1x1 cm in size. If the process remains from the leg, it is cauterized additionally, or it is removed in parts. If the burned place is large, the removal of the appendage must be postponed and wait for complete healing of the mucosa( 2-3 weeks).After surgery, the patient is recommended a pastel regimen. Exclusively in this way, polyps in children are removed, treatment gives positive results, since there is no possibility of malignancy.
  3. Photocoagulation is a minimally invasive operation, in which an anoscope is added to the intestine, equipped with fiber optic optics. With the help of this technique, the tip of a special infrared coagulator is fed to the polyp. It is he who gives the beam of the laser. The impact lasts only 2-3 seconds, it destroys, burns the tumor, in its place remains a site of a specific gray color. This is a necrotic tissue, the depth of the lesion is only 5 mm. The drawback of this method is one. In one session, you can process only 2-3 neoplasms. Therefore, such treatment of polyposis is selected when the lesion is small. To process a larger site, several sessions are required, the break between each is at least two weeks. The advantages of photocoagulation are many. At the initial stages - this is the best treatment for polyps. It is bloodless, painless, effective and safe, so you can safely carry out photocoagulation in a child. The procedure does not last long, it can be combined with other types of therapy that help to eliminate the cause of the described pathologies.
  4. The combination of several methods is used in particularly difficult cases. Only a doctor, weighing the symptoms of a clinical picture, can determine how to remove polyps.

An endoscopist chooses an option to fight the disease. In his decision, he relies on the analysis of the size of polyps, their numbers, forms, the results of a diagnostic survey, allowing to determine the morphology of the disease. Of great importance is the qualification of the doctor and the availability of special equipment. In the case of detection of malignant neoplasms, a radical surgical intervention is performed. The volume of the operation depends on the location of the tumor. Most often, three types of resection are performed:

  • Right-sided hemicolectomy.
  • Left sided hemicolectomy.
  • Removing the affected area.

How to cure polyps?

Modern medicine knows how to cure polyps, benign neoplasms can appear for various reasons. To achieve full recovery helps to eliminate them. In addition to surgery, the patient is prescribed medication. It is aimed at eliminating the existing symptoms, restoring the mucosa after carrying out a minimally invasive operation and motor-evacuation functions of the intestine.

In addition to this patient is supplied with the recommendations, which are used in the treatment of peptic ulcer. To withdraw the education, he is advised to follow a diet and carry out a series of preventive measures. They consist in organizing proper nutrition. Of the daily diet is to exclude fatty foods, spicy dishes, the doctor insists on a greater intake of vegetables and fruits, capable of boasting a large content of antioxidants and vegetable fiber.

Positive influence is exerted by products rich in calcium. Scientists believe that it is calcium that helps prevent the development of relapses, so anyone who wants to learn how to get rid of polyposis once and for all should understand that in his diet, dairy products, cabbage, salmon and broccoli should appear daily. But in order to better absorb calcium, it is necessary to combine those that are rich in vitamin D. The story of how to deal with polyps helps you to listen more carefully to the signals of your own organism and respond in time to the first symptoms of the described pathology.

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