Means from polyps - tablets, medicines, suppositories, drops, ointment, vitamins

Failures in the functioning of the human body can lead to spontaneous growth of cells of the mucous membrane lining the internal organs. Such tumor-like formations called polyps, can be of a single character or whole bunches, microscopic and of enormous size, flat and on the "leg".As a rule, to prevent the transformation of these benign tumors into a malignant tumor, doctors recommend the rapid removal of polyps.

However, in the early stages of the development of hyperplastic formations, it is quite effective to treat polyps with various medications. After the operation to remove the build-up, the means are also used to prevent the re-formation of the growths on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.

Polyp Drugs

Polyps with conservative treatment in comparison with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are offered in a huge assortment. However, given that, as a rule, polyps are associated with gastritis, the list of funds is significantly increased. Means for treating this disease are applied in the form:

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  • tablet;
  • ointments;
  • candles;
  • drops.

In polyps, tablets are taken as a remedy to eliminate associated symptoms, such as bloating, heartburn, nausea, pain. For example, the drug Spasmomen, reducing the tone of smooth muscle fibers of the intestine, reduces the intensity of peristalsis, relieves stomach spasms. Reception Enzistal normalizes digestion, Domperidon depresses emetic reflexes, nausea, facilitates the emptying of the stomach. Pharmaceutical companies offer a large selection of pills that facilitate the course of the disease.

Among the drugs from polyps, the central place is clean. It is used in the form of tinctures, enemas and ointments, as part of candles from polyps. To destroy these formations in the rectum, you can use candles purchased at the pharmacy, and you can prepare the remedy yourself. Effective for resorption of growths is a mixture of honey and camphor oil, taken one tablespoon with the addition of 7 drops of iodine. A swab soaked in a thoroughly mixed mixture is injected into the anus before going to bed, and left until morning. Repeating the procedure at least ten times, you can completely get rid of this ailment.

A reliable means of getting rid of growths are candles Chistobolin with a hemlock is recognized by a large number of cures that have been cured. The flow of active components directly into the blood through the mucous membrane provides the effect of biologically active substances, microelements and vitamins, not only on the diseased organ, but on the whole organism. Included in the candles are hemlock and burdock have a strong antitumor effect, disinfecting, analgesic, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties. An effective drug is birch tar, which is dissolved from polyps in drops( 5) in half a glass of milk and drunk on an empty stomach twice a day, according to a certain scheme.

Effectively affects the reduction in the size of the mushroom vesicle, used as an ointment or juice. To prepare an ointment from polyps, a base consisting of stearic acid( 100 grams) and triethanolamine( 25 grams) is prepared, which is poured with water and heated until a gelatinous mass forms. When cooled, a white cream is obtained, which is mixed with acidic mushroom juice in a 1: 1 ratio. The juice is prepared from densely laid mushrooms in a jar - veselka, kept tightly closed for 2.5 months. The duration of juice storage is several years and at the same time it does not lose its medicinal properties. The course of treatment means lasts from three to five months with daily administration of the ointment.

Vitamins for polyps

The main amount of vitamins needed to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract comes from food. Scientists have established that some of them not only contribute to enhancing the protective properties of the body, but also save polyps. It is not by chance that in folk remedies for the treatment of polyps of viburnum, which is a real storehouse of vitamins, is central. To curb the growth of formations phyto-immunocorrectors are used, such as aconite, hemlock, grass elder, white mistletoe, cheremitsa, bedrock.

Recently, scientists from France found that B17, contained in the grains of apples, pears, cherry bones is a good tool for the destruction of growths. The consumption of only 3-4 grains a day is enough to ensure the daily needs of the organism in it. Buckwheat porridge, bran also contain B17.The lack of vitamins C, D and E, beta-carotene can provoke the growth of formations, so balanced balanced nutrition with the predominance of fresh vegetables and fruits, vegetable fats, with the necessary amount of trace elements is so important.

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