Labaznik planting and care: photo

To many people, the grass of the mendicant is known as the tavolga. In addition to taking into account the wide useful properties of plants, many plant grass at home and in the country to decorate and saturate the air with a pleasant aroma. Blossoms tavolga quite a long period. The first flowers appear in the late spring and continue to please the eye almost all summer.

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Where does the mulberry grow? There are several types of plants that can be found in nature in the forest, near the lake, on the river bank and other places. Florists appreciate the taiga not only for the beautiful element of the decor of the dacha and homesteads, but also for its useful properties.

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Labaznik, planting and care, as well as photos of plants, will be the topic of the article, which will consider the features of cultivation, species, as well as useful properties of the twill.

Methods of planting

The best conditions for growing are considered to be garden or country territory. You can plant flowers, both on a sunny plot, and in the penumbra. Too dark areas will not work. The soil for seeding must be moist and soft. There are several ways to plant the plant. To them belong:

  1. Planting of seeds.
  2. Propagation by division of roots.

Next, we'll discuss the landing procedure in more detail.

The division of rhizomes

This method is suitable in the presence of an adult plant. For this, it is necessary to excavate the bush of the twig with the root. Preliminary it is recommended to moisten the soil well, this will help to avoid damage to the root system.

After excavation, the planting material is neatly divided into several parts. After this, the roots obtained are planted in a previously prepared soil. Do not bury the plant too deep, it will be enough 5-7 cm. After planting, it is impossible to compact the soil around the roots too tightly.

Growing with seeds

You can purchase seeds for planting on the market or in a specialized store. When purchasing planting stock, attention should be paid to the shelf life of the seeds and the integrity of the package. Only from a high-quality product will it be possible to get a healthy plant.

The time for sowing seeds, like the propagation with the help of rootlets, is best chosen with the onset of heat. The soil should be sufficiently moist, but not frozen after winter frosts. Seeds of the twig perfectly germinate in the open ground. To do this, they are planted in shallow( 5-7 cm) grooves and slightly sprinkled with soil. There is no need to compact and trample down.

Important! The feature of the maller is that the first flowers can be observed only the next year after planting.

Common species and their photos

Landing and grooming in the garden behind the barbarian will not be particularly troublesome. More often than not, flower growers prefer such types of plants as an ordinary meadowsweed. The beautiful ornament of the garden is the purple plant. Further in the article, we will consider plant varieties in more detail.

Labrador ordinary

Labrador ordinary will give your garden a scattering of snow-white inflorescences and a wonderful aroma already in the middle or late May. The unpretentious plant is densely covered with small fluffy flowers no more than 1 cm in diameter. Special care tavolga does not require. It will be enough to water the plant to maintain soil moisture.

Purple Tavolga

Labaznik purple reaches a height of up to two meters. During flowering, it produces small inflorescences with red and pink small flowers. The peculiarity of this species is that fruits of the same purple color are formed in the place of flowers. This creates the illusion of uninterrupted flowering until the deepest autumn.

Terry mobaznik

Terracotta terrier, as it is often called in the people, has the scientific name "Pleno".Flowers of this type of plant are very lush and are a magnificent element of any garden or courtyard. A special feature of this variety is the love of the light. It is not necessary to water the flowers too often.


One of the most common is the knife mackerel. This kind of plant likes moisture and shaded areas of the soil. When planting it in a dacha or in a garden, you should pick up a territory that meets the requirements of the plant. Flowers appear in June and please their wonderful aroma for another 20-30 days. Under favorable conditions, a second flowering can be observed in late August or early September.

Tavolga vyazolistnaya, apart from aesthetic pleasure, gives a pleasant honey aroma. During the flowering period, the fragrance attracts bees and some other insects. It is best to plant the plant near water sources. It can be wells, pools and watering territories.

In addition to the above types of often used to decorate the garden, and use such types of red beetles:

  1. Aurea.
  2. Variegata.
  3. Rosea.
  4. Aureavariegata.

Important! Labrador crab is recognized not only in the people, but also in official medicine. In many countries, the Tovolg is used as an excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent.

The Benefits of the

Plant The medicinal properties of the adipose are widely used to treat various inflammatory and infectious diseases. There is an opinion among the people that the herb medicinal herb is able to cure forty diseases. The proven fact is that the knotweed lapiznik has a strong effect in the fight against oncological formations of the body, and also greatly strengthens immunity.

Advocates of folk medicine consider mambaznik as an excellent remedy for most colds. Decoction of grass is used for gargling and internal reception.

Very useful tavolga is considered for the treatment of diseases associated with disruption of the digestive system. The components of the plant normalize the acidity of the stomach, eliminate the manifestations of heartburn, increase the metabolic processes of the body. In addition, it should be noted the following properties of the plant:

  1. The use of tea from the twill helps to normalize the body's water balance, remove excess fluid. Drink is an effective anti-inflammatory agent in diseases of the urogenital system.
  2. A real first aid from tea is made from mallin for hypertensive patients. A cup of drink can reduce pressure and improve the patient's well-being in 30 minutes.
  3. The components of the beetle allow the use of the plant in order to combat parasitic forms in the body.
  4. Drink on the basis of medicinal herbs excellently relieves pain in the ailments of the musculoskeletal system.
  5. Broth of masticum is washed with furuncles, pimples and purulent wounds. It is also effective for burns and frostbite.
  6. In disorders of the nervous system and constant stresses it is recommended to drink a glass of fragrant tea to normalize the psychosomatic state and adjust the heart rate.

Despite the fact that tavolga is considered one of the safest medicinal plants, it is still worth remembering some contraindications. These include a tendency to constipation, low blood pressure, poor blood coagulation. In addition, there are cases of development of allergies to plant components. Also, from drinking tea, women should be discarded during pregnancy and lactation.

Labaznik is a real find. In addition to decorating the garden with a splendid array of flowers, the plant has many beneficial medicinal properties for the body. Tavolga will give beauty to your garden and health to the body.

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