Erosive gastroduodenitis: symptoms and treatment, diet, folk remedies, drugs

Erosive gastroduodenitis is an inflammatory disease in which the epithelial layer of the stomach and duodenum is covered with erosions.

Unlike ulcers, they do not affect submucosal and muscular membranes. Such elements can be single or multiple. The disease develops more often at a young age to the same extent in men and women.

Causes of

The provoking factors may be:

  • malnutrition,
  • bad habits,
  • genetic predisposition.

Found that as a secondary disease develops against a background of kidney failure or large blood loss.

If the patient is unconscious, it is difficult to detect the presence of the disease. Therefore, diagnostic procedures for the detection of the disease are prescribed only with obvious signs.

Symptoms of erosive gastroduodenitis

The disease is acute or chronic. In the first case, the reception of bad products or toxins becomes a prerequisite. The chronic form is formed when the protective factors work.

One of the first symptoms is periodic or persistent pain in the upper half of the abdomen. It can appear immediately after a meal or in a few hours. In addition, the patient is worried about sour eructations, nausea, heartburn. There is a tendency to bloating.

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During periods of exacerbation, vomiting of mucus occurs. In extreme cases with impurities of blood. They have a dark color due to the interaction with hydrochloric acid. A black chair is possible. Appetite, depending on the severity of the disease, remains normal or decreases. The severity of all symptoms is related to the degree of mucosal damage, localization of erosion and disturbance of the work of other organs.

If bleeding from erosions is frequent, then anemia develops. Then additionally appears:

  • fatigue,
  • dizziness,
  • heart palpitations.

In acute form all the symptoms appear suddenly. Therefore, they immediately seek medical help. When chronic form of the disease occurs without significant clinical symptoms.

Diagnosis of the disease

Treatment and diagnostic activities are prescribed by the gastroenterologist. Mandatory ultrasound and endoscopic examination is prescribed. The latter allows detecting the presence of erosion and taking a biomaterial for histological examination. With its help, the degree of the inflammatory process and the presence of atrophy are established.

If it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, then it is prescribed fluoroscopy and intragastric pH-metry. The latter allows you to clarify the level of acidity. It is carried out using a special probe, which must be swallowed by the subject.

Video shows gastroscopy of erosive gastroduodenitis:

How to treat erosive gastroduodenitis?

Immediately when a suspicion of erosive gastroduodenitis is prescribed a strict diet. It is effective at the first stage of the disease. Based on the results of the examination, medicines are prescribed. For the treatment to be carried out at a faster pace, additional funds for traditional medicine are prescribed.


In the case of a disease, it is prescribed:

  1. Antibiotics. They are needed for cleansing the body of Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Antibacterial agents are prescribed after the sensitivity test. Most often, Amoxicillin and Metronidazole are effective.
  2. Bismuth-containing products. They relieve inflammation, have astringent action. Among the representatives of this group is De-nol.
  3. Antacids and proton pump inhibitors. They reduce the aggressiveness of gastric juice, allowing the mucosa to regenerate faster. It creates with their help a protective enveloping film inside the body.
  4. Reparants. When the cause of the development of erosive gastroduodenitis is established and eliminated, the doctor prescribes medicines aimed at accelerated healing of erosions and ulcers.

Folk remedies

Herbal infusion helps to relieve exacerbation, relieve pain and get rid of inflammation. There are several basic recipes:

  1. For celandine( 1 part), St. John's wort( 2 parts), yarrow and chamomile are ground to a uniform consistency. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist in a thermos night. Take it before each meal of 75 ml.
  2. Flax broth is prepared from chopped seeds and water. The main component is poured with boiling water and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. Insists about 1 hour. Take the formula should be several times a day. If the course is a month, you can forget about the illness for a long time.
  3. If you think that the celandine is an aggressive component, then make an infusion of chamomile, yarrow and St. John's wort. Each component is taken 1 tablespoon. The mixture is poured with boiling water and is infused for a quarter of an hour. Take it three times a day.


When erosive gastroduodenitis should be fed often, but in small portions. Proper selection of products will normalize the digestive system and metabolism.

Is allowed to eat:

  • Rubbed soups on secondary meat or vegetable broths.
  • Lenten meat and cutlets from it. Omelette and raw eggs.
  • Soft and enveloping porridges.
  • crackers.
  • Decoctions and tea,
  • Cocoa with milk. Heat-treated vegetables.

Fat and fried foods are completely banned with plenty of leaks. Dishes should be warm. It is good to drink every day a broth of dog rose instead of tea or coffee.

Prognosis and prevention

For prophylactic purposes it is recommended to adhere to a sparing diet, and anti-inflammatory drugs should be drunk only with the doctor's indications. The intake of complex vitamins will also help to avoid the appearance of erosion. For the mucosa need vitamins A, E, C.

If the work is associated with stress, it is recommended to make an appointment for a massage or periodically drink light sedatives.

In case of incorrect treatment, peptic ulcer disease may develop. It will require more time for treatment, possibly, surgical treatment.

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