Diseases of operated stomach: classification, ICD-10, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

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Diseases of the operated stomach are diseases that develop in the postoperative period. In the age of modern technology, such consequences are rare. But sometimes they can not be avoided. It is established that in 30% of patients, due to inadequate adaptation and compensation, pathological syndromes and relapses of ulcers occur.

Classification of diseases of the operated stomach

According to the ICD-10, the pathology code is K 91.1.All problems of this nature are divided into three groups:

  • Organic diseases. These include ulcers, gastric stump cancer.
  • Evacuation violations. Occur more often due to mechanical damage.
  • Functional disorders. These include dumping syndrome, impaired absorption.

Today, doctors use a special classification, which is divided into two sections:

  • Postgastrectomy disorders. In a severe stage, they occur in 3% of patients who have been operated on for ulcers. Patients are more likely to be under the supervision of therapists. This type includes violations that have arisen because of destructive anatomical and morphological changes. The second subsection includes problems associated with new anatomical and physiological relationships. They arise in the body due to the exclusion of part of the stomach from the act of digestion.
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  • Post-gothic syndrome. These include recurrence of ulcers, diarrhea, dumping syndrome and other pathological conditions. The frequency and severity of the syndromes depends on the nature of the intervention.

Reasons for

One of the main factors is the nature of the operation performed.

Great importance is given to concomitant and previous operations. A certain influence is exerted by various typological features of higher nervous activity.

It is established that cholerics and melancholics are more common among patients. People with strong temperamental temperament almost never happen with such complications.

The causes of diseases of the operated stomach are:

  1. Errors in the operation of the surgical team, for example, incorrect suturing.
  2. Damage to nerves and vessels.
  3. Insolvency of seams.
  4. Incomplete resection of the stomach.
  5. Lesion of the stomach.
  6. Extensive damage, which did not help surgical intervention.
  7. Strong decrease in immunity.
  8. Refusal of drug treatment.
  9. Early physical activity and abuse of harmful food.

Symptoms of

Each type of disease has its own symptoms. If it is a violation of the function of the stomach, patients note discomfort, heaviness, nausea and vomiting, belching sour. With inflammation of the peritoneum there are severe pains, muscle tension, an increase in body temperature up to 39 degrees, intoxication of the body.

If bleeding occurs after surgery, the symptomatology may be weak or severe. If the volume of lost blood is large, then severe conditions occur until loss of consciousness.

Another syndrome is hypoglycemic. It occurs a few hours after the prima meal. There are spasmodic pains, which are accompanied by a painful sense of hunger. There is a feeling of heat, weakness.

If there is inflammation of the pancreas, patients complain of abdominal pain that spreads to the back, the left arm, under the shoulder blade. Pain may not be as pronounced as in acute pancreatitis.


Diagnosis is made after the analysis of the clinical picture, obtaining the results of the analysis and radiographic, endoscopic examination. Everything begins with the collection of complaints.

It is established, in what time interval they appeared after the operation. The doctor asks questions about lifestyle and adherence to recommendations.

Laboratory analysis includes:

  • Blood test. It allows to determine the amount of hemoglobin, erythrocytes, platelets. Biochemical research is needed to monitor the condition of internal organs and digestive glands.
  • Coprogram. Allows you to identify undigested fragments of fat, food.

Instrument methods are divided into:

  1. CT.Allows you to assess the state of the stomach.
  2. Fluoroscopy. Identifies the pathological changes that have occurred against the background of the operation.
  3. EGDS.Examination of the mucosa of the digestive tract with the help of an endoscope for the detection of pathology.
  4. ultrasound. Allows you to evaluate the work of not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the kidneys, the liver. It is one of the first methods used to detect inflammatory processes.

Treatment of diseases of the operated stomach

The leading place is occupied by dietotherapy. It is recommended to make the diet varied, high-calorie. With lots of vitamins and proteins. Restricting requires the intake of simple carbohydrates.

It is recommended to use cutlets from low-fat meat, broths, sour-milk products, salads with a small amount of vegetable oil.

When dumping the syndrome, it is recommended to start eating with thick dishes. After a meal, it's better to lie or be in a semi-sitting position. Usually prescribed local anesthetic drugs, as well as ganglioblokiruyuschie and anti-serotonin drugs.

For the treatment of hypoglycemic syndrome, techniques are used to stop attacks. The patient should carry sugar or bread. Severe seizures characterized by loss of consciousness require the introduction of glucose.

In the treatment of more importance is given to reducing physical activity and taking:

  • Enzyme preparations. They lead to a more efficient digestion process.
  • Antacids. Their action is aimed at reducing the acidity of gastric contents.
  • Vitamins of group B.

If the disease progresses, drug therapy does not give the desired result, a re-surgery is prescribed.

Complications of

Complications include:

  1. Lack of vitamins in the body.
  2. Bleeding.
  3. Anemia.
  4. Inflammation of the stomach or part of it.
  5. Education ulcers.
  6. Diarrhea.
  7. Development of a malignant tumor.
  8. Total reduction in immunity.
  9. Fistula formation.

People may note persistent fatigue, severe short-term or long-term pain. When they appear, you must immediately get an appointment with a doctor.


In the course of dispensary supervision, doctors pay attention to even the smallest signs of digestive disorders and water-electrolyte disorders. For those who suffer from recurrences of ulcers, conservative treatment aimed at the prevention of peptic ulcer is prescribed.

Preventive measures include the regular conduct of endoscopy. It allows to assess the condition of the internal surface of the esophagus. It is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle and not burden your body.

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