Worms came out, what to do, how do helminths come out of the body of an adult human or children, can they leave themselves, dead or alive after the vermin?

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If people were not frankly sharing their impressions that they had worms, the words of parasitologists about the dominance of helminths in humans would be more questioned. After all, it's one thing to take for granted a fact, another is to listen to an eloquent story of an eyewitness. And then not to skepticism, when the poor fellow describes all the horrors of the exit of the ascarids and tapeworms from his own womb. How worms go out in humans, and how the specimens look like, excites very many. No less interesting is the question of whether helminths can go out without the use of anthelmintic agents, and if the worm comes out itself, what to do, how to behave further?

Why do human worms go out?

Let's start with the fact that if the parasites from the person come out themselves, it means that they have it. And there is nothing surprising in that once worms came out. Helminths are active. Intensively moving, they can accidentally climb out even alive. This is one of the possible reasons why their self-elimination sometimes occurs. Leaving the host's body is also capable of weakened by the action of medication or a dead parasite. In both cases, this occurs as a result of detachment from the walls of the intestine or other organ.

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Many of the worms are active in the dark. So, female pinworms get out at night to lay eggs on the skin near the anus. Here, these small white worms( up to 5-9 mm) can be seen by lighting the place with a flashlight and destroying it with the masonry.

Where do worms come from?

Most biological species of human helminths settled in the intestine. Therefore, it is clear how they evacuate from there. One way out is through the anus. Not at will, of course. Peristalski literally pushes them out with the calves. The worms come out alive or dead. When infecting other organs, it is possible to exit through the mouth or nose. Most often during vomiting( a relatively rare option).This path is not very traumatic for parasites, so it becomes clear why the worms erupt alive from the mouth of a person. Directly the process itself is not dared to take pictures, but there are such videos.

What do the worms look like?

In what form the trichinella, ascaris, toxocara and the like leave the body - the question number one for most people. To see with your own eyes in the toilet an uninvited tenant - just to know that it is no longer inside. True, it remains unclear whether he alone was or was his friends-buddies. In any case, whether inclusions have been found in the stool, a long worm or a threadlike lump has fallen out - it is not recommended to carry out self-identification and prescribe a treatment. Those who have worms can detect:
  • Destroyed helminths( fragments) or an immobilized parasite entirely. The time of the finding of dead individuals in the intestine is important and a laxative was taken. Remains, as a rule, are wrapped in slime and liquid calves, sometimes drop out. Long worms are ribbons, chain shoots out in several defecation techniques.
  • In the form of digested gruel. Under the action of an antiparasitic agent, the cuticle is destroyed, the nematode or its flat counterpart is digested in the intestine.

The release of the human intestine from helminths during treatment depends not only on the mechanism of the antiparasitic drug on the helminth and its dosage, but also on the individual characteristics of the organism: susceptibility to constipation( diarrhea), acidity of the environment, metabolic features. Expulsion of cestodes and flukes from the body often accompanies a feeling of stirring, pain, abdominal pain, nausea, general weakness.

Worm came out, what should I do?

This copy should be seen by an infectious disease doctor or parasitologist. Determining the biological type will facilitate the selection of the desired therapy and dosage of the drug. Ideally put the helminth( its fragments) in a hermetically sealed jar with alcohol or strong saline solution. The tissues of the parasite will be protected from drying out. Hand and crotch treatment.

How do helminths develop in children?

Parents often have to witness how worms in children get out:

  • The child has enterobiosis. This helminthiosis, caused by pinworms, is a frequent phenomenon in young children. At night, he does not sleep well, because worms crawling out of the ass, cause itching. Pinworms go out by themselves. It is not difficult to see them. Near the anus they are crouching, laying eggs. In girls, they can hide between the labia. The presence of pinworms captures the picture quite clearly. White fine pointed worms under the flash are clearly distinguishable.
  • A large worm came out. This is probably an ascaris, one of the most common "children's" helminths. If you get out alone, then the second is just somewhere else on the road.
  • The child has a long ribbon tapeworm. Of course, we should rejoice that we did not have to pull it out. To wonder why the worm crawled out itself - untimely. So, if a child has a worm, what should parents do first? The first - do not panic by yourself, do not scare the baby, this case is not rare. Second - hand in glove or tweezers carefully transfer the object to a clean jar and close the lid. Not to remember to leave - to the laboratory carry for identification. Third - carefully the child to wash the perineum. A long worm may turn out to be a pork chain, and feces may contain larvae.

Should helminths leave after the vermilion?

It is possible to detect "exiles" after a helminthic procedure a little, despite the wide coverage of the population with invasions. But to be guided by the principle "if they did not come out, it means nothing" is wrong. You can not wait for an effective exit because of the migration of parasites from the intestine and the "journey" of their larvae along the body. To visually come out worms, you need to create the necessary conditions for them: to choose the ideal means of paralysis, to accurately calculate the dosage, to ensure delicate evacuation. In practice, this is difficult. It should be borne in mind that the contractile movements of the intestinal walls chop the helminths, and individual medicines not only kill but also dissolve.

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