Chronic duodenitis hr.gastritis - symptoms, treatment exacerbation, diet, in children, how to treat folk remedies?

Chronic duodenitis is a disease that is accompanied by inflammation, as well as changes in the structure of the mucosa of the duodenum with periodic exacerbations. However, in an isolated state xp.duodenitis is rare, most often it is accompanied by chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, enteritis, and also other diseases.

Although there are enough reliable methods for establishing the diagnosis of hr.duodenitis, this disease is still insufficiently studied( in contrast to gastritis), and the diagnosis of a clinical picture often causes difficulties for specialists in gastroenterology, which significantly delays treatment.

Chronic duodenitis: symptoms and clinical picture

Primary chronic duodenitis in children and adults is reminiscent of gastritis or peptic ulcer disease in the first symptoms. The main symptom is the painful sensations in the central part of the abdominal cavity, and the localization of this pain is slightly shifted to the right side. Often it is spasmolytic in nature with a gradual increase in a few hours after eating. In addition, this disease is also characterized by a reduction in pain after eating food or alkaline water.

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In addition to this symptom, patients also experience prolonged heartburn( as with gastritis), which indicates an exacerbation of the disease. Patients note that heartburn, as a rule, disappears after the use of antacid pharmaceuticals. Another sign is nausea. It can manifest itself, both after eating and on an empty stomach. If the patient shows nausea after eating, the gastroenterologist can note along with duodenitis concomitant gastritis, that is suspicion of gastroduodenitis.

Disorders in the autonomic nervous system in children with chronic duodenitis are extremely rare, but in adults this sign is often present. In children with prolonged interruptions in eating, the disease may be accompanied by weakness, or a twisting of the head, as well as a sharp improvement in appetite. Most often this is due to a reduced level of sugar in the blood.

It should be noted that in children with cron.duodenitis there are no abnormalities in physical development. However, girls can increase weight. At the same time, a normal appetite remains.

During palpation in the abdominal cavity and right upper quadrant, local pain sensations can be found - these are also the symptoms of chronic duodenitis. Sometimes the pain may be slightly to the left of the navel. In the case of problems with stool, painful can also be palpation of the large intestine.

In addition, specialists of gastroenterologists note that often the symptoms of chronic duodenitis are interrelated with the time of year. So exacerbations most often occur in the spring or autumn period.

Symptoms of chronic disease can manifest themselves in completely different ways. Everything depends on the accompanying disorders in other digestive organs. During the course of the disease, dyskinesias of the bile duct, pancreas, and thick intestinal tract are manifested, and disturbances are also possible in the evacuation and motor work of the stomach and duodenum. These processes require additional treatment. Sometimes described pathologies accompany gastritis, inflammatory processes in the biliary tract, as well as the pancreas.

How to treat chronic duodenitis?

Treatment of chronic duodenitis, as a rule, includes almost the same procedures as for gastritis and peptic ulcer. It should be based on the features of the current cron.duodenitis, and also take into account the main causes of the onset and development of the disease, such as cholecystitis or biliary dyskinesia.

For patients who suffer from duodenitis, it is extremely important to follow a properly selected diet. When the disease worsens, taking into account the tolerability of products( primarily milk), a diet of two main alternatives is prescribed. In case of normal tolerance of dairy products, treatment begins at table 1. After the remission has come, the patient is transferred to table No. 2 or No. 5( if there are diseases of the pancreas-biliary system).If the patient has expressed intolerance to milk for the period of exacerbation, diet No. 4 or 4b is prescribed, and after that it is transferred to menu No. 4c. During the remission recommended full-fledged food( according to the type of table number 15), with the exception of products that are poorly tolerated by the patient. Of course, the diet for gastritis is not so strict.

In order to relieve pain, Atropine, Metacin and Platifillin are prescribed. Even in case of extreme pain, morphine should not be taken, as it promotes elevation of the pressure of the pancreatic duct. That is, because of the side effect of this drug, it is contraindicated in patients who suffer from pancreatitis. Moderate pain during chronic duodenitis is removed with the help of antispasmodics.

For the treatment of chronic inflammation of the duodenal ulcer with exacerbation, an excellent result is given by pharmaceutical preparations that increase the separation of bile, as well as its formation. In order to relieve the spasm of the bile ducts, strengthen the separation of bile and relieve pain, physiotherapy procedures are widely used. In order to normalize the work of the nervous system, hydrotherapy is used.

It takes a long time to get rid of chronic duodenitis. As a rule, it is conducted conservatively, but accompanied by some folk remedies. It is rare to use surgical intervention, which is often necessary in the case of an adhesion process, as well as the lack of effectiveness of conservative therapy.

Chronic duodenitis: treatment with folk remedies

As well as the use of pharmaceuticals, it is possible to treat chronic duodenitis with folk remedies, without forgetting, of course, the observance of diets. These funds are used by people since ancient times. As a rule, preference is given to herbal tinctures and broths. But do not forget that often this ailment, like gastritis can be accompanied by a peptic ulcer, so you need to choose with caution.

It should be noted that to restore the walls in the duodenum you can use the same folk remedies that help cope with chronic gastritis. In most cases, they, like food, become a protective layer for the mucosa from a variety of irritating mucous factors.

Among the herbs that well influence and facilitate the recovery of the patient with chronic duodenitis, there are: oregano, elecampane, angelica, strawberry leaves, coltsfoot, plantain, sage, lemon balm, Icelandic moss, peppermint, fennel fruits, hips, shoots of black tea, wormwood, straw of green oats, sweet clover, labaznik, chamomile flowers and eucalyptus leaves.

Each patient needs to be aware that the use of folk remedies for chronic duodenitis is possible only after consultation with a gastroenterologist and with his permission, since not always and not all herbal infusions can be beneficial to the body.

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