Pancreatic cancer in cats and cats

Pancreatic cancer is a disease that affects not only humans, but also pets. And although the cats have this infirmity not so often, the danger of its occurrence is still great. What are the characteristics of the course of this disease, and how great are the chances of saving the pet?

The main danger of pancreatic cancer in cats is that it proceeds almost asymptomatically, and therefore, it is very, very difficult to identify it in the early stages. The key symptom to which you should pay attention is a sharp weight loss. Unfortunately, many owners do not pay enough attention to this attribute, linking it only with changing seasonal conditions, and at this time the condition of the pet is rapidly deteriorating.

It is important to understand that pancreatic cancer, in the early stages, when the effectiveness of treatment is maximum, practically does not cause the cat inconveniences. The pet is playful, his behavior has not changed, so the owners do not consider it necessary to rush to the vet for an inspection. And in vain.

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An alarming symptom that can indicate a variety of diseases, including cancer, is the appearance of fatty feces, the volume of which is excessively increased, and the smell is sharp and unpleasant. Unfortunately, these symptoms are manifested already at the stage when the cancer began its development in the cat's body and in addition to the pancreas, metastases penetrated into other organs. Determine the presence of a malignant tumor will allow radiography, and the appropriate veterinarian can choose the appropriate treatment.

What is important, cancer in cats requires constant monitoring and regular check-ups from a veterinarian. Since remission - the weakening or complete disappearance of the symptoms of this pancreatic disease - is often replaced by its relapse, as a result of which the count goes not so much on the days as on the hours, because the speed of the development of the disease is repeatedly accelerated. In this case, the probability of saving the life of a cat, even when taking emergency measures, is not too high, and therefore it is better not to miss the moment and monitor the condition of the animal, and with the slightest changes and signs of ailment - rush to the veterinary clinic.

Pancreatic cancer is a disease that has not been avoided by pets, and because of it cats and cats often suffer. With timely treatment, there is certainly a possibility of recovery, but the main danger of this disease is that it develops almost asymptomatically, and the consequences of it are very sad. That is why when there are any signs of unhealthy behavior that may indicate the development of pancreatic cancer, it is better to consult a veterinarian once again, saving the cat not only health, but life as well.

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