Signs and symptoms of pancreatitis( indirect, first, external, positive, clinical, basic) and treatment of pancreatic disease, photos, video

The first signs of pancreatitis are manifested in all patients in different ways. Among the earliest symptoms that indicate a disease of the pancreas, it should be noted frequent constipation with swelling. There may also be a feeling of heaviness and discomfort after eating. Some patients complain of discomfort in the upper abdomen, which may be accompanied by mild or moderate pain. It is difficult to grasp the source of pain, since tingling sensations can arise from either side.

Main symptoms of

The main signs of acute and chronic pancreatitis should be distinguished. In the acute form of the disease, the main symptom is the severe pain in the upper abdomen, which can give to the right or left hypochondrium. Patients often complain of shingling pain. Patients are trying to remove the painful attack with analgesics and spasmolytics, but the pills, as a rule, do not give the desired effect. In acute pancreatitis, symptoms are noted: vomiting, upset of the chair, dizziness, severe weakness. With ultrasound examination, one can observe changes in the shape and edges of the pancreas, and cysts can also be seen.

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The main symptoms of chronic pancreatitis are pains that are localized in the "epigastric" area and can be given to the right or left hypochondrium, and also to the back. Girdle pain becomes more pronounced after taking a lying position and weakens if you sit down or lean slightly forward. Among the main signs of chronic pancreatitis can also be noted pain after taking heavy, fatty or spicy foods, frequent diarrhea, nausea, eructation, loss of body weight and poor appetite.

Indirect symptoms of

Indirect signs of pancreatitis can be recognized during laboratory studies and ultrasound of the pancreas. Her test results can be testified by such test results as: high blood sugar, presence of sugar in the urine, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, mild anemia, violation of carbohydrate metabolism, leukocytosis, increased activity of the enzyme of pancreatic juice in urine and blood.

When performing an ultrasound examination of a patient's pancreas, the following indirect symptoms of the disease can be observed: calcareous deposits or pancreatic stones, enlarged gland size( head larger by 3 cm, tail or body - by 2.5 cm), enlarged organ duct.

External symptoms of

External signs of chronic pancreatitis can manifest in the form of weight loss, scaling and dry skin, icterus of the mucous membranes and skin, stomatitis or glossitis. Another external symptom of pancreatic disease is the presence of small red spots on the skin, having a round shape and not disappearing when pressed.

Acute pancreatitis is characterized by the following external signs: increased sweating, pale or earthy-gray skin color, abundant plaque in the tongue and pointed facial features.

Clinical symptoms of

Among the clinical signs of acute pancreatitis, it should be noted: intense pain in the epigastrium( the nature of pain is sudden, violent), which does not bring relief from vomiting with an admixture of bile; mechanical jaundice is observed when the gland is enlarged. After suffering acute pancreatitis, pseudocysts are often formed, which are attributed to the chronic form of the disease.

The main clinical manifestation of chronic pancreatitis is exocrine gland failure. This is expressed in the inability of the body to produce a number of digestive enzymes. The main clinical signs, characteristic of chronic pancreatitis: dyspeptic disorders, fatty stool, weight loss, pain.

Signs of pancreatic lesions

Signs of pancreatic lesions include:

  • epigastric pain. The nature of the pain can be shingles, giving back, the spine or the left scapula;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • "fat" chair, which is difficult to wash off the surface of the toilet;
  • mushy copious stool( up to five times a day);
  • gray color of feces;
  • colic in abdomen, bloating;
  • nausea and heaviness in the stomach after taking hot, fatty or smoked food;
  • weight loss;
  • poor appetite.

Symptoms of peritoneal irritation in pancreatitis

In acute pancreatitis, symptoms of peritoneal irritation syndrome may occur, the manifestation of which depends on the stage of the inflammatory process. Most often they occur in destructive processes, with exudation( with the content of pancreatic enzymes).Irritation of the peritoneum is also associated with the presence of peritoneal necrosis and hemorrhage.

First Aid and Treatment for Symptoms of Pancreatic Disease

At the first signs of pancreatitis, the following steps should be taken:

  • promptly call for an ambulance, since any delay can result in the worst consequences;
  • not allow the patient to take food;
  • if the patient asks for water, you can give a small amount of mineral water;
  • on the navel area you need to put a packet of ice wrapped in a towel;
  • to give antispasmodics is better not worth it, since it can "blur" the clinical picture;
  • patient must be laid on his back or on his side. In most cases, the pain itself determines the position of the body. It is possible that a person will be much more comfortable simply to sit down and lean forward a little;
  • expect the arrival of an "ambulance".

Treatment of pancreatitis should be carried out in a hospital setting where doctors will take a set of necessary measures and prescribe a strict diet. With the development of complications in acute pancreatitis, medics resort to surgical methods of treatment.

General principles of treatment for symptoms of chronic pancreatitis:

  • adherence to a strict diet( acute, fatty, smoked food is not allowed, alcohol is completely excluded);
  • reception of anesthetics;
  • reception of enzyme-containing preparations( mezim, creon, etc.);
  • reception of vitamins;
  • treatment of diabetes and other endocrine diseases;
  • treatment of cholelithiasis.

If conservative treatment with symptoms of this pancreatic disease does not yield positive results, the patient can undergo surgery( distal pancreatectomy, Whipple operation or lateral pancreatic asthenia), and endoscopic treatment( drainage of pseudocysts, etc.).

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