Dyslasia in children: types, causes, treatment and characterization of corrective work

If the speech difficulties of the child do not have a connection with the pathologies of hearing or the provision of nerves( innervation) to the muscles responsible for the generation of voice sounds, then the diagnosis is "dyslalia"( F80.0 according to ICD 10).

Types of dislalds

Classification of this speech disorder is based on the causal factors and specific manifestations.


At an early age, all people have some "wrong" pronunciation of sounds. This form is called?physiological( or age) and after reaching five years it is eliminated in itself.

Mechanical( organic)

Presence of a certain structural defect in the construction of the apparatus responsible for sound production( the arrangement and structure of the teeth and / or palate, the occlusion device, the anomalous dimensions of the tongue, the length of the frenulum) prevents the child from accurately pronouncing the sounds, leading to an organicmechanical) variant of the dyslalia. This problem has no age-related predispositions.

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Video from a practical lesson in one of the federal universities in the country, where the symptomatology of dyslalia is discussed in detail:

In a number of works the terms "organic" and "mechanical" differ, the organic means intermediate between dysarthria problems and dyslagia. Now, however, such a situation is often considered an erased manifestation of dysarthria.


This type of problem is mentioned in the situation when the structure of the organ apparatus( namely the palate, the maxillofacial system, the tongue) is not violated.

The situation is realized at the stage when the child learns to pronounce sounds and utters wrong part of them( one or more).At the same time, the baby does not manage to give his speech organs the required position.

If sounds in a speech are mixed or replaced, then a phonemic pathology is implied, and if they are simply distorted, phonetic. Accordingly, the following three subgroups are differentiated.


A distinctive feature-articulation positions( the arrangement of articulation organs required for pronouncing a specific sound) in a child is organized incorrectly.

Pronouncing is distorted, although acoustically( by ear) is like the right one and is good, as a rule, is understood by the listener. The sound is very similar to the sounds of other language systems( "p" French, etc.).


A distinctive feature - arises against the background of the underdevelopment of phonemic hearing. The patient can not correctly determine the acoustic( "auditory") signs of specific sounds, i. E.on the background of the absence of common problems with hearing, he does not understand certain phonemes( tone-tone pronunciation of sounds).

Pronounced the same( as heard)?"Cortex" / "mountain".



  1. a small patient's choice of an incorrect interposition of the speech organs when pronouncing the sound( the "articulatory base" is formed precisely);
  2. replacing the sound that needs to be "spoken" for a lighter, closer in the set of motor( articulatory) features, that is, one for which it is easier to give the necessary interposition to the bodies responsible for speech.

Substitutions in words - "garden" / "sit down", "Kolya" / "Tolya", "chicken" / "kuricha".

A mixed mechanical-functional disorder is possible in one patient.

Causes of dyslagia

The violation of pronouncing sounds in this pathology, in the general situation, has a direct connection with the peculiarities of "verbal education" or an anomaly of the bodies responsible for speech, with:

  • physiological - age underdevelopment of organic structures;
  • mechanical( or organic) - congenital, acquired or hereditary, genetically-determined pathology of organs;
  • functional - a number of social factors.

Reasons for the last form:

  • illiterate speech education( excessive use of "baby", "syusykayuschih" words educating adults);
  • violations of significant adult pronunciation of sounds;
  • pedagogical oversight;
  • underdeveloped perception of phonemes;
  • multilingualism( the consequence is a mixture of features of pronunciation from different linguistic systems);
  • weakening of the child's organism( neurological or general) with long / chronic illnesses;
  • preference for toddler of incorrect articulation.

Treatment and characterization of corrective work

In the presence of organic pathologies, it is necessary to conduct interventions by narrow specialists( orthodontist, surgeon, dentist, etc.): "cutting" the bridle, correction of the dentition, bite change and other measures.

Correction with respect to the pronunciation of sounds - the scope of the speech therapist.

The preparatory stage is to create the child's conscious "focus" on the process, the development of his memory, the ability to concentrate attention, as well as special speech therapy opportunities( recognition of phonemes, development of articulatory abilities, etc.).

The further activity is directed to:

  • "installation" of sounds;
  • automation of their pronunciation in the syllable, and after already in the word, sentence structure, everyday speech;
  • ability to differentiate sounds;
  • providing communication( competent speech communication, regardless of the possible situation).

If there are problems with the motor function or the device of the articulatory apparatus organs( at the initial stage), specific activities are carried out?articulatory gymnastics. Exercises are static and dynamic;for the tongue, lips and the consistency of their movement.

Setting( "setting") of the sound is implemented by methods:

  • imitation;
  • mechanical impact( through special devices);
  • the mixed nature of the first two approaches.

Further audio( syllabic, vocabulary, speech) automation is performed using the technique "from simple to complex".

The work on learning the differentiation of sounds is carried out exclusively on a single pair.

Communicative skills are developed through the solution of creative tasks, materials saturated with specific sounds.

The parents' attention to the child's speech is the guarantee of timely detection of problems, and the joint productive activity of the triad "parent-child-the speech therapist"?a guarantee of success in overcoming difficulties!

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