How to cure logoneurosis or stammering in children( 2, 3, 4, 5 years): causes, medications, massage, exercises

The formation of oral speech in a child begins even before the year and continues up to the school age. In the period from two to five years, that is, when the baby begins to pronounce meaningful words and phrases, some children may have stuttering or scientific logoneurosis.

Stuttering manifests itself by repeating sounds, syllables, forced stops during the pronunciation of individual phrases. It is revealed that stuttering occurs due to various disturbances in the functioning of the speech apparatus and is caused by such pathology can be several provoking factors.

Stammering occurs for the first time in children who have crossed a two-year boundary. This is due to the active formation of speech during this period, the strengthening of thinking and the sensitivity of the nervous system.

Boys are ill almost 4 times more than girls, and very often logoneurosis from childhood goes into adulthood.

To cope with stuttering is easiest at the very first stage of the formation of wrong speech and help in this can neurologists, psychologists and speech therapists.

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Causes of stuttering

Stuttering is a violation in the activity of the nervous system, which does not allow the speech device to fully perform its function. To subdivide the main causes leading to the development of the logoneurosis, you can into two groups - predisposing and external.

  1. Predisposing causes of are those factors that, with a certain external effect at any point in the life of the child, lead to problems with speech. To predisposing reasons of stammering it is customary to refer:
    • Intrauterine infections that affect the formation of brain structures.
    • Fetal hypoxia.
    • Child's trauma during childbirth and during pregnancy.
    • Prematurity of varying degrees.
    • The nature of the child. Emotional and impressionable babies are more prone to improper speech formation than a calm child - phlegmatic.
  2. External adverse effects of are those factors that increase the influence of predisposing causes or may be the root cause of logoneurosis, include:
    • The transferred infectious diseases of the brain are encephalitis, meningitis.
    • Injuries - bruises of the brain, concussions.
    • Somatic diseases affecting the brain, they include diabetes mellitus.
    • Respiratory tract infections, otitis media.
    • Diseases that reduce the work of immunity - frequent colds, rickets, the presence of helminths in the body.
    • Neurotic features of the child's character - susceptibility to fears, emotional tension, enuresis, poor night's sleep.
    • Short-term, violent and sudden fright. Stammering often occurs after a dog attack, inadequate behavior of parents.
    • Uneven parenting style. Logoneurosis may be in the child, if parents in the education jump from extreme to extreme - from the moments of spoiling pass to severe punishments, constant cries, intimidation.
    • Non-observance of the correctness of the stages of speech formation. Stuttering can be triggered by the characteristics of too fast speech of parents, the abundant receipt of speech information from the outside, overloading the nervous system of the baby with occupations.

In rare cases, the logoneurosis arises also under the influence of an unexpected and excessive joyful event for the child. In the older age, that is, when the kid went to school, the appearance of stuttering is largely to blame for the teacher. Strict attitude, cries, exposure of underestimates lead to the development of neurosis in children. Especially often at this age children suffer who did not go to kindergarten, and houses received only praise.

Symptoms of

Stammering in an adult is easy to determine - stammering in speech, repetition of syllables or sounds, pauses. At children not all so unequivocally and logoneurosis can proceed not only under the habitual scheme or plan. Some signs of stuttering parents do not take seriously, and this is wrong, in many cases it is an early call for a doctor to help the baby in the correct formation of his speech.

Stammering in preschool children( 2-3 years)

For children of two to three years is characterized by the ingestion of the beginning or ending of the word, fast, slurred speech, long pauses. Such phenomena are normal and pass with age. Stammering can be separated from the normal process of speech formation by the following features:

  • The kid during his dialogue often pauses , while it shows that the muscles of the neck and face are straining.
  • Having difficulty in pronouncing, the kid can clenching his fists, waving his arms, stepping on his foot .With these movements, he seems to be trying to express what he can not by words.
  • Often well-spoken children fall silent for several hours.
  • The child with stuttering at the time of uttering difficult words can tremble lips , quickly move the eyeballs.
Do not confuse the true stutter with imitation. Children of younger preschool age often copy the speech and intonations of adults and if in the immediate environment there is a person with a logoneurosis, then the baby can completely copy his pronunciation of words.

Stammering in younger schoolchildren( from 4-5 years old)

During that period of life when the baby already fully owns his speech device, pronounces meaningful phrases, can build a conversation, stuttering is more pronounced. The main manifestation of logoneurosis at this age is the appearance of cramps in the muscles of the tongue, the glottis at the time of pronouncing the words. Seizures can be tonic, clonic or mixed.

  • Tonic convulsions of occur with spasmodic vocal muscles, and the word is pronounced jerky, with a pause between individual letters or syllables( ma..sin).
  • The clonic convulsions of are associated with a rhythmic repetition of the same movements of the vocal muscles. In this case, the syllables are repeated in the word or the first letter.
  • Mixed cramps - this pauses in the word and the repetition of syllables and sounds.

Pronouncing words with stuttering requires a lot of physical effort from the child, so he can sweat, blush, and after speech it may turn pale. Older children already understand their dissimilarity, and therefore stuttering affects their psycho-emotional development.

The child may become closed, parents notice that he prefers to play alone. Strengthens stammering and unusual situation, the presence of strangers at home.

How a kid will treat his problem, largely depends on the parents. The friendly atmosphere, the desire to always listen and help, the lack of comparison with healthy children helps the stammering baby feel confident and do not react to the peer's caustic remarks.

If the family is in a difficult situation, and the parents at the same time constantly pull up the child, do not let him speak, then the result may not be comforting - the kid will close in himself, and at school age will be afraid to answer the teacher's questions, which will lead to low academic performance.

Methods for treating stuttering

Parents should not think that stammering with age will pass by itself, there are few such cases and therefore, if you are suspicious of logoneurosis, the first thing you need to do is visit a neurologist who will perform the appropriate examination and prescribe a treatment. Drug intake is not required for all children, most often medications are prescribed for the identified primary diseases that promote logoneurosis.

It is desirable for parents to find a good child psychologist and speech therapist, which will help to identify the cause of this pathology and teach the child to competently build their speech. For stuttering children, the situation in the house is important, they can never be screamed at the moment when they can not utter a word, this will only aggravate the situation. It is necessary and to revise the regime of the day of such children, neurologists are usually advised to adhere to such rules:

  1. Daily adhere to the regime - go to bed and get up at the same time.
  2. Before going to bed, you do not need to entertain your child with cartoons or noisy games.
  3. The speech of parents should be smooth and calm, as slow as possible. A kid with a stammer does not need to read a lot of fairy tales, especially if they frighten the child with something.
  4. Swimming, exercising, walking in the open air contribute to the strengthening of the nervous system.
  5. A toddler with a logoneurosis is not needed and constantly patronized, the requirements for it should be the same as for healthy children. Do not limit and communication with peers. Especially good to adapt to the society and do not feel at the same time their defectiveness can children of preschool age, so the child should be encouraged to make friends.


Medical therapy is chosen depending on the degree of stuttering and identified neurological diseases. The doctor can prescribe tranquilizers, the means that promote the activation of brain processes. Widely used sedatives, vitamin therapy. Do not rely on one pill, often after finishing the course after a while, stuttering can come back again.


Children with stuttering often prescribe a logopaedic massage, only a specialist should perform it. The speech therapist must know the mechanism of disturbance, understand the anatomical location of articulatory muscles, cranial nerves. It is important to prepare the baby for massage, to create a calm, peaceful environment. Massage is performed from the position of the body lying or half-sitting. Use:

  • Stroking.
  • Mashing.
  • Rubbing.
  • Beating or vibration.

The first sessions start from five to seven minutes and are gradually adjusted to 30 minutes. The course consists of 10 procedures, then take a break for two weeks and again it is repeated.

In addition to speech therapy massage, a point massage is used, in which the effect is carried out on certain points on the body. Massage helps to calm down, favorably affects the nervous system, relaxes. The impact on the articulatory muscles helps them to adjust to the correct work.

Often after the first course, stammering in a baby increases, which indicates a severe course of the pathological process, stopping sessions is not necessary, but only if you are confident in the competence of a specialist.


When stuttering, good results of treatment arise if you constantly hold a respiratory gymnastics with your child. Such exercises allow us to normalize the process of nasal and oral breathing, help strengthen the muscles and diaphragm, and teach us control over our condition. You need to teach the child to breathe out quietly, and breathe in only during the movement.

  • The child needs to be put straight, the bent elbows to lower downwards, thus the opened palms should be directed upwards. On inhalation, the palms are compressed into fists, unclenched in a noiseless exhalation. The exercise is repeated up to 10 times.
  • The child is standing, arms stretched out along the body, legs spread apart. At the inspiration you need to sit down with a simultaneous turn of the trunk first in one direction, then in the other.
  • Position - standing, legs spread apart. It is necessary to tilt the head in different directions so that the ear is pressed to the shoulder, while tilting to inhale. After completing 4-5 slopes, you need to shake your head from side to side. When performing all movements, the eyes should look straight.
  • The position of the body is the same as in the previous complex, but only the head should now be lowered or lifted up, while making a noisy breath. Exhale is done when the head returns to its original position.

Breathing exercises help strengthen the speech apparatus and also improve cerebral circulation. Doing a set of exercises you need daily and better in the morning.

For the sake of clarity, look at the video exercises:

Technique for getting rid of stutter is currently developed by hundreds and so doctors advise not to dwell on one, especially if no noticeable result is visible. If you want, you can always find a treatment scheme that will help your child.

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