The root of elecampane: medicinal properties and contraindications

Devyasil is a herbaceous plant with a height of up to 1.5 meters, refers to the family Compositae. Inflorescence is very similar to the flower of the asters, yellow. The bush has a thick high trunk and massive leaves. Many met with him, as he grows on the banks of rivers, lakes. A curative effect is possessed by all parts: flower, leaves, root. The root of the elecampane, the medicinal properties and contraindications, which are known among the healers of traditional medicine, can still be found in chemist's shops, in the form of dry raw materials and alcoholic tinctures, for treatment.

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  • Devyasil: useful properties and photos
  • Useful properties of elecampane - benefit for the body
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  • Therapeutic properties and contraindications of elecampane for women
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Long since folk healers believed that in the grass there is a hugeforce, he was nicknamed "for nine forces", which will put the most severe patient on his feet. But how to brew, how to drink, what is useful for elecampane, find out by reading the information provided to you.

Composition and therapeutic properties of the root

It is important to note that the therapeutic effect of the plant depends on the correct collection of biological raw materials. In order to concentrate all the medicinal properties in the maximum amount in the root, it is necessary to choose plants of two, three years of growth, after the seeds are ripe.

How to dry the root of elecampane? For drying, only large roots that have useful properties are taken. The roots are pre-cleaned of dirt, crushed into pieces. Dry gradually in the fresh air, while ensuring that the root does not absorb excess moisture during dew, rain. Readiness is determined by breaking the spine. If you hear a crackle of dry wood, then raw materials can be used.

Component Action on the body
Inulin and inulinen Promotes strengthening of the immune system, rapid assimilation of vitamins and minerals. Improves gastrointestinal function and normalizes intestinal microflora. Reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The main thing - reduces blood sugar.
Saponins Remove inflammatory processes, normalize the water-salt balance in the body, improve lung function, regulate the hormonal background of a person.
Resins Purify the body of harmful substances, toxins, normalize the work of the intestine after taking medications, reduce appetite, which leads to the fight against obesity, and reduce cholesterol.
Mucus Provides an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, astringent effect.
Acetic acid It is able to cope with skin problems, psoriasis, and lichen. Promotes the etching of lice, tubercle bacillus.
Alkaloids Eliminate pain syndromes, stop bleeding, have a sedative effect.
Essential oils, helenin It is a bactericidal and antispasmodic component.
Vitamins E Normalize the menstrual cycle, relieve pain, regulate the hormonal background in menopause.
Microelements, potassium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, iron Promote the absorption of inulin, relieve inflammation, improve heart function, brain activity, normalize nerve endings.
Ascorbic acid Normalizes the work of the adrenal glands, increases immunity, helps strengthen the bone apparatus.

In addition, the composition includes pectin, flavonoids, which improve the activity of all organs of human life.

Application of the root of elecampane

The healing properties of the root of elecampane have found wide application in folk medicine. We will understand more in detail, from what helps and that heals the root of elecampane. From the root of elecampane make decoctions and tinctures. It can be added to teas to raise strength and energy, as well as to fill the vitamin deficiency. Still, the herbalists, you can find out the prescription of painkilling ointments, which are based on the root parts of the plant.

From parasites

From parasites take vodka on vodka. Prepare it in the following way:

  1. Take a dry remedy, about 10 grams, add 250 ml of vodka or pure alcohol.
  2. Everything is thoroughly mixed, tightly closed.
  3. Dishes with future tincture, put in a dark place.
  4. Keep the tincture in a cool place for two three weeks.
  5. Take 5 ml, three times a day.

Use alcoholic infusion until you get rid of the worms. This tincture will purify the body of all kinds of parasites and products of their intoxication.

In gynecology

Application in gynecology is very large. In the treatment of infertility and diseases of the reproductive system of women. Special attention is paid by physicians to nursing in the absence of the uterus, failure of the menstrual cycle and painful periods. The root, equivalent to the grass, is effective in delaying menstruation for several days.

Important! A woman should not take this drug as a remedy for a mini-abortion, it is dangerous for her life in case of an overdose!

At a delay of monthly it is necessary to make the recipe of broth:

  1. 30 grams of dry matter of the root of elecampane, pour 300 ml of boiled water.
  2. Devyasil with water is placed in a thermos and allowed to stand for about an hour. For the full effect of brewing use a thick towel, which wraps the dishes with a drink.
  3. Drink a drink 50 g twice a day.

The same composition can be boiled over low heat, about 15 minutes.

Important! Means, based on the root, to call the menstruation, are taken with caution, as excessive consumption of decoction can harm a person.

Alcoholic infusion for women is used as a medicine for the omission of the uterus, inflammation of the female appendages. Another drug from the root of a woman I use to reduce the supply of milk while breastfeeding, after a couple of days, after consuming the broth, the milk significantly decreases.

For skin diseases

For allergies, the root substance is taken with other medicinal herbs, such as medicinal althaea, licorice. To eliminate skin eruptions, use herbal decoction for 1/3 of the glass with a drink, until allergy signs disappear completely.

One of the unfavorable ailments of the skin disease is psoriasis. How to prepare a medicine for psoriasis? This disease applies ointment, tincture, decoctions both inside and outwardly.

Ointment prescription:

  1. Pork interior fat is melted and mixed with powder from the rhizome.
  2. Then, applying a piece of cloth, apply to a sore spot.
  3. You can use pork fat or medical saltol for the preparation of the ointment.

If there are harmful acne and acne on your face, you can get rid of them by rubbing your face with decoction of the roots.

The benefits of "nine-strength" drugs are observed in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, other joint diseases, as well as with the displacement of the spine. To do this, use a drug alcohol tincture. Use applicatively, applying to the gauze bandage, and apply to the sore spots.

Devyasil for male diseases

The cause of infertility in the family is not only the disease of women, but also male diseases. Recipes of traditional medicine will help to cope with them.

Application for men and the treatment of their infertility, increased potency, and the acceleration of the production of the male hormone will help the following recipes:

  1. Boil 2.5 tbsp.l.dry raw materials in 2 glasses of water for about 20 minutes. Men should drink a decoction of 1 tbsp.l.every two hours.
  2. The same ratio of components should be brewed in a thermos. To drink the brewed drink for two days, then two days break and so on. At the same time, one should not have sexual relations with a partner.

The quality of spermatozoa will improve with the treatment of alcohol tincture.

Important! Herbal decoction will help cope with diseases of the urinary system, cystitis, gout, infections such as hepatitis and tuberculosis, as well as with prostatitis.

Devyasil for children

For children, elecampane is used for cough. With frequent debilitating children's cough, children are given a decoction or make compresses.

Important! It is necessary to brew the decoction correctly for a child's cough, because the body is very sensitive to herbal medicines, as they say, to observe the correct proportions and dosage.

Decoction should be given four times a day for a few minutes before eating for ΒΌ cup. You can rinse your throat with a drink. In pharmacies, you can buy elecampane in tablets, which are also effective for colds, viral diseases.


It is important to know how to brew, how to take, a prepared medicine, because the elecampane in its composition has toxic substances, which can cause poisoning in large quantities.

Contraindications are categories of people who can not use a folk remedy for any reason, as well as the harm that it can have on the human body.

  1. The use of elecampane in pregnancy and breast-feeding is not recommended.
  2. For chronic kidney disease, heart, liver, not to aggravate the situation even more.
  3. With a sparse monthly flow.
  4. For individual intolerance to the components of the chemical composition of the rhizome.
  5. People suffering from gastric diseases.
  6. With low blood pressure.
  7. When treating children, doctors categorically forbid the use of decoctions and tinctures from the root, children up to three years.

Important! If you bought a medicine from the roots of elecampane, then the attached instructions indicate that the age of nine is contraindicated for children up to the age of twelve.

Side effects may occur with an overdose of elecampane. If skin rashes, dizziness, nausea and vomiting occur, you should stop using the plant, poison your doctor, or force vomit at home.

The root of elecampane is undoubtedly a unique product that copes with all diseases. It will take a very long time to describe all its advantages. Due to its chemical composition, decoctions and tinctures are able to fill the deficit of all essential acids and trace elements. But remember the harm that you can face when treating with the nine-syllable.

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