Schisandra chinese: cultivation and care

Chinese Lemongrass is a plant that is used in folk medicine and has many useful properties. This vine can be grown on its own in the presence of its own plot, lemongrass - extremely unpretentious plant, which does not need too much attention. It is worth considering the principles of cultivation and care for Chinese magnolia-vine, what problems can be encountered when planting this plant on its own.

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Plant description

Schisandra chinese - liana, which is often used for decorative purposes in suburban areas. In nature, the liana twines tree trunks and bushes, the plant can reach a length of five meters in length. Therefore, the plant can be grown exclusively around any support, for example, a wall, a living or artificial hedge, otherwise the Schizandra will not grow and please the eye.

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  1. Externally Schizandra is a wrinkled thin stem with a large number of branches, on which grow small green leaves.
  2. This liana usually blooms, white small flowers appear on the stem.
  3. Schizandra can have fruits - small bunches of red berries. When grinding berries or leaves, there is a sufficiently pronounced citrus, lemon smell.
  4. Berries are edible, however they have a bit bitter, sour taste.

In the wild this plant is commonly found in Asian countries, on Sakhalin, Khabarovsk, Primorsky Krai, in Siberia on the eastern side. In the Urals, this plant is usually not found. The vine grows in mixed forests, lemongrass needs soils rich in various organic substances. At the same time, when growing alone, the plant does not require special complex care. It is also worth noting that, for medicinal purposes, Schizandra is grown on specialized plantations.

Schisandra should not be grown as a house plant. In the conditions of an ordinary city apartment or a house, the liana will not feel well, the plant will constantly lack space. Therefore, to grow it is exclusively in nature, so that the liana fully grows and does not die in the end.

Important! The plant will not bear fruit if grown without suitable support.

In general, at home, for medicinal purposes, Chinese magnolia vine is usually not grown, it is planted to decorate the cottage area and with other decorative purposes. In this case, Schizandra is rich in various vitamins and other useful elements, the means based on it have pronounced tonic properties. However, it is best to purchase medicines based on magnolia vine in pharmacies, than to make them yourself, if there is such an opportunity.

Healing properties of

Thanks to the high content of vitamins, magnolia-based medicines help to avoid beriberi, it can be used to treat scurvy and other similar diseases. Schisandra helps restore normal immunity.

Also, plant-based products tone up the body, increase and stabilize blood pressure indicators, help with the symptoms of anemia, help to fight with constant fatigue. In addition, lemongrass positively affects the body in various disorders of the nervous system, it helps to deal with the effects of stress, neuroses, other conditions of a similar nature.

It is advisable to consult a doctor before starting to use the products based on this plant. Schizandra has a number of contraindications, not always this plant can be used as an auxiliary treatment for various diseases.

Important! In addition, a citrus smell almost always comes from the creeper, which can be especially pronounced during the flowering period of the plant.


When to Plant Chinese Schisandra? Usually planting of this plant begins in late April - early May. For landing, you need to choose a well-lit place, it is important that the sun there was at least 6 - 8 hours during the day. The landing site must be protected from cold, strong wind. Landing in autumn is possible only in southern regions, where high air temperatures last longer.

Plant this plant in the open ground. Liana loves neutral, slightly acidic soils filled with various organic substances. The depth of the roots is usually 10 - 15 centimeters, while the pit under the seedling should be made no less than forty centimeters deep. At the bottom should drain the drain - clay, broken brick, gravel.

It is recommended to plant several seedlings in a row, usually three saplings are offered at a meter distance from each other. Thus, vine leaves will not interfere with each other, after several years of plant life, they are likely to begin to intertwine and form a whole. Do not forget about a suitable support, it can serve as a bush, trees, a wall of a house, arbors.

The soil after planting the plant should be covered with humus, this will help the plant to get well. In this first time after planting, care for the vine is most simple, you should only loosen the soil sometimes, spray it with water in dry weather. In most cases, the plant gets accustomed quickly and simply without any problems.

Grow this plant is recommended on the trellis, so that the support of young shoots was maximum. Tapestries after installation should rise above the ground by 2 - 3 meters, this is the optimal height for them. In this case, if the landing is carried out near the house, instead of the trellis, you can use stairs that are tilted.

Growing from the seeds of Schizandra is usually not practiced, the best way to reproduce this plant is vegetative way, through cuttings, shoots. Planting in the open ground is only full, ready to shoot.

Care for lemongrass in the country house

Care for lemongrass is very simple, it does not represent anything difficult even for beginners. That the foliage of this liana was more magnificent, from April it is started to be fed additionally. Usually, nitrate and humus are used, then every two weeks they start adding liquid organic substances, for example, with chicken litter.

Autumn plant add superphosphate and wood ash, take 20 grams of the first and 100 of the second. In autumn, the top dressing should begin after the fall leaves. This is the basic rules of fertilizing Chinese magnolia vine.

Lianas begin to blossom somewhere three years after planting the plant in the ground, 5 to 6 years from the beginning of the plant's life. A few years later, the most productive period begins, lemongrass gives the most fruits.

Since this plant usually lives in a humid climate, its normal growth requires a sufficient amount of liquid. In hot weather, lianas must be sprinkled with warm water, for irrigation, a few litters of water must go to one sapling. Adult plants should be watered at a rate of six liters per vine.


It's also important to cut the vine properly, start doing it two to three years after planting, when the vine is already starting to bloom. By this time, the intensive growth of roots has ceased, the above-ground part of the magnolia-vine begins to develop fully. Of all the shoots that arise, usually up to three pieces are left, all the others must be completely cut at the soil level.

Crop the vine usually in the fall, after the fall leaves, but if there are many shoots, it can be done earlier - in July or August. It is necessary to look at the degree of thickening of the creeper. If the plant is cut off in spring or winter, there is a probability of drying the creeper, as this time can begin active isolation of the juice when pruning. In this case, the root shoots are cut in spring.

Sanitary treatment of plants is usually carried out as needed, you need to remove dry branches, cut too long shoots, broken and branches that thicken the crown too much, should also be removed.

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