Interpretation of the results of the general analysis of urine in adults: table

The general analysis of urine is a complex laboratory study that reveals a number of physical and chemical characteristics of the substance, on the basis of which a number of diagnoses can be made.

Due to its simplicity of implementation, as well as high information content, this analysis is an integral part of any research. Based on the findings, the doctor makes a diagnosis, and, if necessary, prescribes a direction for further research and appoints visits to the appropriate specialists.

The subject of the review of this article will be the decoding of the results of a general urinalysis in adults in the form of a table, as well as the indicators of the norm.

What are the indicators for decoding?

The decoding of the general urine test involves the description of urine for the following indicators:

  • transparency;
  • color;
  • specific gravity and acidity index.

The presence in the urine of specific substances, such as:

  • protein, is then assessed;
  • glucose;
  • instagram viewer
  • bile pigments;
  • ketone bodies;
  • hemoglobin;
  • inorganic substances;
  • blood cells( leukocytes, erythrocytes, etc.), as well as cells found in the genitourinary tract( epithelium and its derivatives - cylinders).

This procedure is prescribed in the case of:

  • of an auxiliary study of the urinary system( urinalysis can be prescribed for pathologies associated with other organs);
  • monitoring of the development of diseases and quality control of their treatment;
  • diagnosis of urinary tract diseases;
  • preventive examination.

Various renal diseases, problems with the prostate gland, bladder diseases, tumors, pyelonephritis, as well as a variety of pathological conditions in the early stages can be diagnosed with the help of the analysis, when clinical manifestations as such are absent.

How to collect and pass a general urine test correctly?

Before collecting urine, you need to make a thorough urinary toilet toilet, to exclude the ingress of foreign pollutants into the liquid. Collect urine in sterile containers, so-called containers for bioassay.

12 hours prior to the collection of the substance, it is necessary to refuse to take any medications that can change the physico-chemical parameters of urine. The analysis itself should be conducted no later than two hours after sampling.

For the general analysis of urine, it is necessary to collect the morning liquid, which physiologically accumulated throughout the night. Such material is usually considered optimal, and the results of its research are reliable.

Norm and interpretation of results: table

The table shows the general urine test values ​​in norm in adults, , in the presence of any deviations, it is necessary to decode .

  • Color - various shades of yellow;
  • Transparency - transparent;
  • Odor - blurred, nonspecific;
  • Reaction or pH - acidic, pH less than 7;
  • Specific gravity( relative density) - within 1.012 g / l - 1.022 g / l
  • Urolilinogen - 5-10 mg / l;
  • Protein - absent;
  • Glucose - not available;
  • Ketone bodies are absent;
  • Bilirubin - not available;
  • Cylinders( microscopy) - not available;
  • Hemoglobin - absent;
  • Salts( microscopy) - are absent;
  • Bacteria - absent;
  • Fungi - absent;
  • Parasites are absent;
  • Erythrocytes( microscopy) - 0-3 in the field of view for women;0-1 in the field of view for men;
  • Leukocytes( microscopy) - 0-6 in the field of view for women;0-3 in the field of vision for men;
  • Epithelial cells( microscopy) - 0-10 in the field of view.

Urine analysis is currently being done fairly quickly, despite a large number of indicators and criteria. The properties and composition of urine can vary within wide limits depending on the condition of the kidneys and the body as a whole, and therefore it is of great diagnostic value.

Read more about deciphering the results of a general urine test in adults can be a little lower.

Urine color

The color of urine depends on the amount of fluid taken and on the concentration ability of the kidneys. Prolonged allocation of pale, colorless or watery urine is characteristic for

  • diabetes insipidus and diabetes;
  • chronic renal failure.

Intensively colored urine is secreted in large non-adrenal fluid losses( with fever, diarrhea).Pink-red or red-brown color, caused by an admixture of "fresh" blood happens when:

  • urolithiasis;
  • tumors;
  • kidney infarction;
  • tuberculosis.

The excretion of urine in the form of "meat slops" is typical for patients with acute glomerulonephritis. Dark red color of urine appears at massive hemolysis of erythrocytes. When jaundice, urine acquires a brown or greenish-brown color( "color of beer").Black color of urine is characteristic for alkaptonuria, melanosarcoma, melanoma. Milky white color of urine appears with lipiduria.


Also very important criterion in diagnosis. Normally, it should be transparent. This property persists for the first few hours after the analysis is collected.

Causes of turbidity of urine:

  • the inclusion of red blood cells in urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis and cystitis.
  • a large number of leukocytes in inflammatory diseases.
  • the presence of bacteria.
  • high protein content in urine.
  • increased content of epithelial cells.
  • salt in urine in large quantities.

Minor turbidity due to epithelial cells and a small amount of mucus is permissible. Usually urine has a specific fuzzy odor. Most people know him well. In some diseases, it can also change. With infectious diseases of the bladder, a strong smell of ammonia may appear, or even rot. With diabetes, urine has the smell of rotten apples.

Urine response( acidity, pH)

The usual urine reaction is slightly acidic, pH of the urine can fluctuate in the range of 4.8-7.5.

  • pH increases with certain infections of the urinary system, chronic renal failure, prolonged vomiting, hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands, hyperkalemia.
  • The decrease in pH occurs with tuberculosis, diabetes, dehydration, hypokalemia, fever.

Specific Gravity

This figure normally has a fairly wide range: from 1.012 to 1.025.The specific gravity is determined by the amount of substances dissolved in the urine: salts, uric acid, urea, creatinine.

An increase in the relative density of more than 1026 is called hypersthenuria. This condition is observed with:

  • edema increase;
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • is a toxicosis of pregnant women;
  • introduction of X-ray contrast substances.

Decrease in HC or hypostenuria( less than 1018) is detected with:

  • acute renal tubular damage;
  • diabetes insipidus;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • malignant increase in blood pressure
  • reception of some diuretics
  • plentiful drink

The value of specific density reflects the ability of the human kidneys to concentrate and dilute.


In a healthy person, the protein concentration should not exceed 0.033 g / liter. If this indicator is exceeded, then you can talk about nephrotic syndrome, the presence of inflammation and many other pathologies.

Among the diseases that cause a rise in the concentration of protein in the urine are:

  • catarrhal diseases,
  • of urinary tract disease,
  • of kidney disease.

Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system:

  • cystitis,
  • vulvovaginitis,
  • prostate adenoma.

In all these cases, the protein concentration rises to 1 g / liter.

Also, the cause of increased protein concentration is hypothermia, intense physical activity. If a protein is found in the urine of a pregnant woman, it is likely that she has nephropathy. See more: why the protein is increased in the urine.

Glucose( sugar)

In normal state, glucose should not be detected, but its content in a concentration of not more than 0.8 mmol per liter is acceptable and does not indicate a deviation.

A transcript of urine analysis in Latin with a lot of glucose may indicate:

  • pancreatitis;
  • Cushing's syndrome;
  • of pregnancy;
  • abuse of sweet food.

However, the most common cause of excess sugar in the urine is diabetes. To confirm this diagnosis, in addition to the analysis of urine, a general blood test is usually prescribed.

Ketone bodies

This is acetone, acetoacetic acid and oksymsaline. The reason for the presence of ketone bodies in the urine is a violation of metabolic processes in the body. This condition can be observed in pathologies of various systems.

Causes of ketone bodies in urine:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • after injuries affecting the central nervous system;
  • acetemia vomiting in children;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • predominance in the diet of protein and fatty foods;
  • increase in the level of thyroid hormones( thyrotoxicosis);
  • Disease of Itenko Cushing.


Epithelial cells are always found in the analysis. They get there, sluchisvayas from the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. Depending on the origin, transitional vtc( bladder), flat( lower parts of the urinary tract) and kidney( kidney) epithelium are isolated. The increase in epithelial cells in the urinary sediment suggests inflammatory diseases and poisoning with salts of heavy metals. See more: why in the urine is increased epithelium.


Cylinder - a protein curled in the lumen of the renal tubules and incorporating any contents of the lumen of the tubules. In the urine of a healthy person, single cylinders in the field of vision can be detected per day. Normally, there is no cylinder in the general analysis of urine. The appearance of cylinders( cylindruria) is a symptom of kidney damage. The type of cylinders( hyaline, granular, pigmented, epithelial, etc.) has no special diagnostic value.

Cylinders( cylindruria) appear in the general analysis of urine with: a wide variety of kidney diseases;infectious hepatitis;scarlet fever;systemic lupus erythematosus;osteomyelitis. See more: why in the urine are raised cylinders.


Hemoglobin in normal urine is absent. A positive test result reflects the presence of free hemoglobin or myoglobin in the urine. This is the result of intravascular, intrarenal, urinary hemolysis of erythrocytes with the release of hemoglobin, or muscle damage and necrosis, accompanied by an increase in myoglobin levels in the plasma.

The presence of myoglobin in the urine:

  • muscle damage;
  • heavy physical activity, including sports training;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • progressive myopathies;
  • rhabdomyolysis.

Hemoglobin in the urine:

  • severe hemolytic anemia;
  • severe poisoning, for example, sulfonamides, phenol, aniline.poisonous mushrooms;
  • sepsis;
  • burns.

To distinguish hemoglobinuria from myoglobinuria is difficult enough, sometimes myoglobinuria is taken for hemoglobinuria.


Normally, bilirubin should be excreted in the bile in the intestinal lumen. However, in some cases there is a sharp increase in the level of bilirubin of the blood, in this case, the function of removing this organic matter from the body partially takes on the kidneys.

Causes of bilirubin in the urine:

  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hepatic impairment;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • von Willebrand disease;
  • massive destruction of red blood cells( malaria, toxic hemolysis, hemolytic disease, sickle-cell anemia).

See more: why urine is elevated bilirubin.


Erythrocytes in the analysis of urine of healthy people should be absent. The maximum permissible are single red blood cells, which are detected in several fields of vision. The appearance of erythrocytes in the urine can be both pathological and physiological in nature.

The physiological causes are the intake of certain medications, long standing on the spot, long walking and excessive physical activity. With the exclusion of physiological causes, pathological factors are an alarming signal of internal disease. See more details: what is said about the red blood cells in the urine.

White blood cells

In the urine of a healthy person they are kept in small quantities. An increase in the number of leukocytes in the urine( leukocyturia) indicates inflammatory processes in the kidneys( pyelonephritis) or urinary tract( cystitis, urethritis).

The so-called sterile leukocyturia is possible. This is the presence of white blood cells in the urine in the absence of bacteriuria and dysuria( with exacerbation of chronic glomerulonephritis, contamination in the collection of urine, condition after treatment with antibiotics, bladder tumor, kidney tuberculosis, interstitial analgesic nephritis).

Causes of leukocyturia: acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis;cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, stones in the ureter;tubulointerstitial nephritis;systemic lupus erythematosus. See more details: what are the leukocytes in the urine?


Urine in the bladder and kidneys is normally sterile. In the process of urination, it is seeded with microbes( up to 10,000 in one ml), penetrating from the urethra. With infections of the urinary tract, the number of bacteria in the urine sharply increases. See more: what does the presence of bacteria in the urine mean.

Mushrooms in urine

Candida fungi often enter the bladder from the vagina. When they are detected, antifungal treatment is prescribed.


Mucus is not normally in the urine. Its presence suggests an acute or chronic inflammatory process of the genitourinary system.

See more: which means the presence of mucus in the urine.

Salts in the urine

The appearance of urine salts( phosphaturia, oxalaturia) is a sign of vitamin deficiencies, metabolic disorders, anemia, the prevalence of a certain list of foods( for example, meat) in the diet. See more: what does elevated salt in urine mean.

In the end I would like to add that a general urine test is an important diagnostic indicator. A person can independently pay attention to the change in urine and consult a doctor. Even healthy people are recommended to take this analysis at least once a year. It should also be remembered that a single result is not an indicator of pathology. It is very important to take tests in dynamics to make a final conclusion about the presence of the disease.

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