Polyps, polyposis disease, is this disease terrible and contagious?

Recently, when carrying out diagnostic tests of the gastrointestinal tract, patients are increasingly found to have polyps in them. They are neoplasms that are localized on their mucous membrane, attaching to it with a wide base or pedicle and protruding their body into the internal cavity. There is this pathology, both in adults and in children.

Polyps are of several types, distinguished depending on their features of structure and shape. For the most part, among them are the following:

  • Inflammatory. They are formed on the site of the former inflammation of the mucosa, the treatment of which was not performed;
  • Hyperplastic. To their appearance there is an overgrowth of normal tissue;
  • Neoplastic, the most dangerous neoplasms, because they occur because of the growth of atypical cells and for the most part lead to such terrible diseases as cancer of the digestive organs due to a tendency to malignancy.

Common reasons contributing to the formation of these defects of the mucosa of the digestive organs, it is customary to consider not completely cured diseases, a change in the way of life for the worse, nervous overexertion, often occurring stressful situations and eating disorders. The consequence of the formation of polyps in the digestive organs is the development of polyposis.

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This pathology can affect the entire digestive system, from the pharynx to the rectum, because these expanding outgrowths, when creating suitable conditions for development, easily settle on the mucosa of any organ.

Polyposis - distinctive signs of the disease

This pathology of the digestive system is considered to be a precancerous condition of the patient, since a benign growth can at any time be malignant. The outgrowths with it can be present on the surface of the walls, both in single and in plural form.

Polyposis in the digestive tract is mainly due to the so-called premature aging of the mucosa located in the digestive organs, as well as an overabundance of carcinogenic substances that enter the patient's body not only under the influence of the environment, but also with food.

Especially strongly on the development of this pathology affect all sorts of semi-finished products, because when they are used all sorts of preservatives, flavor enhancers and nutritional supplements. An important factor for both education and the development of polyps is a hereditary predisposition.

Is polyposis terrible?

The danger of this disease for the most part is that the polyps present in the digestive tract may not show symptoms for years, and, accordingly, do not cause the patient any concern. But, at the same time, in the absence of appropriate treatment, their malignancy and degeneration into cancer - adenocarcinoma occurs.

In addition to the danger of development in the gastrointestinal tract due to their presence of malignant tumors, uncontrolled growing polyps can cover narrow passages in the esophagus and intestines, blocking the possibility of free movement of food processed by these organs.

Therefore, when asked by the majority of patients about how terrible a disease such as polyposis is, you can answer that it leads to the development of irreversible consequences. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to regularly undergo diagnostic studies, since only with the help of them can one detect the onset of formation of growths and take the necessary timely measures to eliminate them.

Symptoms of polyposis

Although the symptoms of these diseases can not be called well expressed, there are some of its signs that should alert the patient and force him to undergo the necessary examination. The most frequent, albeit indirect, indicators of the presence of polyps in the digestive organs are the following:

  • Pain sensations that appear immediately after eating and are localized in the place of the digestive tract where the polyp may be located;
  • Nausea accompanied by an emetic reflex. In the expelled masses, bloody inclusions may be present when the tumor has begun to bleed;
  • Belching with air or eaten food, as well as a constant heartburn felt by the patient behind the sternum;
  • Stool disorders( frequent diarrhea followed by constipation).

In addition to signs corresponding to diseases of the digestive organs, polyps formed in the gastrointestinal tract are accompanied by general clinical manifestations. Among them, for the most part, dizziness, fast fatigue and a state of general malaise, weakness. Prerequisites for them are internal bleeding, which is accompanied by expanding tumors.

Are polyps infectious?

This question is also often asked by patients who have these neoplasms diagnosed, or their relatives. Here it is possible to give an unambiguous answer that, in spite of the fact that polyposis is a viral disease, it is impossible to catch them by air.

It is possible that spores of the parasitic fungus, which are the cause of the formation of polyps in the digestive organs, can be transmitted through the saliva of the person infected with them. Therefore, with any contact, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Familial this disease is considered due to the fact that the formation of polyps is often hereditary. If a patient has this fungal pathology of the digestive organs, the necessary diagnostics should be passed on to all the next of kin, despite their good health.

Dispensary examinations for the presence of these tumors in the digestive organs allow not only to detect them in time, but also not to miss the moment of carcinomatous transformation of polyps. If there is no timely treatment, the consequences of the disease can be quite scary.

Effective methods for treating polyps in the digestive tract

Conservative treatment of these pathological changes that have arisen in the gastrointestinal tract is considered to be unpromising. Even the smallest build-up on the mucosa should not only be surgically removed, but also examined for malignancy. This is the main preventive measure from the degeneration of polyposis into cancer.

Also effective is the method of cauterization of polyps, for which the tactic of electrocoagulation is applied. If neoplasms are large enough, they are removed in parts, and with multiple build-ups, the part of the organ on which they are formed is removed.

It should be remembered that only an attentive attitude towards your body and timely access to a specialist in case of appearance of the corresponding symptoms caused by infection with this fungal pathology can protect against the severe consequences associated with them.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of polyposis

With this pathology of the digestive tract, the patient should pay close attention to folk remedies. Herbs in the treatment of polyps have long been recognized as traditional medicine. In almost all cases, they have a positive effect.

The most unsurpassed plant used to treat and prevent polyps is considered to be celandine. The greatest positive effect from its use is achieved in the case when these benign neoplasms are localized in the intestinal tract, its upper part. Preparations from it for the treatment are prepared and used in the summer, since the juice of the plant, which has a cauterizing effect, should only be fresh.

In addition to celandine in the treatment of benign neoplasm in the organs of the digestive tract, very good reviews have received such a medicinal plant used in folk medicine, like viburnum, its berries. In addition to the treatment of polyposis, they are well established and as a means of preventing the development of malignant tumors.

Prevention of the formation of polyps

In order to never remember such a terrible disease as polyposis, or to extend the periods of its remission, the patient should be very careful about his state of health and follow the preventive measures necessary for this pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. As the most effective among them are considered the following:

  • Completely reconsider the approach to nutrition, as violations and errors in it are the most favorable factor creating a nutrient medium suitable for the development of microparasites that cause this disease;
  • To minimize the use of products that promote the formation of mucus( starch, fats, sweets, milk).In the diet for the most part should be present as vegetables, and dishes made from them. It should be borne in mind that in the cold season, raw vegetables adversely affect the body and can contribute to an increase in the growth of formations;
  • In this disease, in the patient's diet, for the most part, whole-grain cereals should be present, which are cooked on water and without oil, vegetable dishes( baked or steamed) and herbal teas. These products slow the growth of polyps and help stopping the development of polyposis.

It should also be remembered that any disorder of the stool is dangerous in this disease, therefore it is mandatory to use phytochemicals that can relieve both diarrhea and constipation.

Video about polyps program "To live healthy" Malysheva

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