Cigarettes by Vyacheslav Zakharov: the essence of the methodology, instructions, contra-indications, reviews

Smoking is a bad habit, which is very hard to get rid of on your own. To combat nicotine addiction in the modern market there are many tools, a novelty among which is Zakharov's cigarettes. What is the essence of the technique and does it help to get rid of the need for smoking?

Cigarettes of Vyacheslav Zakharov

Scientists have long proved that most smokers are not able to quit smoking on their own. If the physiological dependence on nicotine passes fairly quickly, then the psychological craving persists for a very long time, practically depriving the person of the chances to cope on their own.

Now in pharmacies and shops you can find a variety of means to combat smoking. Plasters, chewing gums and sprays are used in the framework of nicotine replacement therapy, and electronic cigarettes generate safe steam, devoid of tar and other dangerous substances. However, all of the above means work mainly with the physiological aspect of smoking.

Although the exact composition is kept secret, Vyacheslav Zakharov claims that the filling of his cigarettes is matched in a competent combination. It has a special taste and affects the receptors of a person so that it reduces the desire to smoke.

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The price of Zakharov cigarettes is quite high, if compared with conventional counterparts. On average, they cost 1400 rubles per set.

The essence of the

method The very idea of ​​creating a method of fighting smoking was born to Vyacheslav Zakharov at the time when he worked in an oncological dispensary. The author of the technique saw that even after severe operations the patients happily lit, without fear of consequences. After the creation, medical cigarettes were tested on cancer patients, about half of whom abandoned their harmful habit.

The author of the technique explains that smoking cessation should not occur abruptly. Psychological dependence is extremely strong, so you can not get rid of it instantly. In this case, a person will feel a breakdown, which will force him to take up a cigarette again.

As an alternative to all kinds of plasters and inhalers, the developer offers unusual cigarettes. They contain tobacco, but at the same time they allow you to control the amount of nicotine consumed and gradually reduce it.


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Vyacheslav Zakharov's technique is based on three factors:

  1. Specially selected "tobacco bag".Check marks on cigarettes.
  2. Smoking according to a specific scheme.

Following the recommendations that come with cigarettes, a person can get rid of nicotine addiction in just 4 days. So the author of the healing formula claims.

In the process of treatment by the method of Zakharov, a person should smoke a certain number of special cigarettes, which he calculates in accordance with his usual daily rate. The withdrawal from nicotine occurs naturally, without stress and violence over the body.

With a psychological dependency factor, special marks on cigarettes are fighting, denoting three zones:

  1. The lowest danger.
  2. Increased danger.
  3. Risk.

This is a psychological device, which in some cases can really work. Seeing with his own eyes how much he consumes tobacco and how serious the consequences of smoking for his body are, the person will think about whether he should even smoke. On the other hand, the need for nicotine often overpowers common sense.

Practice shows that it is often the taste additives in tobacco that provoke a person's interest in smoking, but there are no flavors and other impurities in Vyacheslav Zakharov's cigarettes. This factor contributes to the fact that a person has lost the need for a regular puff. Not feeling the favorite taste, he is disappointed in smoking, does not get pleasure from the process and puts the cigarette aside.

Photo of a cigarette by Zakharov

Course Package

The course of treatment "quit smoking" according to the method of Vyacheslav Zakharov consists of:

  • 4 packs of special cigarettes( 20 pieces each);
  • book by V. Zakharov on how to quit smoking;
  • instructions for using cigarettes;
  • standard smoking cessation schemes.

The author of the methodology claims that the speed of cure for tobacco dependence depends on the recommendations and the desire of the smoker himself. If it is very strong, a person can forget about his passion after 4 days. With "moderate" motivation, the need for nicotine disappears in about 1 month.

Instruction for use

Cigarettes of Zakharov must be smoked strictly according to a scheme that everyone chooses individually. It is important to consider only 1 factor - how much tobacco a person consumed before he decided to overcome a bad habit.

Each cigarette must be labeled to a special label, after which it should be discarded. This is a method of self-control, which is aimed at eliminating psychological dependence.

Having documented to a certain point, a person sees that the cigarette is not over yet, but realizes that further health risks arise. During the period of adjustment, self-control gradually weakens. However, at the stage of refusal of predilection, this feeling should be strengthened, which is facilitated by cigarettes against smoking Zakharov.

The package includes several typical smoking schemes. Each of them is a sequence of actions aimed at a smooth decrease in the amount of nicotine consumed.

Completion course

Each scheme is designed for 4 days. However, if the desire to abandon the addiction is weak, treatment will need to be extended.

If a person's daily rate is up to 5 cigarettes a day, he will need 1 pack of Zakharov's tobacco for 4 days of treatment, if up to 10 - then 2 packs. People who smoke 20 or more cigarettes a day will need all the 4 packs that come with the kit.

The person should smoke his cigarette every day as follows:

  • Day 1 - up to the third mark( risk zone);
  • Day 2 - up to the third mark( risk zone);
  • Day 3 - up to the second mark( zone of increased danger);
  • Day 4 - to the first mark( zone of least danger).

Under the conditions of treatment for smoking on the fifth day, a person should lose the desire to puff. However, he will not feel unpleasant symptoms, which usually accompany withdrawal syndrome.

Basic rules

Quitting smoking is a willful decision of a person who thinks about his health and about the future. However, many have tried repeatedly to strike up a bad habit, but then broke down. Vyacheslav Zakharov claims that the cigarettes developed by him contribute to a persistent refusal to smoke.

To successfully cure tobacco dependence, the author of the technique warns that it is important not only to strictly follow the recommended scheme, but also to follow simple rules:

  • stop smoking regular cigarettes;
  • to be tightened by Zakharov's cigarettes only if there is a need for nicotine;
  • follow the marks on cigarettes;
  • every day to smoke a little less than the day before;
  • having finished to the critical mark, immediately throw out a cigarette;
  • after passing the course to throw out all the remaining cigarettes.

Weaning from tobacco, it is extremely important to ensure that the cigarette does not remain in the mouth between puffs. Also, you can not smoke on the go, during and after exercising, or doing physical work. In such cases, a person consumes nicotine without noticing it - he automatically inserts a cigarette into his mouth, because he is used to this action, but it is necessary to wean him.

During treatment, a person will have to smoke less - only to special marks. Perhaps, there will be an acute shortage of nicotine, because of which there will be obsessive thoughts about the cigarette. You can get rid of them with water, juice, green tea, kvass, which you need to drink for a few minutes in small sips.


As with any treatment, the method of getting rid of nicotine dependence with cigarettes Vyacheslav Zakharov has a number of contraindications:

  • weak motivation for quitting smoking:
  • obsessive conditions in which smoking is a ritual;
  • tobacco intolerance.

Ideally, if you want to quit smoking, you need to visit a doctor-narcologist. He will give the patient valuable recommendations that will help achieve a longer lasting effect.

If the desire to smoke causes nervous and mental illness, a person will need the help of specialized specialists. Otherwise, Zakharov's cigarettes, like any other self-medication, will be ineffective.

On the video about Vyacheslav Zakharov's technique:


Narcologists believe that Zakharov's technique has a rational grain, but in general, the experts' reviews are neutral. They explain that in the case when the patient has a persistent desire to give up the bad habit, you can do it smoothly: every day you smoke less and less. Such a method does lead to a mild and painless cure for addiction.

However, there is no scientific confirmation that any sort of tobacco or a combination of them can help in the fight against addiction. If the patient has a very strong nicotine addiction, narcologists are advised to give up the bad habit sharply. Help to survive the withdrawal syndrome, according to experts, should exercise, favorite food and other joys of life, which contribute to the development of hormones of happiness.

However, there are also opposite reviews of smokers. These people claim that Zakharov's cigarettes have an unpleasant taste, which forced them to quit the venture with addiction treatment and return to their regular cigarettes.

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