Whether it is possible to smoke after removal of a tooth of wisdom: influence of a nicotine, recommendations, consequences

Everyone knows that smoking causes the occurrence of dental diseases. However, the craving for nicotine in some is so strong that, after removing the tooth from the dentist, they immediately think about whether it is possible to smoke. To answer this question, you first need to find out how tobacco smoke can affect the open wound in the gum.

Is it possible to smoke after removing wisdom tooth

Tooth extraction is a surgical procedure. The operation is not heavy, but the body will still get injured, after which it will require rest to recover. For a while a person will have to refrain from physical exertion.

At the site of the removed tooth, an open wound forms in the mouth that bleeds. In particularly severe cases, gums are even applied to the gum, and drainage is also placed.

Immediately, when the tooth was pulled out on an open wound, an antiseptic soaked gauze swab is applied to the blood to coagulate. It is kept in the mouth for 15 minutes, and then gently spit out so as not to damage the formed blood clot - it is extremely important for the rapid healing of the wound. To avoid edema on the face, use an ice bag.

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Rank in the place where there was a wisdom tooth before, can be quite extensive. Therefore, to prevent infection, the dentist can prescribe antibiotics to the patient.

To quickly recover from a surgical procedure and avoid complications, temporarily a person should not eat. The ban is also imposed on smoking, which can adversely affect the healing of the wound.

Effects of nicotine and smoke

When an open wound appears in the gums, the inflammatory process also develops. This is an absolutely natural reaction of the body to the trauma caused to it. How strong inflammation is, depends on the state of health, the patient's immunity and the extent of the intervention.

The dentist can not predict all the nuances of the recovery process after the removal of the wisdom tooth or any other. However, he gives a number of recommendations to the patient, due to which the patient can reduce the risks of complications.


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The requirement to quit smoking is at least temporarily associated with the chemical composition of tobacco smoke.

It contains carcinogens and resins that can penetrate the wound and cause:

  • damage to the gingival tissue;
  • increased inflammation;
  • infection of an open wound;
  • suppuration.

Resins in the composition of tobacco smoke cause inflammation of the gums, which causes them to turn red and swollen. In addition, nicotine reduces their sensitivity. Without experiencing pain, a person can miss the symptoms of complications, after removing the root of the tooth.


Removing the wisdom tooth, ideally it is better not to smoke until the wound is fully healed. If a person can not refuse tobacco for a long time, the dentist will ask him to wait at least two hours. During this period of time, bleeding usually stops.

If the wound has been stitched, a person will not have to smoke at least 2 days. However, it is better to wait 10 days. During this period the wound will be completely tightened, and the seams will dissolve.

No matter how strong was the tobacco dependence of a person, it is better to endure several days of nicotine withdrawal than to go to a re-appointment to the dentist. After all for many, dental treatment is an unpleasant and even frightening procedure, and adherence to the recommendations of a specialist will make recovery quick and painless.

Consequences of

If a person ignores the advice of a doctor and starts smoking after leaving the dental office, he can provoke serious complications with his own hands:

  • bleeding;
  • blunt or acute pain;
  • delayed wound healing.

Toxins contained in tobacco smoke can provoke bleeding while worsening blood clotting. This will significantly slow the healing of the wound and will require one more visit to the dentist.

In the wound after removal of the tooth in the process of smoking can get an infection that will lead to its suppuration. Symptoms of these processes are stale breath and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

For the treatment of the "dry hole" will require additional manipulation. On the wound it is necessary to apply a cotton swab with the medicine, replacing it every 24 hours. The drug should prescribe a dentist, and self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

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