Cracks in the tongue - causes and treatment

The state of the language is able to tell a lot about the health of a person and his way of life. An even tongue of pinkish color indicates that everything is in order in the body, but if there are cracks in the tongue, then this is a cause for concern.

Cracks in the language are quite common. They can not cause discomfort for a long time. But in the future, the emergence of acute pain and discomfort.

There may be several reasons for the occurrence of cracks in the language. Before you start treating the problem, you should find out what caused this trouble.

Causes of cracks in the

language Often the dental causes of cracks in the tongue are caused by a disease called glossitis. Disease can be determined by the appearance of small cracks in the tongue around which bright spots( plaque) form. A person feels unpleasant sensations - tingling, burning, at this time the body is actively involved in the inflammatory process.

  • If the tongue in the fissures in the child from the birth of
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    is a folded glossitis, a congenital anomaly that does not require treatment, with deep cracks.
  • If cracks occurred during the life of - this is a symptom of various diseases of the oral cavity, digestive system, excretory, endocrine, immune systems of the body.

Because of what particular diseases did the tongue show cracks? Among them it should be noted:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • blood disease;
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • beriberi;
  • poor-quality prosthetics.

In medical terminology, cracks in a language that are not amenable to treatment are commonly called glossalgia. The disease is characterized by visible disturbances in the external cover of the tongue - small and medium-sized cracks.

A crack in the middle of the tongue

The most clearly visible in the photo are cracks in the middle part of the linguistic surface, they are the deepest. In the center of the organ, the folded, diamond-shaped glossitis is more noticeable. Failures in the work of the immune system lead to dry mouth: the mucous dries out, cracks are formed.

Cracks in the tongue: photos

Cracks in the tongue may be associated with an infectious disease - glossitis. The main reason for its appearance is reduced immunity. Glossitis is bacterial, viral or fungal in nature. Symptoms of the disease:

  • cracks on the taste organ;
  • redness and swelling of the body;
  • increased salivation;
  • appearance on the oral mucosa of small vesicles;
  • increased temperature due to intoxication of the body.

How to look cracks in the language with glossitis, we offer to view detailed photos.

How to treat cracks in

When there are no complaints, and the discomfort is only in an aesthetic defect, special treatment for cracks in the tongue is not required, the main disease should be treated.

In some cases, the reasons for the formation of cracks are very serious, for example peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, which patients simply do not have until such an insignificant defect. And all the forces and means are aimed at combating the underlying pathology. And as soon as the acute stage was stopped, the cracks appeared, disappear by themselves.

In case if there are complaints of pain and any discomfort, then in addition to specific treatment, local therapy is prescribed at home:

  1. Exclusion of irritants: hot, sour, salty, sweet, spicy.
  2. Sanitation of the mouth. Teaching local oral hygiene, with the selection of funds and hygiene items.
  3. Use of local medicinal products( decoctions, infusions, antiseptics).
  4. Application of keratoplastics, anesthetics.
  5. Therapy of concomitant diseases.

If a local irritant is present in the form of a poorly fitted crown or seal, it must be removed. When the deficiency of vitamins and trace elements is to blame for the appearance of cracks, it is necessary to perform a detailed biochemical analysis of the blood to determine which substances are lacking. Often it is enough just to slightly adjust the food.

Treatment with folk remedies

If the cracks are not the result of serious diseases, but only the result of a mechanical damage to the tongue with subsequent infection, the recipes of folk medicine are quite capable of coping with the problem. All other cases require an integrated approach to treatment.

  1. Rinse with infusion of chamomile medicament .The broth should be at room temperature, rinse should be at least 3 times a day. It is useful to add to the daisy the oak bark, St. John's wort, sage and celandine - all these herbs have a powerful anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.
  2. Broth of oak bark .Four tablespoons of shredded vegetable raw materials are poured into four glasses of cold water. Put on the fire. After boiling to sustain another half hour. Strain. Rinse your mouth with a decoction five to six times a day.
    You can make masks from the juice of potatoes. In a clean gauze wrap a tablespoon of ground potatoes and put on the tongue. Starch-containing juice has a beneficial effect on ulcers and cracks in the mucous membrane of the tongue.
  3. Application of olive oil and sea buckthorn oil .In the morning on an empty stomach put on the tongue a few drops of oil and hold for 10 minutes.
  4. Curd Compress .Stir the fresh cottage cheese with sour cream. Wrap it in a sterile napkin. Apply to the damaged area for five minutes. Repeat the procedure every evening for a week.
  5. Treatment with honey or propolis consists in a long chewing of pieces of honeycombs or propolis at night. After this, try not to eat or drink until the next morning.

Also, when cracks in the tongue, patients should be more responsive to their diet. Do not use those foods that can irritate the tongue - some juices( apple, cherry, orange), pickles, sour vegetables, seasonings( adzhika, pepper).It is also necessary to pay attention to bad habits, for example, to quit smoking.

To which doctor to contact

The answer to the question, which doctor treats glossitis, is simple. When there are painful changes in the mouth, patients turn to the dentist. This specialist will help alleviate the condition, but there is a high chance that damage to the body of taste is only symptoms of changes in the body.

It is not always possible to determine the disease by language, additional studies are being prescribed. Consultations of the hematologist, endocrinologist and gastroenterologist

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