New in the treatment of Parkinson's disease: the latest modern methods in Moscow and Novosibirsk, reviews

Year after year, patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease are becoming more and more, which is due to an increase in the life expectancy of people. But science does not stand still, scientists find new ways to combat this disease, helping not only to prolong life, but also a period of active legal capacity.

The latest treatments for Parkinson's disease

The latest news in the field of Parkinson's disease treatment is encouraging patients with different stages of the disease.

Canadian scientists managed to get closer to creating an innovative method of treating neurological pathologies. This method involves obtaining brain cells by biopsy, their subsequent cultivation in the laboratory and introduction back into the human brain.

This material can be used to grow healthy cells that will protect the brain from the effects of various diseases. According to scientists, this method can later be successfully used to treat this disease.

New in the treatment of Parkinson's disease was demonstrated by Chinese scientists. They developed a device for transcranial magnetic stimulation of the brain, which allows direct influence on brain centers without complex operations.

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Treatment by Neumyvakin

This treatment regimen is based on the use of hydrogen peroxide. So, it can be used for compresses. To do this, the cloth should be moistened with a 3% peroxide solution and applied to a sore spot. After 15 minutes, the compress can be removed and wiped with a cloth, previously dampened in pure peroxide. Also with the help of this tool you can grind the entire human body.

Treatment with RANC

A new method of treatment was the Russian method of RANC, developed and applied in Krasnodar. This method of treatment implies the restoration of activity of nerve centers. Its effectiveness depends on how badly affected areas of the brain are responsible for the production of dopamine.

The RANC method is based on the assumption that under the influence of stress factors, any part of the brain can change its own activity.

The method of treatment involves stimulating the reticular formation through additional nerves.

One of a series of videos with documented results of treatment of Parkinson's disease by RANC and patient reviews:

Stem cell therapy

One of the modern methods of treating the disease. The therapeutic effect of this method is that stem cells can produce dopamine. When they are introduced into the human body, transformation into functional neuronal cells is observed.

Usually, adult cells are used to treat the disease. After a detailed examination of the patient, bone marrow sampling is performed. After that, biotechnologists grow stem cells, differentiating them in the neuronal direction. Then gradually these cells are administered intravenously or endolumbically to the patient.

Parkinson's disease is a pathology of the nervous system, which is chronic and manifests itself as motor disorders. Parkinson's disease has a number of consequences that do not allow people to lead a full-fledged lifestyle.

Therefore, it is necessary to identify the initial signs of this disease in time. How not to be mistaken read in this article.

Neurosurgical treatment

If treatment with medicines fails to produce the desired results, deep brain stimulation or stereotaxic surgery can be prescribed. As a result, it is possible to restore the lost functions of the brain. For about 10 years, patients forget about the manifestations of Parkinson's disease. This method was developed by the French scientist Benadid in the 90s of the XX century.

Another area of ​​neurosurgical treatment is the implantation of healthy cells that can produce dopamine. The effectiveness of such therapy is obvious, because the deficit of this particular substance leads to manifestations of the disease.

Ergotherapy and acupuncture

Ergotherapy is aimed at restoring the activity of the upper limbs. This can be achieved with the help of various simulators and game tasks. Thanks to ergotherapy, it is possible to return a lost activity to a person and adapt it to a normal life.

Ergotherapy is a whole complex of different exercises. First of all, attention is paid, of course, to medical gymnastics, which helps to train coordination and fine motor skills.

In addition, this area of ​​knowledge includes the components of pedagogy, psychology, biomechanics, sociology, physical therapy.

As a result of applying the techniques of ergotherapy, a person suffering from Parkinson's disease has the opportunity to restore not only motor, but also emotional, as well as cognitive abilities.

No less successful results can be achieved through acupuncture. According to Chinese scientists, this procedure allows you to cope with individual manifestations of Parkinson's disease. This phenomenon is related to the fact that acupuncture can restore parts of the brain that have lost their activity.

Choosing a clinic for the treatment of Parkinson's disease

Today, practically in any large city, there are clinics that deal with the treatment of such a disease. In such institutions, qualified neurologists work, which can make an accurate diagnosis and choose the right treatment.

In order to diagnose the disease, experienced specialists conduct an examination of the patient and analyze the anamnesis. As additional procedures can be used:

  • multispectral computed tomography;
  • magnetic resonance angiography;
  • triplex scanning;
  • magnetic resonance imaging.

For the treatment of this disease, neurological clinics use modern antiparksonic drugs and the latest methods of therapy. The innovative methods of treatment include:

  • deep brain stimulation;
  • transcranial magnetic stimulation;
  • treatment with a gamma knife;
  • treatment with stem cells.

The gamma-knife treatment of Parkinson's disease has been carried out quite recently. This video tells about how this procedure goes:

Also Parkinson's disease can be treated surgically - by stereotaxia. This procedure involves the destruction of a small area of ​​the subcortical structures of the brain, which reduces the manifestation of Parkinsonism.

The most effective treatment for Parkinson's disease is considered surgical and with the help of a gamma knife. But it is worth remembering that surgical treatment can have negative consequences, so this procedure is appointed after a thorough all-round examination.

Below is a list of the most famous clinics dealing with Parkinson's disease. All of them use the newest methods of therapy of this disease and have all the arsenal of necessary diagnostic equipment. Therefore, the choice of where to treat Parkinson's disease is yours.

In Moscow

Clinic of Restorative Neurology

Address: Moscow, Marshala Vasilevskogo St. 13, building 3, p.2.


+7( 499) 341-41-14;
+7( 499) 720-49-40.

http: //

In Novosibirsk

City Neurological Center "Sibneiromed"

Address: Novosibirsk, ul. Michurina, 37.

+7( 383) 225-17-89;
+7( 383) 225-71-38.

http: //

In St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg Institute. VM Bekhtereva

Address: St. Petersburg, ul. Bechterew, 3.

+7( 812) 365-22-22;
+7( 812) 365-23-23;
tel.reference:( 812) 670-02-20

http: //

There are also nontraditional methods of treatment of Parkinson's disease. For example, schemes of treatment of parkinsonism with the help of traditional medicine have been developed.

In second place after Parkinson's disease in terms of the number of cases there is a vascular parkinsonism about the symptoms of which you can read here.

On whether the Parkinson's disease is transmitted by inheritance, you can learn from the article http: // bolezni-nevrologii /parkinsona/ chto-eto-takoe.html

In Krasnodar

GUS "KKB number 1 named.professor S.V.Ochapovsky »

Address: Krasnodar, st.1st of May.


+7( 861) 252-65-92;
+7( 861) 252-85-45;
+7( 918) 456-26-80

http: //

In Tyumen

Federal Center of Neurosurgery

Address: Tyumen, ul. 4 km Chervyshevsky tract, 5. 5.

+7( 3452) 693-693.

In Yekaterinburg

Neurological center of disorders of movement, balance and paroxysmal disorders of consciousness ГБ № 41

Address: Екатеринбург, ул.Nachdiva Vasilieva, 25

+7( 343) 234-34-89

http: //

In Israel

Medical Center "Izmedic"

Address: Tel-Aviv Str. Weismann, D. 4.

+9( 7254) 789-47-47
+9( 7277) 789-30-39

http: //

In Germany

Medical Center Activ

Address: Germany, 79098, Baden-Württemberg

+49( 179) 355-45-45.

http: //


Sanatorium treatment favorably affects the general condition of people with Parkinson's disease. And it can be any sanatorium, treating patients with neurological diseases.
Rich experience of treatment of Parkinson's disease at the sanatorium "Yurmino" in 10 km from the city of Saki in the Crimea. As a healing procedure offers mud treatment.

+7( 499) 504 28 95
+38( 06563) 99221

http: //

The treatment in the sanatorium "Red Talca", address: Gelendzhik, Mir str., 38, is also beneficial.

This sanatorium is successfully engagedtreatment and rehabilitation of people who suffer from Parkinson's disease. The complex of services includes:

  • supervision of the attending physician-curator;
  • consultation of a specialist in the disease profile;
  • procedures for general and local exposure;
  • drinking treatment;
  • medical gymnastics;
  • swimming pool;
  • treatment room services.

353460, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Gelendzhik, Mir str., 38

+7( 86141) 4-00-80
+7( 928) 842-00-00
Reservation - free call within Russia 8( 800) 700-79-77
http: //

Modern methods of treatment can significantly improve the condition of patients and give hope for a full recovery. Developments in different parts of the world do not stop, new methods of treatment are being tested. The main thing for patients and patients not to give up and fight and then the result will be obtained.

Treatment of Parkinson's disease with liquid nitrogen:

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