Parkinsonism: diagnosis, drugs and folk remedies, prevention

Parkinsonism is a chronic brain disease that is based on a neurological syndrome. This pathology manifests itself in the form of rigidity of muscles, tremors of limbs, speech disorders and coordination of movements. Parkinsonism syndrome occurs in a variety of neurological pathologies.


Difficulties in determining the correct diagnosis usually occur early in the development of the disease. In this case, the poverty of facial expressions or slowness of movements is often mistaken for manifestations of a depressive state, whereas a decrease in the mobility of the hands is considered a symptom of joint damage.

To make the correct diagnosis, you must perform the following procedures:

  1. Anamnesis study. The doctor finds out such information:
    • how long ago there was a tremor of extremities, rigidity of muscles, slowness of movements;
    • whether the family members had similar manifestations;
    • tremor is worse at rest or during movement;
    • does not contact the patient in the nature of their activities with chemicals, especially manganese;
    • instagram viewer
    • does not use a person for medicines, especially for sedatives and anti-emetics;
    • did not suffer the patient an infectious disease, for example, the flu;
    • did not receive brain injuries.
  2. Neurological examination. It allows to detect signs of a neurological disease.
  3. Pharmacological test. A drug with dopamine content can be prescribed to a person. If the patient suffers from Parkinson's disease, the symptoms of the pathology will decrease.
  4. Psychological counseling. Using special questionnaires, a specialist will be able to detect emotional and intellectual disorders.
  5. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. With the help of this method, it is possible to layer-by-layer analyze the state of the brain, including the area of ​​the black substance. If a patient suffers from Parkinsonism, tissue bleaching is usually found in this area, which indicates the death of neurons. Also, circulatory disturbances in the brain lead to foci of damage to the brain tissue, which also can be detected by MRI.

Parkinsonism is a group of similar diseases. Classification of parkinsonism will help to better understand what kind of diagnosis is necessary for the patient.

Parkinson's disease is the most common disease in Parkinson's disease. Most often it affects people of advanced age. Whether there are methods of preventive maintenance of this disease, whether there is a chance it or him to avoid? Read in this article.

Parkinsonism and its modern methods and principles of treatment

Treatment scheme of the disease is chosen depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Conservative treatment of

In this case, drugs that positively affect the neural mediators that are responsible for the transfer of impulses between the brain cells are shown. The main antiparkinsonian drugs include:

  1. Levodopa preparations .In many people, moderate doses of this medication lead to an improvement in the condition. But this drug is usually prescribed in the event that the other drugs do not give the desired results.
  2. Anticholinergic drugs:
    • parcupan;
    • cyclodol;
    • akineton.
  3. Dopamine receptor agonists:
    • recvip;
    • mirapex;
    • procoran.
  4. MAO-B inhibitors:
    • azidelect;
    • yumeks.
  5. Amantadine:
    • PC-Merz;
    • midantan.
  6. Inhibitors COMT.

The most effective medicine for parkinsonism will be chosen by the doctor depending on many factors.

Conservative treatment can not completely rid the person of parkinsonism. With it, you can reduce the severity of symptoms and slow the progression of the disease. Therefore, treatment has to last a lifetime.

Surgical treatment

Neurosurgical intervention can reduce the manifestations of the disease, and sometimes completely rid the person of them. Indications for the operation are determined by a specialist based on the surveys. Stereotactic interventions are divided into two groups:

  1. Destructive. In this case, destroy the structure of the brain, which is responsible for the appearance of signs of pathology.
  2. Stimulation. In this situation, the electrode is implanted, which stimulates the brain.

Today, most often perform destructive operations, which are highly efficient. Especially successfully they cope with rigidity of muscles and tremor. In such situations, a stereotaxic thalamotomy is usually performed.

If the patient has motor fluctuations, akinesia, rigidity, conduct pallidotomy. Such interventions are performed under local anesthesia. During the procedure, a person has the ability to independently control the effect of an operation.

The effectiveness of procedures is about 70-80% and is characterized by a stable character. Thanks to this, it is possible to significantly reduce the daily norm of levodopa preparations. Complications appear in only 1% of cases, and they are of a temporary nature.

Treatment with stem cells

This is a relatively new method in the treatment of parkinsonism. Of course, it is not yet fully understood, but today the doctors have managed to achieve amazing results.

Stem cells have an amazing feature - they can be transformed into cells of the tissue into which they are placed. With Parkinson's syndrome, they begin to produce dopamine - a deficiency of this substance is observed in this disease.

Also with the help of stem cells it is possible to stop degenerative processes in the brain and even to repair damaged areas. Of course, with chronic changes, this method of treatment is ineffective.

Treatment of folk medicine

With parkinsonism, you can use folk recipes, but you can only do this after consulting a doctor. The effective tools include:

  1. Oil from laurel leaves. Dry leaves pounded into powder, take 4 tablespoons of the product, add 1/2 liter of unrefined oil. Then boil the ingredients and put them in a warm place for a couple of days. After that, the mixture must be boiled again and rub it into the affected area.
  2. Baths for feet with decoction from the roots of the fern. Take 5 tablespoons of rhizomes, add 5 liters of water and cook for 2 hours on a low heat.
  3. Take 2 tablespoons of rose hips roots, add a glass of water and put on a plate. Boil for 20 minutes. After that, the cooled decoction can be filtered and drunk in half a cup. You need to do this half an hour before meals.
  4. 2 teaspoons of sage to pour 1/2 liter of boiling water. Infuse the composition for 30 minutes and drain. Drink half the glass on an empty stomach. Do this 4 times a day.
  5. 1 tablespoon dried roots angelica pour a glass of boiling water, then cook for 5 minutes. Drink half the glass half an hour before meals three times a day.


In parkinsonism, the use of bee products can be part of the treatment. These include:

  1. Bee venom. This drug is considered to be the central anticholinergic, it promotes improvement of cerebral circulation, has restoring properties and improves nerve conduction. Thanks to the release of biologically active substances, dopamine metabolism can be improved.
  2. Royal Jelly. Helps improve microcirculation, has a metabolic and restorative effect, is an excellent immunomodulator. Pollen and Perga. are considered sources of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. They promote the improvement of metabolic processes, have antioxidant properties, help strengthen immunity.
  3. Propolis. Has immunomodulatory and restorative properties, promotes the production of corticosteroids.
  4. Chitosan. Represents the strongest immunomodulator, helps to improve cerebral circulation thanks to antisclerotic effect.
  5. Med. Reduces muscle rigidity and tremors, has a calming effect. Honey can be combined with other bee products. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months.

The manifestation of the disease depends on the stage at which the disease occurs. Classification of Parkinson's disease according to Hen and Yar will make a forecast for recovery.

Various modern methods have been developed and successfully used to treat Parkinson's disease. The data of the clinics, ready to accept for the treatment of this disease, can be found in this article.

Dementia is the reduction of mental activity and the difficulty of perceiving new knowledge. On the manifestations of dementia in Parkinson's disease, read in the article - http: // bolezni-nevrologii /parkinsona/ chto-eto-takoe.html

Therapeutic physical training and massage

In order to improve the condition of people suffering from Parkinsonism, therapeutic exercises and massage are actively used. You can perform passive gymnastics in warm water or right after the bath. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce muscle stiffness and arbitrary movements.

In the case of non-serious forms of illness therapeutic gymnastics should be performed in combination with walking walks and sports games. In more complex situations, it is necessary to supplement the exercises with walking training.

Massage is performed to reduce muscle stiffness and extrapyramidal tone. During this procedure, you should act on the collar zone, back, limbs and paravertebral areas.

One procedure should last about 10-20 minutes. The course includes 15-20 sessions.


As prophylactic measures it is necessary to perform such procedures:

  1. In time to treat infectious diseases.
  2. Keep blood pressure under control. If necessary, use antihypertensives.
  3. Use drugs that promote the development of parkinsonism, according to strict indications and in the minimum allowable amounts.
  4. Avoid contact with harmful substances that can cause this pathology.

The video shows the healing mood from tremors in the text of the four times Doctor of Sciences Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin. To get rid of tremors and general recovery in Parkinsonism, you need to listen to the text in a comfortable position, without any distraction:

Center for Parkinsonism in Moscow

In Moscow, the Petrovsky Gates Medical Center deals with the treatment of Parkinson's syndrome. It is located at the 1st Kolobovsky Pereulok, 4.Contact phone: 8( 495) 909 9 909. This institution successfully deals with the diagnosis and treatment of parkinsonism. To identify this disease, the following types of studies can be performed:

  • multislice computed tomography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • magnetic resonance angiography;
  • clinical blood test;
  • triplex scanning.

Parkinsonism treatment is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. The choice of the scheme affects the stage, form, duration of the disease, the severity of its manifestations.

The initial reception and examination of the neurologist will cost 2,300 rubles. Repeated consultation will cost 1500 rubles. Treatment of limb tremor will cost 4000 rubles without taking into account the cost of drugs.

Just as long ago, the Scientific Center for Neurology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
( formerly the Scientific Research Institute of Neurology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) is engaged in the research and treatment of this disease.

The center's polyclinic is located at Obukh Lane, 5., Building 1, tel.8( 495) 917-09-99.The main branch of the center is at Volokolamskoe Highway 80, tel. -8( 495) 490-21-09.

Primary reception at the neurologist will cost in 1500-2500 rbl.depending on the level of the specialist. Further examination is appointed depending on the condition of the patient.

Parkinsonism is a very formidable disease that significantly restricts the motor activity of a person and significantly worsens the quality of life. Therefore, the first manifestations of pathology can not be ignored: the earlier you contact a doctor, the higher the probability that you will be able to maintain your health.

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