Half-fallen grass for the treatment of the kidneys: properties, indications, instructions, contraindications

It's no secret that relatively light forms of kidney diseases are treated by actively applying the appropriate herbal preparations. This is due to the peculiarities of the organ itself: the nephron ceases to function only in the event of death. Meanwhile, the renal unit preserves vital activity, it is often enough to eliminate the negative factor so that the disease can be successfully overcome. Herbal preparations, in particular, half-fallen grass, quite justify themselves.

Half-fallen herb for treatment of the kidneys

Half-pala - a herbaceous two-year plant from Ceylon. The official botanical name is woolly. The plant is successfully grown in Russia - especially for medicinal purposes, although it is believed that half-fallen, grown in Sri Lanka, acts more efficiently.

The conditions of even the south of Russia do not exactly correspond to the conditions of cultivation: it is a tropical plant and needs both sunlight, and in great humidity and warmth at the same time.

The cost depends on the weight: the price of packing in 50 g is from 53 to 68 r, 100 g is from 88 to 105 r.

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Composition and properties of

Half-fallen grass has a noticeable diuretic, antiseptic and salt effect. The latter property and determines the role of the herb in the treatment of various forms of urolithiasis - the deposition of oxalates. The plant to the poisonous does not apply, but the pronounced diuretic effect is itself a dangerous tool, and with unskillful treatment leads to dehydration and hyponatremia.

The healing properties of the woolen erva determines its composition:

  • potassium is a necessary component of the water-salt balance. Replenish the lack of potassium healthy person is not necessary, but with the corresponding kidney diseases, potassium is excreted from the body in excess. Half-fallen grass allows you to restore balance;
  • calcium is another indispensable metabolic partner. However, when administered, a high calcium content is the reason for the limitations. Half-pala can not be taken in cases where the ailment is associated with impaired calcium metabolism;
  • alkaloids - reduce the pain syndrome and eliminate spasms, which is especially important when narrowing the vessels;
  • phenolic acids - provide antiseptic action of the drug;
  • flavonoids - beneficially affect the walls of blood vessels, which leads to the stabilization of blood pressure;
  • pectins - reduce the level of cholesterol;
  • alkanes - provide wound healing effect. Thanks to this, the woolen erva is used not only in the treatment of kidneys, but also as a component of ointments from burns and wounds;
  • amino acids - reduce the tone of blood vessels, promote dissolution and excretion of stones.
Photo of grass half-fallen

Pharmacological action of

The infusion of the plant shows a moderate diuretic effect. This effect is also possessed by other plants. However, half-fallen grass is considered to be a potassium-sparing diuretic, that is, it does not excrete a lot of potassium in the urine, which does not provoke hypokalemia and hypernatremia. Electrolytic balance does not change and even stabilizes.

We recommend
For prevention of diseases and treatment of kidneys, our readers advise the Monastery collection of Father George. It consists of 16 useful medicinal herbs, which have an extremely high efficiency in the purification of the kidneys, in the treatment of kidney diseases, urinary tract diseases, as well as in the purification of the body as a whole. Read more ยป

The second important action is a mild antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. And the impact of the kidneys is not limited, but includes the urinary system, and the liver.

Very attractive is the ability of erva to reduce blood coagulability. Against the background of narrowing of blood vessels, this reduces the risk of blood clots.

Indications for use

Half-fallen grass is used mainly as a diuretic potassium-preserving agent, especially with the appearance of edema and increased blood pressure. It is used in the initial stages of urolithiasis and with ailments accompanied by a violation of salt metabolism.

Primary Use:

  • for urolithiasis - small stones and sand. Large excreta can not be removed with the help of natural diuretics;
  • with inflammation of the kidneys - pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, not in the severe stage;
  • for the prevention of such ailments;
  • for infections of the urethra, bladder - cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis;
  • for violations of salt exchange of different nature - polyarthritis, gout, spondylosis;
  • in the rehabilitation of patients who underwent lithotripsy;
  • for pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, gastritis;
  • for the treatment of burns and wounds - external use in ointments.

The video on the medicinal properties of the grass is half-fallen:


Erva woolen has no universal application, since it does possess the above properties.

Accordingly, the drug has limitations:

  • in pregnancy and lactation, diuretics of any plan are used as a last resort;
  • for osteoporosis, infusion can not be used, because this disease is associated with the washing out of calcium in the bones;
  • for the same reasons do not prescribe the herb for ailments associated with any form of hypercalcemia;
  • is prohibited from using half-fallen grass in the treatment of any ailments associated with calcium metabolism disorders - rickets, renal osteodystrophy, hypoparathyroidism;
  • children under 12 years of age do not get half-fallen;
  • can not use an infusion of erva if the calculi in the kidneys have reached a large size - a diameter larger than the diameter of the urinary tract;
  • with increased sensitivity of the patient, the appointment is also excluded.

Instruction for use

The herb is used as a decoction. It is prepared as follows:

  • 2 tablespoons of dry mass pour 200 ml of hot water and stand on a water bath for 20 minutes. Then the broth is insisted for 45 minutes;
  • , the resulting volume is filtered, brought with pure boiled water to 200 ml. Before use, the infusion should be shaken;
  • brew the plant in a thermos: 2 tablespoons pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist for 1 hour.

Drink the broth 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before eating. The mode of use is the same for all ailments.

Adults prescribe 50-100 ml per day, for small patients up to 12-14 years, 1 table.spoon, over 14 - for 2 table.spoons. As a rule, the course lasts 10-30 days, but much depends on the course of the disease. As a preventive, the drug is consumed 10-15 days.

Infusion is suitable for use for no more than 2 days if stored at a low temperature of +8 - +15 C.
In the video, instructions and instructions for the use of grass are half-fallen:

Side effects of

Erva woolly is well tolerated by patients. Only isolated cases of nausea and vomiting were noted. However, if there is an allergy to a component of the herb, a typical skin allergic reaction is observed, angioedema may occur.

Overdose is not possible.

Special instructions

Despite the mildness of the effect, half-fallen grass still acts as an effective diuretic, therefore it has special limitations:

  • does not prescribe decoction of plants to children under 12 years of age;
  • pregnant and lactating;
  • in combination with potassium-releasing special diuretics, since the effect of such drugs is directly opposite.


Infusion of erva woolly applied in the complex treatment of kidney and other ailments, which includes both drugs, and diet, and physiological procedures. By itself, the grass is not so omnipotent. According to doctors, the diuretic action of the infusion against the backdrop of retention of potassium is quite sufficient in the initial stages of many diseases.

Due to the softness of the action, the infusion is prescribed and after lithotripsy - percutaneous removal of large stones, in order to withdraw small and prevent inflammation.

The patients themselves are most often referred to the effect of urolithiasis. Since most of the deposits are referred to as oxalates - 70%, there are many positive reviews. However, the effect is observed with a small amount of stones or with the presence of sand.

Also note the beneficial effects of infusion in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.

Half-fallen grass is a natural remedy, very effective in the early stages of kidney disease. The diuretic and salt-removing effect of the plant also makes it possible to use the drug for diseases associated with impaired salt metabolism.

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