Treatment of an acute attack of pancreatitis, symptoms for the pancreas, what to do, than to take off?

Acute attack of pancreatitis is characterized by destructive changes in the pancreas and develops spontaneously. To answer the question of how to relieve such an attack, it should be noted that the treatment of such a disease is possible only in conditions of a multidisciplinary hospital - the patient is subject to urgent hospitalization. Qualified to remove such an attack and restore normal functioning of the pancreas can only experienced gastroenterologist.

Just to understand how to stop the spread of acute inflammatory process to different parts of the pancreas, it is necessary to take into account that the complete restoration of normal functions of the digestive system of the patient directly depends on the speed and effectiveness of treatment. As a rule, the attack is characterized by a strong painful syndrome of shingles and signs of poisoning. The presence of severe pain, in the first place, is associated with the destruction of the pancreas, which very quickly passes into the stage of necrosis( tissue death of this organ).Nausea, vomiting and other signs of poisoning are associated with a strong enzyme intoxication of the body during an attack of acute pancreatitis.

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If you ask a medical professional how to remove these manifestations of pancreatitis and inflammation from the pancreas, he will answer that before the treatment begins, the first thing to do is to find out how to relieve the patient's shock and reduce the enzyme secretion of the pancreas. Further, it is carried out directly, treatment, which includes a number of measures of conservative therapy, supplemented with infusion drugs.

In the first few days, before the attack is completely removed, a patient with an acute form of pancreatitis is prescribed starvation and the use of non-carbonated mineral water of an alkaline nature. With the extinction of the inflammatory process and restoration of the pancreas functions, a patient with acute pancreatitis begins to take dietary food. The diet, as a rule, during the treatment of the consequences of an attack of acute pancreatitis, begins with taking a small amount of carbohydrate food, a semi-liquid consistency. Further in the course of treatment, the diet gradually introduces proteins and fats.

When considering how to cure such an acute condition and return the patient to a full-fledged life, it is important to note that dietary nutrition is as important in the treatment of this disease as medical therapy. And compliance with a strict diet consisting of products that have a minimum load on the pancreas lasts at least a year, after the withdrawal of the attack was completely possible and the course of treatment is over. From the extent to which the staff of the hospital complies with the instructions and protocols before removing such a condition of the patient and as the therapeutic procedures are carried out, the life and health of the patient depends.

Symptoms of an attack of acute pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis can not be predicted, it can not be prepared. It arises suddenly and lasts, as a rule, for a short time. In some cases, it can be observed several times in a row.

There are many nerve endings in the tissues of the pancreas. They are immediately involved in the pathological process, so the first symptom of an attack of acute pancreatitis is a strong girdle of dull pain in the upper abdomen. Often the pain radiates to the waist, under the shoulder blade or back. In rare cases, painful shock occurs. A characteristic feature is increased pain when coughing or deep breathing.

In most cases, acute pancreatitis is accompanied by:

  • with fever to 37 ° -38 ° C, chills, fever;
  • diarrhea, stinking stool with undigested food leftovers, dehydration;
  • with vomiting, eructation, hiccough;
  • by lowering blood pressure, dizziness, palpitations;
  • by weight loss, hypovitaminosis. A white coating appears on the tongue.

The patient's skin becomes gray. Pose forced - sitting, leaning forward.

What to do and how to remove an acute attack of pancreatitis?

When symptoms of an attack of acute pancreatitis appear, it is first necessary to call a doctor. Treatment of this disease is carried out in a hospital, under the supervision of specialists. In the first few days, the patient must adhere to three main rules: hunger, cold and rest. On the abdominal area, a heating pad with ice is applied to relieve the pain syndrome and eliminate edema. Under the ban, any food and drinks, except non-carbonated alkaline mineral water or herbal decoction. Be sure to comply with strict bed rest.

Treatment, as a rule, consists in removal of a pain attack. With this disease, only taking analgesics and antispasmodics is allowed. Taking these drugs relieves pain, but does not eliminate its cause. To appoint a course of treatment for an acute attack of the pancreas can only be a qualified specialist in a hospital.

In severe cases, if pancreatic necrosis occurs, it may be necessary to perform a surgical procedure to remove damaged tissue.

After recovery, the patient for life must follow a diet and give up bad habits.

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