Intestine, pancreas and duodenum with pancreatitis

The pancreas has a huge role in the body, as it is involved not only in digestion, but in many other equally important processes, for example, it produces hormones and enzymes, for example glucagon, insulin, etc. Pancreatitis is the inflammation of thisorgan, which can occur in acute or chronic form. Most often this disease develops as a consequence of cholelithiasis or alcoholism. In the process of developing pancreatitis, the shape of the organ changes, the edges become uneven, cysts can form.

Intestine and pancreas

Since the pancreas is closely associated with the stomach, liver, gall bladder, duodenum and intestine, the development of pancreatitis disrupts the functions of all these organs. Regardless of the form in which this disease occurs, it always requires treatment.

Chronic pancreatitis can develop quite a long time, with absolutely no symptoms or with minor pain. The first sign of the transition to an acute form is hiccups and nausea. Most people do not pay attention to such deviations, but in vain. Hiccups - a sure sign of abnormalities in the work of the intestine, especially if it is accompanied by bloating.

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In acute form of pancreatitis, the patient is sick, he complains of frequent eructations, heartburn, and vomiting. As for the intestine, his work is disrupted, almost completely, which is manifested by flatulence, frequent constipation or diarrhea. The chair looks like a foamy, greasy, gray gruel with a very unpleasant odor and particles of unquenched food. Its volume considerably increases, it is hardly washed off from the walls of the toilet bowl. The patient's appetite is gone, weight decreases. In advanced cases, intrauterine bleeding is discovered.

Does the intestine hurt with pancreatitis?

If the disease occurs in chronic form, which sometimes lasts for decades, the patient only occasionally has pain in the intestine. Most often, this happens after eating, if it is fatty, fried or diluted with a carbonated drink or alcohol. The intestine can also ache after consuming coffee, cocoa, chocolate. Unpleasant sensations are localized in the pitcher. If there is no treatment for chronic pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus develops.

For acute forms of pancreatitis, intense pains occur in the spoon, in the left or right hypochondrium. If all the glands are inflamed, the pain turns into a shroud and intensifies in a supine position. Sometimes unpleasant feelings are given to the heart area, there are suspicions of angina. Analgesics and antispasmodics, these pains are not relieved, in the absence of treatment, a fatal outcome is likely.

Pancreas and duodenum

The pancreas is connected to the duodenum by a duct, which is called pancreatic or virsungovu. It begins at the tail of the organ, and ends at the junction with the bile duct located in the large papilla. It is along this duct that the juice from the pancreas enters the duodenum.

In fact, the pancreas develops from the same part of the primary intestine as the duodenum, in which the food is soaked and processed with pancreatic juice. Such a close relationship leads to the fact that pancreatitis begins to develop as a consequence of ulcers in the duodenum or duodenitis, with narrowing of the duct or tumors on it.

In the absence of treatment, the pancreas ceases to produce hormones and enzymes, normal tissue is gradually replaced by cicatricial, there are purulent infections leading to the development of peritonitis, which is deadly to the patient.

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