Pancreas: flatulence( pronounced gas formation, gases) in chronic pancreatitis, treatment

Bloating, a feeling of heaviness, swelling, bowel movement and pain in different parts of the abdomen are most often due to the accumulation of gases in it. This condition is called meteorism. If the phenomenon of this pathological process is expressed, pains of spasmodic or cramping character, which doctors call a gas colic, can arise. If pronounced meteorism often occurs in the human gastrointestinal tract, causing a great sense of discomfort, then the level of his life significantly decreases.

In the human body, to be exact in its intestine gases fall in several ways: first - swallowed air, the second - formed in the lumen of the cecum, the third - got from the plasma of the blood flow;

A healthy body needs a certain amount of gaseous substance to maintain a tonus and active intestinal motility. The excess of gases that causes flatulence can be caused by various causes like carbohydrate, cellulose-rich and legumes, and various diseases, one of which is pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas.

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Causes of flatulence in pancreatitis

The underlying cause of excess gas production in the intestine is the lack of digestive enzymes, which is evident in pancreatic disease. In chronic pancreatitis, which is characterized by a long sluggish inflammation and pathological changes in the form of replacement of healthy tissue by fibrotic, the deficit of pancreatic juice is caused by the fact that the deformed, swollen pancreas can not fully fulfill its exocrine function - the formation of digestive enzymes. Therefore, the process of digestion and digestion of food slows down, is violated.

Excessive gas production and flatulence is one of the most common complaints of patients diagnosed with pancreatitis. This phenomenon is explained by the ingestion of undigested food into the large intestine, where putrefactive and fermenting processes are activated, releasing gases. In medical practice, flatulence with a digestive function is called digestive.

Most often in the treatment of the underlying disease, which is inflammation of the pancreas, the doctor prescribes preparations in addition to digestive enzymes capable of minimizing the excess of gases in the stomach. For this purpose, in pancreatitis, one of two groups of drugs is most often used: antifoaming agents or adsorbents.

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