The diagnosis is bulbit

When there is inflammation of the duodenum, which is adjacent to the outlet of the stomach, a bulbit is diagnosed. The intensity and localization of the inflammatory process can be different, so the doctors, systematizing the symptoms, identify several varieties of the described pathology.

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy helps to identify this or that species. If the mucosa is normal, the optics shows smooth and shiny walls of the stomach and duodenum, the color of which is slightly brighter, the color of the esophagus. When blowing through the air, folds open well, arteries and bluish veins become clearly visible. But reflux is not observed. What can happen to the mucosa in the detection of different pathologies?

The visual picture of the mucous bulb in those who are diagnosed with bulbits may be different. Given the prevalence of the process, the depth of penetration distinguishes the following varieties:

  1. Puffiness of the folds of the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum, the fullness of the capillaries, the intensely bright color of the walls suggests that the catarrhalic bulb is developing.
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  2. If the cells of the mucosa grow, metaplasia appears, the folds become coarse fibrogastroduodenoscopy shows granular growths, similar to small polyps, is also diagnosed as hyperplastic bulbit.
  3. Chronic stages of the disease, which alternate with acute attacks and remissions lead to the formation of an atrophic type of inflammation. Its signs are obvious: the mucous membrane becomes thinner, its color becomes pale gray, through it all the vessels in the gastrointestinal tract are very clearly visible.
  4. When the walls of the mucous membrane begin to crack, cover with deep wounds, which bleed when the stages are started, the eruptive bulbit is diagnosed.
  5. The easiest stage of the pathology is superficial inflammation. It does not cause any serious constructive changes and is very easily treated.
  6. In focal inflammation, there are spot lesions of the mucosa.
  7. If a total lesion of all bulb walls is detected, a diffuse bulbit is diagnosed.
  8. Lymphoid hyperplasia occurs when the lymphatic vessels are affected, while fibroadastroduodenoscopy allows you to see vessels with a bumpy red surface.

As you can see the pathologies under which the bulbit is diagnosed, there are very different, but the official international classification distinguishes only two varieties: ulcerous and erosive. But doctors for convenience not only write a diagnosis bulbit, they are one capacious adjective characterize the degree of development of the disease.

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