For a long time liquid stool, the reasons for prolonged diarrhea, treatment of diarrhea in a child and an adult, what to do?

What can be caused by prolonged loose stools? Different pathological conditions. Provoke its appearance may inflammatory bowel disease, bacterial infections, malignant neoplasms, ischemic pathology of the intestinal tract, diseases associated with a lack of enzymes, anatomical functional failure of organs located in the abdominal cavity. Very often, prolonged diarrhea( diarrhea) occurs due to damage to the intestine, the presence of immune diseases that last for a long time, drug intolerance. To understand what to do in such a situation, only a qualified doctor will help.

Causes of prolonged diarrhea

Common causes of prolonged diarrhea - non-compliance with dietary rules, curative fasting, constant intake of funds that inhibit the peristalsis of the intestinal tract. Diarrhea can arise due to hormonal failures, the development of certain brain diseases. To arise for a long time liquid stool may be due to surgical interventions in the gastrointestinal tract, in the presence of irritable bowel syndrome, systemic sclerosis. To provoke a liquid chair some medicines - antacids and holinomimetic tablets are capable.

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To make an accurate diagnosis and understand what to do, you can only after a thorough medical examination and collection of a general anamnesis. A detailed clinical picture is the key to identifying provocative factors and constructing a permanent treatment regimen rather than a temporary one.

Features of the long liquid chair

So, for example, prolonged diarrhea in an adult and a child can occur against a background of abdominal pain, a strong rumbling in the intestines, a constant bloating, a fever and systematic weight loss. It is necessary to consult a doctor if a prolonged liquid stool with blood appears, or with a large amount of pus released during emptying. When there is a lack of enzymes in the liquid stool, there are remnants of undigested food. Quite often prolonged diarrhea does not cause any painful sensations, discomfort is the only inconvenience with which you have to put up. To eliminate it it is necessary to identify the causes of malaise. To do this laboratory tests will help.

The following laboratory tests are used to identify the causes of prolonged diarrhea:

  1. General blood test.
  2. Stool analysis.
  3. Bacteriological seeding.
  4. Detection of parasitic infection.
  5. Copying for hidden blood.
  6. Test for the detection of steatorrhea.
  7. Test to identify invasive or infectious causes of prolonged diarrhea.

In addition, it is possible to use instrumental diagnostics during the survey. To determine the provocators of a liquid stool, irrigography, rectocolonoscopy, biopsy helps to detect the oncological prerequisite for a long illness. To determine the factors that provoke prolonged diarrhea in adult patients, as well as in children, differential diagnosis helps. It also allows you to chart the right line of treatment and eliminate stomach upset.

How to treat prolonged diarrhea?

In an adult and a child, during an exacerbation, the effective treatment of prolonged diarrhea is carried out in a complex manner. The patient is prescribed during the therapy:

  • Drug medications that can eliminate the attendant long-term diarrhea symptoms. Patients with prolonged diarrhea may be prescribed to take painkillers, special anti-diarrhea drugs. Actively in the treatment includes phytotherapy( herbs, teas and infusions).
  • A diet that can inhibit intestinal peristalsis and prevent the appearance of a loose stool during exacerbation. Both adults and children are advised to exclude from the diet products that stimulate the motor-evacuation function of the intestine, as well as those dishes that enhance the secretory function of the intestine. The basis of the diet should be dishes prepared from low-fat meat, boiled lean fish, lean soups, jelly, baked apples are allowed.
  • Motor Controllers.
  • An important part of the therapy is the restoration of the water-salt balance.

There may be a liquid stool for a variety of reasons. In the absence of therapy, prolonged diarrhea, at best, will simply reduce the quality of life, at worst - malaise will lead to the appearance of the first signs of dehydration. With prolonged diarrhea, the water-salt balance is disturbed, along with the liquid stool, the body leaves useful microelements, important nutrients. Such a loss can provoke disturbances in the work of vital body systems. That's why, any upset stomach and loose stool should not be ignored. It is important in time to seek help from specialists and strictly follow the principles of complex therapy.

Physicians pay attention that it is necessary to treat every attack of stomach upset and diarrhea. If in the shortest time to begin therapy, less often there will be an exacerbation, the more real it will be to avoid the most dangerous complication - dehydration of the body. Knowing what can cause a prolonged liquid stool, it is easy to take all necessary measures to prevent the emergence of an undesirable clinical picture.

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