This trouble, like an upset stomach, can occur very often and always takes a person by surprise. Although everyone knows that to conduct adequa...
When there is a long diarrhea( chronic diarrhea), this symptom can indicate the presence of some kind of chronic disease, which leads to a malf...
Diarrhea almost always appears as a consequence of the appearance of the infectious process in the small intestine. The color of the liquid sto...
The appearance of a diarrhea in a person provides a complete review of the diet, from which most products are expelled. Among them, not the las...
On the excellent astringent properties and the undeniable benefits of rice in diarrhea, everyone knows. But many patients, especially the elder...
Many people are known for the severe symptoms accompanying diarrhea, and the effectiveness and safety of folk recipes intended for its treatmen...
Intestinal disorders - a very common problem and the accompanying symptoms cause considerable discomfort. The condition, when the abdomen and d...
Diarrhea is probably the most unpleasant problem for humans, especially when it looks like water. Many patients are interested in what to do in...
Folk wisdom says - "We are what we eat".Unfortunately, this statement does not speak about the fact that the food a person consumes is subject ...
Diarrhea is a pathological condition in a child or adult, in which patients experience frequent urge to defecate( three or more).The stool beco...
25 Mar 2018
Treatment of diarrhea at home, treat diarrhea with drugs, how to cure at home?
This trouble, like an upset stomach, can occur very often and always takes a person by surprise. Although everyone knows that to conduct adequa...
26 Feb 2018
For a long time, diarrhea, the causes of loose stools in an adult, what to do with diarrhea?
When there is a long diarrhea( chronic diarrhea), this symptom can indicate the presence of some kind of chronic disease, which leads to a malf...
19 Mar 2018
Diarrhea( thin stools) of a yellow child or adult, the cause of a bright and light color of diarrhea in a newborn( babies), how to treat?
Diarrhea almost always appears as a consequence of the appearance of the infectious process in the small intestine. The color of the liquid sto...
18 Mar 2018
Can yogurt with diarrhea be treated?
The appearance of a diarrhea in a person provides a complete review of the diet, from which most products are expelled. Among them, not the las...
14 Mar 2018
What kind of cereal in diarrhea( diarrhea) - can buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina, corn?
On the excellent astringent properties and the undeniable benefits of rice in diarrhea, everyone knows. But many patients, especially the elder...
10 Mar 2018
Oak bark with diarrhea for children, instruction on the use of oak decoction for diarrhea
Many people are known for the severe symptoms accompanying diarrhea, and the effectiveness and safety of folk recipes intended for its treatmen...
25 Feb 2018
What if the abdomen and diarrhea( liquid stools) often turn?
Intestinal disorders - a very common problem and the accompanying symptoms cause considerable discomfort. The condition, when the abdomen and d...
25 Mar 2018
What to do with diarrhea in adults, treatment of strong watery( watery) diarrhea, how to treat?
Diarrhea is probably the most unpleasant problem for humans, especially when it looks like water. Many patients are interested in what to do in...
15 Mar 2018
Diarrhea with oil( liquid oily stool)
Folk wisdom says - "We are what we eat".Unfortunately, this statement does not speak about the fact that the food a person consumes is subject ...
22 Mar 2018
Diarrhea during the week( diarrhea 7 days) or more( 2-3 months), loose stools, sore stomach, vomiting, what to do if it does not pass?
Diarrhea is a pathological condition in a child or adult, in which patients experience frequent urge to defecate( three or more).The stool beco...